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How to prevent and recognize heat stroke

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In summer, in a country like ours where in certain areas an egg could be fried in the sun in the central hours of the day due to the high temperatures that are reached, the risk of suffering from heat stroke is very high. Whether we are on alert or if it is any scorching summer day, the tips that we give you below to prevent it will be very useful.

Taking precautions can save us a serious displeasure, as this disorder can endanger our lives, especially athletes who undergo very intense training, people who suffer from heart problems or who are of advanced age.

Why is it produced?

The body has its own mechanisms to cool itself through sweat. But when temperatures are very high, there is a lot of humidity and a lot of fluids are lost, a body temperature above 40º can be reached quickly, which puts life at serious risk.

How to recognize heat stroke?

The symptoms that betray heat stroke are dry skin and mouth, fever, headache, feeling dizzy, confusion, drowsiness, physical weakness, nausea and even vomiting, cramps, low blood pressure, and there may be a loss of consciousness.

What to do to prevent it?

  1. Drink before you are thirsty. It is important that you continually replenish fluids without waiting to be thirsty, since when you feel thirsty, you are already somewhat dehydrated. You have many alternatives to stay hydrated: water, infusions, smoothies, slushies, ice cream or soft drinks. If you have trouble drinking water, take note of these tips.
  2. Avoid drinks with caffeine or alcohol. They are diuretic drinks and cause an extra loss of water. Therefore, it is better to avoid them or moderate their consumption. Also, if you drink a coffee, always accompany it with a glass of water, so you compensate for the negative effect it may have.
  3. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. They are rich in water and also help to keep you hydrated. That's why in summer we like gazpachos, cold creams, salads or fruit desserts –Do you like watermelon? Take it in a thousand ways this summer! -. In addition, basing the diet on these foods makes meals lighter, which also helps the body better cope with high temperatures.
  4. Lukewarm showers It is better not to shower with very cold water, because the body must then raise its temperature again to compensate for the heat it has lost. And if this is coupled with ambient heat, the result may be contrary to what we were looking for.
  5. Wear light and comfortable clothing. Both to be at home and to go out. Better that it be loose and made of natural fabrics such as cotton, linen or silk. Forget about dark colors and protect your head with hats or caps.
  6. Get under an umbrella. At the beach, pool or terrace, avoid being in direct sunlight for a long time. It is better to protect yourself under a shade, be it that of a tree or an umbrella.
  7. Refresh wrists and neck. Do it when you feel hot. You can carry a spray with thermal water in your bag, it will help you cool down.
  8. Retrieve the fan. Another fixed in the bag in times of heat. It will come in handy when you feel the temperature rise.
  9. Avoid physical activity and exercise in the middle of the day. They are the hottest, and it is not advisable to make great efforts when the heat is pressed, since we add environmental heat to that of the body, which burns energy when moving, which exposes us more to heat stroke. And when you exercise, even if it's first thing in the morning or late in the afternoon, drink more fluids to compensate for the losses caused by sweat.

How to react if someone suffers from heat stroke?

If we see that someone is suffering a slight dizziness due to heat, the first thing is to take them to a cool and shady place and try to replace them with fluids. If you are conscious, it is likely syncope. It looks a lot like heat stroke, but it's not that bad. You have to lay him down and raise his legs so that the blood reaches his head, and accompany him until he feels better.

In the event that the person suffers loss of consciousness, delusions or confusion, they must be undressed as much as possible to allow the body to cool down, call the emergency room or transfer them to a health center . It can go into precoma. We can give you fluids, but never medications, and less if they are anti-inflammatory. You have to wait for the doctor's diagnosis.