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How to organize all the clothes in your closet in just 30 minutes

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The key: order periodically

The key: order periodically

I don't know about you, but me, whatever I do to keep it tidy, I always end up having the closet in a mess. Among the things that I take out to try on (and then put in any way in my haste) and all the dresses, bags and accessories that I add without throwing anything away or increasing the space, there is no one who finds anything at the end.

  • What to do to avoid it? Experts recommend tidying up the closet periodically (at least every season). This way, so many things don't accumulate or entrench, and it takes less time and effort to remedy them.

The experts assure that, to order it, with 30 minutes you have enough. Insurance? Let's put it into practice to see if it is as easy and fast as they say …

The preparations

The preparations

One of the basic principles when it comes to getting down to work with order and cleanliness (and to be better organized in every way) is to prepare things. And in this case, to order the closet, the first step recommended by the experts is to gather everything you will need: garbage bags to throw away some things, boxes and containers to store others, and everything you need to clean the closet ( rags, cloths, a cleaning product …). Yes, yes, taking advantage of the fact that we give the place where we keep our clothes a wiggle, we also clean it and thus do a two-for-one.

  • Estimated time required: 1 minute.

Take it all out

Take it all out

As is, without regard or doubts. It's not about making combinations of clothes or seeing what you have. Take absolutely everything that is inside the closet and pile it on the bed or wherever you have at hand. Do not leave anything: no hangers, no boxes, no accessories … Now you just have to take it out and pile it into categories: pants with pants, skirts with skirts, shirts with shirts … From the outset, impose a little respect, really. But the one you start with, it's liberating, and even fun, and it's done in no time.

  • Estimated time needed: 3 minutes.

Take the opportunity to clean

Take the opportunity to clean

Once you have finished removing everything, even those bedspreads and quilts at the top, it's time to clean the inside of the closet. Being empty, it won't cost you much. First, wipe with a cloth or dust duster to collect dirt and airborne particles. Then, a cloth moistened with a cleaner (if you want to avoid toxic cleaning products, you can opt for one of the traditional household cleaning products: vinegar, baking soda …) And finally, wipe with a dry cloth at full speed. Remember that the correct order when cleaning is from top to bottom (one of the most common cleaning mistakes is not following this order).

  • Estimated time needed: 3 minutes.

Stop to think

Stop to think

Before taking the next step and taking into account what you have observed while emptying the closet to be able to clean it, think about what works and what doesn't in your closet (what things take up a lot of space and you never use, what else costs you find although they are basic for you, which are necessary and which are totally dispensable …).

Also decide how you are going to organize it from now on. The basic rule is that what you use the most has to be closer to hand. And if you want to buy some time for the next steps, take advantage of the cleaning time to think about it.

  • Estimated time needed: 3 minutes.

The Marie Kondo moment: rank

The Marie Kondo moment: rank

This is the most laborious step and could take forever. But we only have a quarter of an hour and we have to get into a determined and decisive plan. As recommended by Marie Kondo, the guru of The Magic of Order and the Netflix reality show To Order with Marie Kondo , you have to get rid of everything that is not used. For each category of clothing or accessories you have to decide what you keep, what you throw away and what you are going to give, donate or sell.

Experts recommend that if you have doubts, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I feel comfortable when I wear it?
  • Have I been wearing it in the last 12 months?
  • Have I had it fixed or am I going to do it shortly? (In the case of those clothes that you never wear because they have to be adjusted or are damaged for one reason or another).

If the answer is no to any of these questions, don't let it go back into the closet and pile it in the appropriate pile: throw or give (give away, donate, sell). And yes, yes, put it in the closet in the assigned place according to what you had previously thought.

  • Estimated time required: 15 minutes.

Review and relocate

Review and relocate

Once you've packed everything you absolutely need into the closet, take some time to adjust things and finish tidying them up. To do this, Marie Kondo's method of folding clothes can be very useful and, as she recommends when organizing the closet, ordering the clothes by color. This makes it easier and faster for you to make combinations when you have to decide what to wear.

  • Estimated time needed: 4 minutes.

And clear the area

And clear the area

Finally, you only need to clear the area where you have been sorting the clothes. On the one hand, group what you have decided to fix and put it by hand so you don't forget to do it. On the other hand, put what is to be thrown into garbage bags and bring them to the door to throw them away as soon as possible. And finally, pack what you are going to give (either to give, donate or sell), and put it in a place that does not get in the way, but that is not hidden either. Otherwise, it is very common that we end up forgetting and become one of the useless junk that we accumulate in the corners.

Estimated time required: 1 minute.