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How to clean the bathroom thoroughly in 20 minutes

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Clear the ground

Clear the ground

How to clean the bathroom fast in 20 minutes? Before you get down to work, clear the floor, remove all bulky objects that are in the way (such as stools, radiators and wastebaskets), and take the opportunity to throw out the trash or put the towels in to wash.

· Clara Tip: Ideally, you should also remove objects from surfaces (sink, sides of the bathtub …). But when you want to clean the bathroom thoroughly in a few minutes, it is better to limit yourself to the bulky ones and put the rest aside as you clean.

Sweep and dust

Sweep and dust

Once the floor is clear, it is time to sweep the floor and remove the dust from the surfaces. Better with a vacuum cleaner and suede than with a broom and duster, as they displace dirt rather than trap it.

· Clara Tip: It is recommended to always start with the floor because it is one of the places where more dirt accumulates and, when cleaning it, we can inadvertently move germs to the surfaces that we had previously cleaned.

Leave the cleaning products to act

Leave the cleaning products to act

The next step when it comes to cleaning the bathroom thoroughly is to apply the cleaning products: the disinfectant in the toilet, and the cleaner in the shower screen, tiles, bathtub, sink and bidet (in this order). In this way, the product will act and the dirt will soften and it will be easier for you to remove it when you then wipe it with a clean cloth.

· Clara Tip: One of the cleaning mistakes that experts want you to stop making is spraying the products directly on the surfaces. It is much more effective to spray them generously on a cloth and wet the surface that you are going to clean later (including the faucets) with this. This way you avoid wasting it and letting it fall and leaving blots while you are concentrated on one of the surfaces.

Cleaning bathroom tiles and partitions

Cleaning bathroom tiles and partitions

The same time that you have dedicated to applying the products to the different surfaces (the most indicated order to apply them is toilet, screen, tiles, bathtub, sink and bidet) will have served you to act and soften the dirt, and you can start cleaning. The first stop is the bathroom tiles and the shower or bath screens.

· Clara Tip: If you wonder how to clean the bathroom tiles in a hurry, the answer is very simple. You only need a large old towel that is clean. This way you can get to much more surface and remove in a few passes the cleaner that you had left working. To quickly clean the screens and avoid shine, you can use newspaper, one of the most popular home cleaning tricks on the internet.

Cleaning the bathtub

Cleaning the bathtub

After the tiles and the bathroom screens, it is the bathtub's turn. You can take advantage of the shower spray to rinse the cleaning product with which you had wet the entire surface.

· Clara Tip: To dry it quickly, you can use the same large old towel that you used to clean the tiles. And do not forget to also run it through the taps to polish them.

Cleaning the sink

Cleaning the sink

After the bath, go to the sink. With a dry and clean cloth, remove the product that you had left acting in the sink and the taps. Then, also pass it through the rest of the piece that forms the sink or the surface on which it is embedded. And finally clean the mirror with a newspaper. Its texture carries dirt away without scratching it and without leaving shine.

· Clara Trick: Move the objects in the sink and adjacent shelves as you pass the cloth. This way you will spend less time than putting them aside and having to put them back. But the ideal is to have the maximum surface clearance. Not only to clean faster, but also to avoid infection. And if you don't believe us, find out the things you should get out of the bathroom right away.

Cleaning the bidet

Cleaning the bidet

If you have a bidet, do the same as with the sink. Remove with a clean cloth the product with which you had impregnated the interior and the taps and had left acting.

· Clear Tip: As it is a clear surface (unless it has become the magazine rack in your bathroom), you can use the same towel with which you have cleaned the tiles and the bathtub.

Clean the toilet

Clean the toilet

It is very important that you have started by putting disinfectant in the toilet, but that it is the last place you clean. This way you get the disinfectant to act as long as possible. And since it is one of the main sources where germs accumulate, do not run the risk of "infecting" other surfaces by accidentally using the cloth you used to clean and dry the toilet to clean the sink, the bathtub …

· Clara Tip: It is best to use specific rags, cloths and chamois for each surface. But if you have no choice, always leave the toilet for last.

Mop the floor

Mop the floor

Once you have cleaned all the parts and surfaces of the bathroom, it is time to scrub the floor.

· Clara Tip: If you want it to be perfect and without marks, dry it with a mop, or improvise one by passing with your foot the old towel that you have been using to also dry the floor.

Put everything in its place

Put everything in its place

Finally, you only need to place the bulky objects that you had removed (heaters, wastebaskets, trolleys …) and put clean towels. And if you want to avoid cleaners and substances that are harmful to health or the environment, then we will tell you how to make your own homemade cleaning products to clean the bathroom.

A very frequent question that people ask themselves today when cleaning the bathroom thoroughly is how to do it without using toxic substances. Here is the answer.

How to clean the bathroom with homemade products

With the help of neutral soap, white vinegar and bicarbonate, three of the star components of the most used household cleaning products, you can make your own cleaners and disinfectants.

  • Homemade disinfectant. Mix a part of white vinegar and another of neutral soap for every two of water. With the resulting gel, you can disinfect bathroom surfaces without harming your health or the ecosystem.
  • Homemade lime scale. Mix sodium bicarbonate and white vinegar in equal parts (do not be alarmed by the foam they can produce when mixed as it is not harmful). Use this mixture to rub the lime stains or to let it act on the toilet and, after about 10 minutes, rub the stains on the bottom of the toilet with the help of the brush.
  • Homemade polish. To restore the shine to the tiles, dampen a cloth with a mixture of water and baking soda. Rub the tiles, then remove the baking soda residue with a clean, dry cloth.

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