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How to do the shopping (well) during quarantine and not get fat

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We are homebound, but you can go outside to shop for food in supermarkets, markets, or other grocery stores. It is not about destroying everything you find for two reasons: it is not responsible, other people also have to and, in addition, because you have to continue eating in a healthy way and avoid ultra-processed. So that quarantine does not lead you to gain weight and eat poorly, follow these tips.

We are homebound, but you can go outside to shop for food in supermarkets, markets, or other grocery stores. It is not about destroying everything you find for two reasons: it is not responsible, other people also have to and, in addition, because you have to continue eating in a healthy way and avoid ultra-processed. So that quarantine does not lead you to gain weight and eat poorly, follow these tips.

Make a shopping list

Make a shopping list

Make a list of what you want to take with you based on a weekly menu. But change the chip, now it's not about filling your pantry for a month, because then you would leave others without options, but about choosing healthy staple foods to prepare nutritious and light dishes.

Also, don't go on an empty stomach. It is not a good idea because the brain reacts more to visual stimuli and you end up buying things that in "normal conditions" you would not go and, why fool us, that they will be more caloric.

Our healthy grocery list templates and weekly menu downloadables will help you plan what you need.

What do I buy?

What do I buy?

Even if we are in quarantine, we must eat real food. Buy vegetables, fruit, nuts, dairy, meat and fish. Don't get carried away by the general psychosis and don't buy 7 whole chickens to freeze, take only what you need for the week. Here you can see how many servings of each food group you have to eat per week, it will help you prepare healthy dishes for you and your whole family.

Following a certain order when making the purchase to fill the cart will help you make a healthier purchase. Start by taking the legumes, rice, and water. Follow with greens, vegetables and fruits. Finish with the meat, fish, and bread.

Best to market

Best to market

Prioritize your neighborhood market over the supermarket. You will avoid the long lines that are taking place in large areas and you will find fresher, closer and more seasonal products. In addition, you will be contributing to the sustainability of small local businesses.

Don't buy ultra-processed

Don't buy ultra-processed

It's tempting, we know that. Being at home all day with the sofa so close at hand encourages us to eat pastries, chips or other unhealthy snacks. Avoid them because your health will suffer and you will end up gaining weight. If you want healthy snack ideas check out this list.

Healthy choices

Healthy choices

It doesn't mean you don't cook more festive dishes. For example, you can the ingredients to prepare a healthy pizza to eat as a family.

Keep an eye on the quantities (the ideal would be a portion like the palm of your open hand) and make it with healthy toppings: little cheese, natural tomato, vegetables …

Don't be obsessed with meat and fish

Don't be obsessed with meat and fish

Meat is the first thing that is running out in supermarkets. In the average diet of the Spanish there is an excessive consumption of meat products. And several studies have shown that this factor may be related to a higher incidence of colon cancer and obesity. It is best to try not to consume more than 500 g of fresh meat a week, and much better if it is poultry or rabbit than red. On the contrary, it is preferable to increase the consumption of legumes, fish and nuts, both in quantity and frequency.

Read the labels

Read the labels

Many times you have doubts about a product that, at first glance, seems healthy. Do not trust the advertising and images on the label so much as the list of ingredients. Take a good look and avoid foods with more than five ingredients and with too many additives. E. Carlos Ríos explains it well to you. Before you go shopping, take a look at the labels of the products you have in the pantry so you don't repeat.

Avoid "SIN" products

Avoid "SIN" products

Don't buy products with “no” claims. The flavor is achieved with sugar, salt or fat. When a brand reduces one game, the others increase. Take for example the "no sugar". Sugar is usually replaced with fat, which provides even more calories, or synthetic sweeteners, which cause changes in the intestinal flora and metabolism that lead to weight gain and increased risk of diabetes. Instead of foods "without", choose products "with", that is, those that are rich in minerals and vitamins and low in calories.

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All about the coronavirus

At CLARA we want to inform you of everything that is happening and give you the best resources so that you can live these days in the healthiest way.