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Home Teeth Whitening: Dentist Recommended Kits That Work

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Who wouldn't want to show off a beautiful and radiant smile like the ones we see in advertisements? Unfortunately, many times, we do not perform oral hygiene correctly, we drink a lot of coffee, we do not use the right products … Dentists help us to solve this problem and practice specific teeth whitening treatments , but how can we whiten teeth ? teeth at home quickly and safely? 

We spoke with Dr. Raúl Pascual, Dra. Rocío Herrera and Dr. Eumelia Benítez  from the Raúl Pascual Dental Clinic,  members of Doctoralia, the platform that unites healthcare professionals with patients, to help us choose the whitening kit perfect and give solution and answer to all the doubts that arise.

Who wouldn't want to show off a beautiful and radiant smile like the ones we see in advertisements? Unfortunately, many times, we do not perform oral hygiene correctly, we drink a lot of coffee, we do not use the right products … Dentists help us to solve this problem and practice specific teeth whitening treatments , but how can we whiten teeth ? teeth at home quickly and safely? 

We spoke with Dr. Raúl Pascual, Dra. Rocío Herrera and Dr. Eumelia Benítez  from the Raúl Pascual Dental Clinic,  members of Doctoralia, the platform that unites healthcare professionals with patients, to help us choose the whitening kit perfect and give solution and answer to all the doubts that arise.

Whitening in dental clinics

Whitening in dental clinics

The experts emphasize that the whitening carried out in the clinics is a treatment " with visible results on the spot , greatly optimizing the aesthetics of the smile, so important to improve self-esteem and the way we relate to ourselves". They add that, to be able to carry out this type of treatment, it is essential to carry out an exhaustive examination by the dentist "to ensure that there are no previous pathologies, such as cavities, gingival inflammation or the person has high dental sensitivity, which in that case would have to be treat the problem prior to whitening. "

Types of bleaches

Types of bleaches

According to Dr. Raúl Pascual, Dr. Rocío Herrera and Dr. Eumelia Benítez , regarding the available whitening, its component must be taken into account, which is usually Hydrogen Peroxide and Carbamide Peroxide (carbamide peroxide and urea ). According to their concentration, they are clearly classified into three product lines:

  • Concentrations of 0.1% to 1% of Hydrogen Peroxide (from 0.3 to 3% of Carbamide Peroxide ): indicated for ambulatory use (at home). It should not be used longer than the recommended time without consulting a dentist.
  • Concentrations of 1% to 6% of Hydrogen Peroxide (from 3% to 18% of Carbamide Peroxide): exclusive distribution to dentists.
  • Concentrations higher than 6% of Hydrogen Peroxide (more than 18% of Carbamide Peroxide): distribution and exclusive use by the dentist.

"However, in the market we can find products called bleaching agents, which leads to confusion for the patient. It should be clarified that these products are considered cosmetic according to the AEMPS (Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products) and their effectiveness will be lower, as have a very low percentage ", the experts clarify and add that only bleaches with 0.1% to 1% Hydrogen Peroxide are those that can be used in the home.

Choose the perfect bleach for you

Choose the perfect bleach for you

"It is essential to personalize the treatment, but of course the best results that can currently be obtained are those of the clinic , through a combined treatment of higher concentrations of activation by LED light in the cabinet in a single session, together with the home, with a lower concentration, applied with splints for a week, to improve shine and stabilize the results ", our experts explain. This way we will achieve a white and uniform color.

"Of the kits that we can find on the market for home use, the most expensive will not necessarily produce the best results," they add. "There are options of lower economic cost, of equal effectiveness, but that imply less pleasant processes for the patient. Many assure that they manage to lower up to ten shades, but the results are not predictable and will vary depending on the characteristics of your teeth: its natural color, as well as how susceptible the tooth is to improving that tone. We recommend 1% Carbamide Peroxide as the first choice , because it is safer for adjacent tissues and because of the longevity of its result ", they conclude.

Below you will find a selection of products that we can use at home and that have been recommended by experts.


€ 44.99

Smile avenue

According to the experts, the good thing about this kit with Hydrogen Peroxide is that it contains more gel than other kits , it comes with LED light and visible results are achieved in the first session. We found it on Amazon!

Crystal whites

Crystal whites

As explained by Dr. Raúl Pascual, Dr. Rocío Herrera and Dr. Eumelia Benítez, this kit with Carbamide Peroxide includes LED light. Daily sessions of 20 min, 5 to 6 are recommended, with results of up to 7 tones. You will find it on the brand's website and it costs € 46.33.

Very good smile

Very good smile

With Hydrogen Peroxide , according to professionals, it is the best value for money. Our experts emphasize that this kit provides the same results as Smile Avenue , but cheaper (it does contain less gel). A daily session of 20 min is recommended. On the brand's website you will find it for € 39.99.

Crystal smile

Crystal smile

With Sodium Perborate , this kit is less effective than the previous ones, since it releases little oxygen, but the positive is that it causes less sensitivity and creates a basic pH. 45 minute sessions are needed, 3 to 4 weeks. On the brand's website you will find it for about € 15.

Toothpastes that reduce sensitivity

Toothpastes that reduce sensitivity

eye! Experts warn that bleach should not be used for longer than indicated, as it would put the health of the enamel at risk, leaving white stains on the teeth and being able to lose their shine, obtaining a “chalky effect”. "It is worth combining some toothpastes for brushing at home during the whitening treatment. Pastes that have shown their effect to reduce sensitivity , which would minimize this effect, such as Sensodyne Repair and Protect as a paste for daily use, helped of Sensodyne Rapid in the localized zones of greater sensitivity ", they emphasize.