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"Invisible beauty" by natalia de la vega: read a first chapter

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The book "Invisible Beauty" (RBA) by Natalia de la Vega goes on sale on March 28. In "Invisible Beauty" Natalia teaches us to be, and she does so with the baggage of her unique life and, also, of her vision and her struggle as a mother, wife and entrepreneur.

What delights us in visible beauty is the invisible. - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

My name is Natalia and this would be my technical file: woman, fifty-five years old, happily married for more than thirty years and the holy mother of three beauties. I am also the creator of TACHA more than beauty , a company of aesthetic centers based on the concept of integral beauty that is going strong in Spain.

Since I have fulfilled my entrepreneurial dream for a whopping 25 years, the market considers me a specialist in everything that concerns beauty . Regarding my career, on several occasions they had suggested that I write a book, but I could not decide. We all know the theories of what helps us to look better, they are wonderful and they work, I can attest to that, but another beauty book? Drinking water, not having dinner late, exercising … even my dear grandmother, who passed away almost twenty years ago with ninety-many, already told me from a very young age: " Natalia, clean your skin twice a day, morning and night; never go to bed without removing your makeup . "

What could I say about it that hasn't already been said? However, the idea of ​​writing stayed in my head. You know what they say: have a child, plant a tree, write a book … Effectivy Wonder , the latter was missing. Reading is my passion, I love reading biographies, it inspires me. I am of the opinion that human beings are fabulous and have an unstoppable inner strength; What if something from my life story could help someone? This is how these lines began to emerge.

What is beauty to me? I wondered. I know that everyone radiates a frequency imperceptible to the eyes, their own invisible beauty . Like yours, mine is born from the experiences of my life as a woman, as a mother, as a wife and as a businesswoman. After dedicating myself with such dedication to the world of external beauty, it fascinates me to know that there is an aura that the human eye does not perceive and that illuminates everything that surrounds us.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry already said it: " The essential is invisible to the eyes ", and he was more right than a saint. You will think: "How can you precisely say that beauty is invisible, so crazy, if you live from it?" You are right. I am committed in body and soul to encouraging people to look good using all the existing methods around the world.

The essential is invisible to the eyes. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

I constantly travel to discover the most innovative and infallible treatments in order to achieve blemish-free skin or to erase cellulite from the map; I live dedicated to the hunt and capture of the last cry that, everything is said, I usually give it, of emotion, when I see my clients leave our treatment centers happy and renewed. But, after seeing countless people parading in front of my eyes seeking external perfection, I know that beauty is an emotion that is born in the eyes of whoever looks, that there are as many types of beauty as there are people and that what you see the mirror is nothing other than what your heart thinks of you .

Nor do we have to go crazy chasing canons of beauty impossible for most humans. Between now it seems that we all have to be tall and thin, and that all the images that bombard us are overflowing with Photoshop, we tend to create serious self-esteem problems . Let's not buy the lies. No one is perfect and the beauty of each one is that we are all different.

I am small and curvy and that has not been any impediment to me. Would I really deserve to be less happy about it? Enjoy life less? Feel less attractive? I do not care. And whoever cares … says more about her own insecurities than mine. Years? I know that I have improved as they pass. Over time, you learn to know yourself and you get better: you know the clothes that fit you best, the makeup that suits you the most, the color that accentuates the best of you …

Yes, beauty is subjective and has a lot to do with love and, above all, with self-love: if you don't love yourself, you won't find beauty anywhere.

Beauty is subjective and has a lot to do with love. - Natalia de la Vega

How many times have we come across people who at first do not see attractive and who, after meeting them, seem to us the sexiest in the room because their intelligence, their sympathy, their personality or their energy captivate beyond what our eyes see . Before we know it, its physical presence is transformed as if by magic and, where we do not perceive beauty at first, we soon find it in a thousand details.

External beauty is important, we agree, but it is more important for what it does in us than for what others see. If we take care of ourselves, if we feel good, our personality is transformed, it grows, because it strengthens our self-love, because it gives us security, because it makes us dare with life. A sincere smile is the most powerful instant weapon of beauty there is.

Of course, you have to take care of yourself, and the more, the better, but without a balance between what we invest in our exterior and what our soul, mind and heart keep, it will be very difficult for the formula to work. It will be useless to have full and well hydrated lips if you keep the gesture of having sucked on a lemon; nor eyes without crow's feet when you spend your life angry with a frown; not immaculately white teeth if you don't smile; nor a wonderful manicure if your hands do not caress anyone …

Today there are many beauty treatments that are almost miraculous. True. But this is what I have learned thanks to my experience: if the result does not rest on a happy heart, an attitude with an optimistic outlook, a "let's go ahead and look for inspiration", a "we have to fight in this life that there is only one and time escapes us ”, then that external beauty will not be something that lasts or will make you a more beloved person, which deep down is the only thing we all seek when we pursue beauty: to love each other more, to be loved more or simply that they love us.

A sincere smile is the most powerful instant weapon of beauty there is. - Natalia de la Vega

For Carlos, my husband, it has been torture:

  • But Nata, what a shame! Are you really going to tell this? She said to me livid as she ran through these pages with her beautiful green eyes.
  • Yes, son, yes, nothing happens …

Just as I did when I wrote, as we went through our life together again, she has been moved by the memories. To top it off, I asked him to write the foreword for me.

  • Cream! Do not do this to me.

But if there is anyone who has that inner beauty that escapes through the pores, it is my dear Charles - that is how I have always called my husband affectionately. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, just like all these years that you have walked by me. Although much to his regret, you are going to get to know him very well, everything must be said.

If you like the next chapters, if they serve you, inspire you, help you, or if you want to use these sheets to light the fireplace, it is your decision. As for me, if my words help someone to pursue their dreams , to fall in love with life, to overcome their problems, to start a company or to remove their fears for whatever reason, I am satisfied.

My ultimate goal —although I know some tears will escape you somewhere in the story— is that you laugh, if possible, out loud. There is nothing more beautiful in this life than to laugh at yourself and I, as you will see shortly, have emptied my heart without cutting a hair. «Natalia», my friends tell me, «you are an open book …». Well after this, let's not say.

I hope this book is just the first of many others. Ideas are not lacking, but it will depend on you. Thank you for being here with me and hold on to the males, here I go.


Buy the book "Invisible Beauty"

And if you want to read another chapter of Invisible Beauty by Natalia de la Vega, do it here.