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We analyze myrealfood, Carlos Rios's app that says if a food is healthy

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For a few hours now, you can download MyRealFood for iPhone and Android, the application created by the nutritionist, and Clara's collaborator, Carlos Ríos. The driving force behind the real food movement has one goal - to eat real food and eliminate ultra-processed products from your life - and with this app it makes things easier for you.

With MyRealFood by Carlos Ríos you will be able to do three main things

  1. Scan products and find out if they are real food, healthy processed or unhealthy ultra-processed products.
  2. Track what you eat and set goals to eat more and more real food.
  3. Share your recipes for real food and see those of other users, as well as participate in forums on various topics.

We have downloaded the app, which is currently the top 1 in the App Store, and we have tried it to explain well how it is and if it is worth it.

MyRealFood analysis

1. Product scanning

The app is very simple, you just have to take any product and scan its barcode. If the product is already uploaded, it will tell you if it is real food, a good processed or an ultra-processed and all its nutritional information. If it is not there, you can upload it yourself by taking a photo of the product, its ingredients and entering the nutritional information. This is one of the strengths of the application, which is collaborative.

We like it because:

  • It's easy to scan and see if a product or food is healthy.
  • If you click on Classification method you can read the theory by which it is decided whether a product is healthy or not.

2. Track your food

Myrealfood allows you to set goals for the percentage of actual food you eat. Then, you enter what you eat daily by scanning or searching for products and foods and the app calculates if you are meeting your goal. Also, you can keep track of your weight and measurements.

We like:

  • The color code. It's easy to see if green (real food), yellow (good processed), or red (ultra-processed) predominate in your food log.

We like less:

  • There is no search for food or products, you have to find them through the categories.
  • There are real foods that are not there and we do not see a way to introduce them, cabbage for example.
  • Entering everything you eat in a day requires important constancy.

3. Community, recipes and forums

Carlos Ríos's app is practically a Facebook for realfooders. As a user you have a profile and you can follow others and have them follow you. You can publish what you want in the different groups that there are: recipes, questions, etc. There are forums on various aspects of healthy living.

We like:

  • It is the perfect space for realfooders to share recipes, challenges and experiences.

Final conclusion about MyRealfood

In our opinion, the food scan and the social network component are the most interesting features of this app. When it has been on the market for several weeks we are sure that almost all the products on the market will be cataloged and it will be very easy for consumers to tell whether something is healthy or not. In addition, that realfooders finally have their own social network to share recipes and experiences is also a guaranteed success.