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100% Guilt-Free: Low Calorie Beef Meatballs

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500 g of lean ground beef
1 egg
1 spring onion
2 carrots
2 zucchini
Bread crumbs
1 skimmed yogurt
Oil and salt

(Traditional version: 433 kcal - Light version: 325 kcal)

Here you have some low-calorie beef meatballs, an alternative to the classic dish of meatballs stewed with potatoes. It is a 100% guilt-free recipe because it has more than 100 fewer calories per serving.

To achieve this, we have dispensed with pork, which is much greasier than lean beef. And instead of a potato stew as a side, we have opted for steamed vegetables and a light skimmed yogurt sauce. Result: a light, but complete and delicious dish.

How to make low calorie beef meatballs step by step

  1. Prepare the dough. To do this, mix the minced beef together with the egg, minced chives and 2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs. And salt and pepper and knead.
  2. Form the meatballs. With the help of your hands or a spoon, make the meatballs, pass them in flour, and fry them in hot oil for about 8-10 minutes more or less. Once fried, let them drain on paper to remove excess oil.
  3. Cook the vegetables. Peel the carrots, wash the zucchini and cut both lengthwise into thin slices. Once done, steam them for about 8 minutes.
  4. Make the sauce. You just have to mix the yogurt with the basil, a touch of oil, salt and pepper, and ready to taste.

Clara trick

Softer and with a sweet touch

To lighten the meatballs, you can substitute part of the beef or add a peeled and grated apple to the mixture. It will make them fuller, softer and a little sweet.

Don't miss our light recipes.