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How to make wifi go faster

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Does your internet connection seem to pedal? Although it is true that the mega hired is one of the influencing factors, it is not the only one. We must also take into account the distance from our house to the ADSL central (the closer we are to the central, the faster the connection will be) or the quality of the ADSL line we have, which has a more important weight than the quality of the router itself.

On these two things, little or nothing we can do, but there are other points that affect the Wi-Fi signal on which it is possible to act to make your internet connection faster without having to pay more money.

1. Where to place the router

It is a key factor. Ideally, we would live in a single space, without walls or doors that could get in the way of the Wi-Fi signal, but that is not the case for most. Within the possibilities of your home, try to place the router as central as possible so that it can emit the signal with the same power in all directions. Do not store it in a closet and lift it off the floor, since the signals cannot pass through some of the materials that make it up, such as cement. Experts recommend raising it at least half a meter off the ground.

2. Connecting the router

It is also necessary to ensure that the router is the only element connected to the telephone socket located on the wall. If we also connect the telephone in the rosette that we have the ADSL connected, the speed of the ADSL will decrease.

3. Electrical appliances

The television, the microwave, the refrigerator, the dryer … and in general, all those devices that emit electromagnetic signals or that have a motor can interfere with the Wi-Fi signal and slow it down. So whenever possible, try to keep the router away from them.

The same occurs with metallic surfaces such as a mirror, with the water in a fish tank or even some plants. Building materials can also hinder the signal, so move the router away from thick concrete or brick walls.

4. Router antennas

If your router has two external antennas, place one vertical and one horizontal, thus increasing the signal reception. The devices work best when their built-in antenna is in parallel with the router. The problem comes because the mobile phone or tablet can be used in different positions, so the position of its integrated antenna also changes. By placing a vertical and horizontal router antenna, you increase the chances that they are in parallel.

5. Protect your network

The more users connected to the same Wi-Fi network, the slower it will go. That is why it is essential that you have a password to avoid signal thieves and that you change it from time to time.

On the other hand, you can also try to reduce the devices you have connected to the internet. For example, if you are not watching television you do not need to have the television decoder turned on. Just by turning it off, you can make your computer's internet connection much faster.

6. Change channel

Although many are unaware of it, routers also have channels. Perhaps the slowness of which we complain is due to the fact that we are unknowingly sharing a Wi-Fi channel with a neighbor. Consult your router's instructions to find out how to change it.

7. Signal amplifier

If your house is very large or has several floors, you may need a signal amplifier, which you can connect to any outlet. As their name suggests, these increase the signal and help it reach every corner of the house.

8. When using the computer

There are some elements that can also help you improve speed, such as reducing the number of programs you have running at the same time, limiting the number of programs that run when you turn on your computer, turning off visual effects, or restarting it regularly.