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8 Fruit smoothies with which you will look more beautiful

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Copy yourself from the celebrities

Copy yourself from the celebrities

They have been in hand for many years already, so if you have not yet succumbed to them, now is a good time. Why? Well, because we have selected 8 very easy shakes with which you will help your hair to be healthier, to wake up with more energy, to boast of iron health and much more beautiful skin. In short, natural remedies to make you look even more beautiful.

Pitaya + goji berries

Pitaya + goji berries

The pitaya or dragon fruit has such a beautiful color that any smoothie you make with it will look like a picture. If you make one with pitaya, banana, raspberries and almond milk, you will have an extra antioxidant, vitamin C and A, iron and fiber. Top it off by sprinkling some goji berries on top to boost your immune system. Full!

Beets + blueberries

Beets + blueberries

This is the perfect juice when you've "spent" the weekend a bit and want to do a little detox. The ingredients will provide you with fiber, antioxidants, potassium, manganese, vitamin C and B, so you can't ignore it. In less than 10 minutes you have a delicious shake that your body and skin will appreciate. You need beets, blueberries, skim milk, lime juice, and chia seeds.

Kale + spinach

Kale + spinach

A couple of years ago, green smoothies became very fashionable and they are a good way to have one of the fruit and vegetable servings of the day. If you also find it difficult to eat vegetables, take note of the ingredients: kale, spinach, cucumber, green apple and lemon juice. Your body will get a good dose of calcium, iron, magnesium, fiber and vitamin C, among others … not bad!



From the skin to the heart, passing through the immune system. A tomato juice helps our body obtain all the vitamins and minerals it needs to function so it is a great option to start the day. The lycopene in tomato - the pigment that causes its red color - is rich in antioxidants so you will be fighting against the appearance of premature wrinkles. Add apple and carrot juice to the juice and enjoy their delicious flavor!

Chia + matcha tea

Chia + matcha tea

If you wake up with a "truck ran over me" face, you need something to wake you up. And that something is a chia and matcha tea smoothie. You will get the energy you need, it will provide you with probiotics so it will help improve digestive balance. And as if this were not enough, matcha prevents premature aging and strengthens the immune and nervous system. Ingredients: Skimmed yogurt, matcha, banana, cinnamon, vanilla and chia seeds.

Blueberries + kale

Blueberries + kale

It has already been proven that we are super addicted to blueberries so you can prepare another shake, ideal to show off a movie skin. You will need blueberries, kale (kale), avocado, and almond milk. It is a good solution if you notice that your skin is dehydrated, lacks elasticity (due to the loss of collagen) and you want to protect it from the effects of the sun's rays and free radicals, which are responsible for aging.

Mango + turmeric

Mango + turmeric

Mango is an excellent fruit to take care of our skin and is that it is full of antioxidants which helps to delay premature aging of the skin and the appearance of spots. Turmeric also takes care of our heart and you know what Marisol sang: my heart is happy, full of joy … Prepare a smoothie with skimmed yogurt, mango, banana, 1 teaspoon of turmeric, 1/2 of ginger and 1/2 of cinnamon, you will see what a delight!

Beet + avocado

Beet + avocado

Again, the beet becomes the protagonist of this smoothie. And it is that this tuber stimulates the production and repair of skin cells, thus helping to fight against premature aging. Fights wrinkles and provides collagen, perfect for tissues. Make this smoothie with beets, 1/4 avocado, blueberries, almond milk and 1 date.

Discover everything a juice can do for you …

Discover everything a juice can do for you …

And since the world of smoothies does not end here, take our test and discover what juice your body is asking for.

Are shakes a fad?

A couple of years ago they became super fashionable but luckily, to this day, they are still with us and their consumption has been normalized. So now, you can go quietly to a bar or your favorite cafeteria and ask for a juice (beyond the orange or pineapple) without waiting to be charged 10 euros. Not even carrying liquid gold!

Drinking a smoothie, juice or smoothie is the perfect way to get your daily serving of fruit and vegetables. To be deceived, they are much more palatable than a plate of vegetables or a piece of fruit, so we have found the Holy Grail.

More beautiful and healthy

We know that waking up every morning with a good face in the purest Hollywood diva style is impossible. The 8 shakes that we propose in the gallery will help you gain energy and health and also show off your hair and skin. In short, they are natural remedies that will help you look even more beautiful than you already are.

Do you know the best of all? These shakes are delicious! No green smoothies just with spinach, cucumber, and supplements. The vegetables and fruits that compose them combine perfectly with each other, resulting in a drink rich in flavor and benefits.

Choose your favorite ingredients

The pitaya or dragon fruit has such a beautiful color that any smoothie you prepare with it will look like a photo and its flavor is wonderful, so you will surely choose this fruit for your smoothies. You will also discover in the gallery that beets stimulate the production and repair of skin cells, thus helping to fight against premature aging, fighting wrinkles and providing collagen, perfect for tissues. It also has an incredible cleansing power so it is perfect if you have spent the weekend.

Fruits such as mango, tomato or blueberries are full of antioxidants, which is why they also help delay premature aging of the skin. If you also want to give your body a good dose of iron, calcium, vitamin C or B … you should take a look at the gallery because you have 8 delicious proposals with which, in addition to having a good time, you will help your body to work better. And think, if your body goes better, you will look much better!

What is your favorite shake?