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20 Ways To Use White Vinegar To Clean

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The power of vinegar

The power of vinegar

If you want to avoid conventional cleaning products, which can be very toxic as well as pollutants, team up with white vinegar, one of the most effective household cleaning products. Its acetic acid cuts through dirt and works as a natural disinfectant in addition to many other properties. And if not, see yourself for everything that is useful.

Eliminate bad odors

Eliminate bad odors

One of the uses of white vinegar is to remove bad odors from carpets and upholstery.

  • The formula. Fill a plate with a finger of white vinegar and leave it in the room until the smell dissipates.

And if your house smells funny (or downright bad) and you don't know where it comes from, check out these sites.

Remove rust

Remove rust

If you want to recover a rusty knife or scissors, it can also help.

  • The formula. Pour white vinegar over the blades of the knife or scissors. Sprinkle with coarse salt. Being careful not to cut yourself, rub with a thick cloth. Rinse with water and dry well.

Clean the faucet

Clean the faucet

Another use of vinegar is to keep the faucet spotless, in addition to being disinfected. Keep in mind that the faucet and the sink are among the dirtiest places in the house.

  • The formula. Soak a couple of pieces of kitchen towel in white vinegar. Cover the faucet with them, leave it to act for about an hour, and then clean it.

Cleaning mirrors and glass

Cleaning mirrors and glass

If you want your mirrors and glasses to be perfect, nothing is as effective as vinegar, one of the tricks to clean glass and make it last longer.

  • The formula. You can make your own glass cleaner by mixing one part vinegar with one part water (better if it is distilled so that it does not contain lime or other minerals).

Make a set-up to the coffee maker

Make a set-up to the coffee maker

Although it is often said that you should never clean the coffee maker so that it does not take on flavors, it is necessary to give it a review from time to time so that the coffee does not get stuck due to the accumulation of lime or other impurities.

  • The formula. Fill the tank with equal parts of water and white vinegar and turn the coffee maker on or on the fire. Let it sit for an hour, rinse it off and make a couple of coffee pots with just water.

Clean and disinfect trash cans

Clean and disinfect trash cans

One of the most common cleaning mistakes is forgetting to periodically clean and disinfect trash cans.

  • The formula. After rinsing it with water, scrub the inside with the help of a brush dipped in a mixture of white vinegar and warm water. Rinse it again and let it dry before putting the bag back on.

Remove lime stains

Remove lime stains

It is also very effective in removing lime stains from the shower screen, bathtub or other surfaces.

  • The formula. Rub them with a clean cloth dipped in white distilled vinegar.

Clean and disinfect the toilet

Clean and disinfect the toilet

If you don't want to use toxic products, you can use vinegar both as a disinfectant and to clean lime stains.

  • The formula. To disinfect, pour vinegar into the cup, brush with the brush and let it act for at least an hour. To remove stains, pour the vinegar directly onto the stain and leave for an hour before scrubbing and rinsing.

Unclog the shower head

Unclog the shower head

In the same way that it removes lime stains, it is also used to unclog shower spray lines (it is one of the most popular home cleaning tricks on the internet).

  • The formula. Fill a plastic freezer bag with undiluted white vinegar, then position the bag so the sprayer is inside, and tie it with some chicken ties. Soak overnight, then scrub with a toothbrush and let the water run to finish unclogging the ducts.

Eradicate weeds

Eradicate weeds

If weeds have grown in the pots of your plants, use white vinegar to eradicate them.

  • The formula. Soak the foliage of the weed (not the good one) with vinegar and after a day on average, it will wilt. If they persist, do it a second time.

Fight ant pests

Fight ant pests

Ants and other insects are repelled by vinegar.

  • The formula: Mix equal amounts of water and white vinegar in a spray bottle, shake it and spray the resulting solution in the areas where ants usually pass: baseboards, corners …

Stand up to the fruit flies

Stand up to the fruit flies

To get rid of annoying fruit flies, you only need a plate with apple cider vinegar.

  • The formula. Cover it with cling film. Using a needle, punch a half dozen holes in the surface. The flies will flee or fall trapped by its effluvia.

Remove stains from carpets

Remove stains from carpets

Vinegar is one of the infallible tricks to have carpets without marks or stains.

  • The formula. When your carpet gets stained, immediately pour a solution over the area with equal parts water and white vinegar. After a few minutes, wipe it with a clean cloth and blow dry it to make it look new again.

Maintain the wooden parquet

Maintain the wooden parquet

Vinegar is also very good for cleaning parquet and wooden floors without damaging them.

  • The formula. Mix 1/8 cup of neutral liquid soap and 1/8 cup of distilled white vinegar for every 3 liters of water, and scrub the floor with this solution.

Dissolve salt stains from shoes

Dissolve salt stains from shoes

The vinegar dissolves the salt that can appear on leather or suede shoes as a result of sweat or when they get wet in the rain.

  • The formula. Rub the stains with a paper towel moistened with white vinegar.

Remove musty odor from antique furniture

Remove musty odor from antique furniture

Many antique furniture smells musty or musty. To counteract it, use vinegar.

  • The formula. Fill a plastic container with white vinegar; Seal it with kitchen wrap, then poke a few holes in the top. Place it inside the drawer or cabinet in question and let it act overnight. It will absorb bad odors. And if they persist, wipe it off with a cloth dipped in vinegar.

Clean and polish silver

Clean and polish silver

Silver scratches and darkens easily. Give it a remedy by rubbing it with vinegar.

  • The formula. Buff it gently with a soft cotton cloth soaked in vinegar. Then rinse and dry with a dry, lint-free cloth.

More details on how to clean silver with what you have at home, here.

Revive the colors of clothes

Revive the colors of clothes

It has also been traditionally used to protect and revive the colors of clothing.

  • The formula. Rinse the clothes with a solution of distilled white vinegar and cold water, based on 2/3 of a cup of white vinegar for every liter of water. Let the garments sit for about 15 minutes, and then wash and dry them as you normally do.

Bleaching clothes

Bleaching clothes

It is also very effective for whitening clothes thanks to its acidity.

  • The formula. Add half a cup of vinegar when the first rinse is done, so it will wash off during the next.

Cleaning bathroom toys

Cleaning bathroom toys

If you have children at home and toys pile up in the bathtub, clean them from time to time with vinegar. Helps remove and prevent mold, in addition to disinfecting them.

  • The formula. Fill a basin with warm water, add 1/4 cup of white vinegar per liter of water, let the toys soak for 10 minutes, then gently scrub with a sponge and allow to dry.