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17 Questions You Would Like To Ask Your Gynecologist That You Don't Dare

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Sex. We are going to talk about that in today's post, but we will do it openly. So, shameful, refrain. It is true that many of us still hesitate to ask our friends and acquaintances according to what questions, so imagine doing it in a doctor's office …

Because within every woman there is an inveterate "gossip" and we want to know everything and more, we have spoken with Dr. Gerardo Ventura Serrano, member of the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics, and Núria Jorba, sexual coach and couple therapist, so that once and for all answer those questions that we all have in mind but that we dare not ask.

1. Why don't I want sex?

This is, without a doubt, one of the most frequent sexual problems among women. Experts say that stress, certain types of medications or lack of communication with the partner can be behind the lack of sexual appetite. Do not overlook it, better face the problem and find a satisfactory solution.

2. So, should I take the "pink viagra"?

As we told you, a large part of the lack of sexual desire has to do with psychological issues, such as relationship problems, stress, controlling and perfectionist personality, sexual monotony, etc. Therefore, most of the time it is better to do psychological therapy than to take medication. The "pink viagra" is only indicated in women whose lack of desire is caused by severe sexual dysfunction.

3. My libido is through the roof, is it normal?

Yes, of course, congratulations! According to a study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, our desire is not just a matter of hormones. Regardless of the testosterone levels that we have in the blood, being good with ourselves increases our security and makes us enjoy sex more. So if you feel pretty, sexy and have confidence in yourself, your libido will be higher than usual.

4. What is the best position to get pregnant?

There are several "theories" (without scientific basis, of course) that ensure that there are certain positions that help to get pregnant. It's not like that. No matter how much you do doggy, missionary, or somersault with a somersault, you won't get pregnant sooner. Dr. Gerardo Serrano assures that "any position is good to get pregnant", there is no better than another. The most important thing is that you avoid stress, be clear about your days of maximum fertility and, from there, get to work with your partner. And above all that you enjoy to the fullest. The rest are nonsense myths.

5. Does staying still after sex make pregnancy easier?

According to some experts, this could favor the arrival of the sperm to the eggs, but there is no scientific evidence to prove it. Anyway, as it is not something that can harm you, if you want to try it, there is no problem in doing it.

6. Why do I have cystitis after sex?

80% of urine infections appear after sexual intercourse. Its symptoms range from burning when urinating, to constant need to go to the bathroom, and even pain during sex. A good way to avoid them is to drink plenty of water, go to the bathroom after having sex, and, if your doctor advises you, take cranberry supplements at least 3-4 months of the year.

7. Can you have sex with herpes?

Vaginal herpes is a sexually transmitted disease. When it is active it is recommended not to have sexual intercourse. And when there are no symptoms, use a condom to minimize the risk of infection, although it is not infallible because there are areas of the vulva that are not covered.

8. How can I lubricate more?

The use of birth control pills, hormonal changes when reaching menopause, stress or lack of excitement could be key to explain the lack of lubrication. Analyze what is the reason you are not lubricating enough and think about how to overcome it. In addition, lubricants can help you and be a great ally in your sexual relationships.

9. What is the best vaginal lubricant?

When choosing a lubricant, you should take into account that it is water-based and better that it has no flavors. Flavored lubricants promote allergic reactions and even infections. The more natural the better.

10. Why do I have a swollen clitoris?

Some women, after having intense sex or masturbating, notice how their clitoris swells. This sensation can last until the next day and is due to the accumulation of blood that occurs in the area. In principle, you should not worry.

11. Is douching effective as a contraceptive?

Absolutely not. Also known as vaginal lavage is not a contraceptive method, nor does it prevent sexually transmitted diseases. The only thing you can achieve with this remedy is to unbalance your vaginal flora and have more options to get an infection, and of course get pregnant if you do not use protection.

12. Is reverse gear safe?

Another classic. Whoever invented this "contraceptive" did not know what was coming. And it is that reversing is not safe at all because it neither prevents pregnancy nor protects against sexually transmitted diseases. Before ejaculation, the man secretes what is known as precum to promote lubrication and make the semen come out in conditions suitable to be fertile. But in that fluid there may already be sperm, so you can get pregnant if you don't use protection.

13. Does the vaginal ring bother?

Most couples who use this contraceptive method do not notice its presence, but if it is not your case, it is better to change the contraceptive method and use another one that is more comfortable for you. What you never have to do is take it off before sex and put it back on afterwards, because it is no longer safe.

14. Is it good to use Chinese balls?

Contrary to what many people believe, these balls do not provide sexual pleasure directly when used, but help to improve the tone of the pelvic muscles and the lubrication of the vagina, resulting in an improvement in intimate relationships. Try them and you will see how little by little you feel better and sex becomes wonderful.

15. What is vaginal surgery?

This intimate surgery is indicated to rejuvenate the vagina, reduce the size of the labia or increase sexual pleasure. "These interventions can help a person feel better about their body," says Núria Jorba, "although the sexual organ that we must stimulate to enjoy sexuality is our head."

16. Does the size of the vagina matter?

When we are not stimulated, the size of our vagina ranges between 6 and 8 centimeters. And it goes up to 12 when we get excited. If during your intercourse you feel pain, it is not that your vagina is small, but that you have not been excited enough and, therefore, it has not been properly widened. Although it may seem very typical, spend some time with the preliminaries, the more excited and lubricated you are, the better the sex will be and the more you will enjoy it.

17. Is there a female ejaculation?

Yes, we can ejaculate too. At the moment of orgasm, some women expel a propulsive liquid from the urethra that is accompanied by a great wave of pleasure. However, other women repress it for mistaking it for the urge to urinate.