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10 very easy tricks to make fruits and vegetables last longer

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According to the European Parliament, each Spaniard throws out about 163 kilos of food a year. Half is fruit and vegetables. We give you the best tricks to extend the life of these foods and save good money every month.

1. Choose a trustworthy establishment

Much of the fruit and vegetables we buy has been picked weeks before. This implies that it has spent a long time in cold rooms and, therefore, it will spoil at a faster rate. But with the keys that we give you below you will be able to these foods almost freshly collected. This is what to look for:

  • Local product . In supermarkets they must put the origin of the products on the labels. In the market, sometimes they can specify it on the same poster where the price comes or you can ask the seller. If it is from a local producer, you make sure that the fruit and vegetables you buy have not traveled thousands of kilometers before reaching your home, with the environmental, economic and flavor impact that that has.
  • Seasonal . It is easier that it has only recently been collected from the field and that it has been done at an optimal time of ripening, which will allow you to enjoy it for a longer time in good condition.
  • From the farmer . Online commerce has facilitated contact with farmers who sell their harvest directly. It has the advantage that it barely takes a couple of days from when it is collected until you eat it and, in addition, it is taken home to you.
  • Cooperatives . They buy directly from the farmer, reducing costs and controlling quality. Many of them focus on organic products, offering them at lower prices.

2. As the best fruit and vegetables

Pieces that are in an optimal state will prevent you from having to throw more than necessary. These keys will help you get it right:

  • Smooth skin . It is a sign of freshness. In case of stems and leaves, they must be firm.
  • No bumps . Go for pieces without stains, holes, or signs of bumps. But reject those that are too perfect, it is not natural and can hide a lack of flavor.
  • Intense smell . Being able to appreciate its natural smell is a good sign.
  • It is not hard . Ideally, it should not be too soft or too hard.

3. Take the shopping out of the bag when you get home

When you get home from the groceries or bring them home, take the fruit and vegetables out of the plastic bags, as they are oxygenated and prevent moisture from accumulating.

4. Do not wash until consumed

Moisture accelerates the decomposition process, so it is recommended that you do not wash them until the moment you are going to consume them. At most, you can wipe them with a dry cloth.

5. Store it in the right place

Most fruits and vegetables can be stored at room temperature (in a cool, dry place) as long as it is not too hot. Only some fruits, such as strawberries, being very delicate and perishable, it is better to keep them in the fridge. On the contrary, you should never put avocados in it as they turn black and hard. When you store the purchase in the refrigerator, do it in the drawers specially designed for it where the temperature is not too low. And when you go to consume it, take it out a while before so that it regains all its flavor.

6. Avoid mixing it with other fruits and vegetables

Try to keep the different types of fruit separate from each other. Some, like apples, produce ethylene, which makes nearby fruits ripen faster.

7. Remove damaged parts

Check the pantry from time to time to remove those pieces that have already spoiled. A damaged part can quickly contaminate and spoil the rest.

8. Let the one that is still green ripen

Do not keep it in the fridge. The cold prevents it from ripening and when you go to eat it it will be tasteless. Better leave it at room temperature until it ripens.

9. Protect the most delicate

In the case of strawberries, raspberries, blackberries … store them in the fridge in a container lined with 2-3 layers of kitchen paper. This way it will last you longer. Also the salad is better to keep it wrapped in kitchen paper, so that its leaves remain firmer.

10. And it is always better to recycle than to throw away

Do not throw anything, take advantage of everything before it spoils. Here are some ideas of what you can do:

  • You can give a new chance to vegetables that are about to go over or the leaves and "ugly" parts in the form of broths, creams or purees.
  • Vegetables "touched" or with unsightly marks can be recycled for stews and salads.
  • Overripe fruits are ideal for making compotes, jams and syrups with less sugar content, since when they are ripe they have the highest concentration of sugars.
  • And the "ugly" fruits go unnoticed in juices, jellies and fruit salad.