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10 tricks to get all the benefits of lemon

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1. Warm water with lemon on an empty stomach, does it really work?

1. Warm water with lemon on an empty stomach, does it really work?

Nutritionist Laura Jorge explains that “it doesn't really have miraculous properties. But it is still a healthy way to hydrate yourself with the extra vitamin C that the fruit provides ”. Verdict: If you can naturally incorporate this drink into your morning routine, go for it! Of course, if the only thing your body asks for is a good coffee first thing in the morning, don't force yourself.

2. The best ally of your juices

2. The best ally of your juices

If you are one of those who have joined the fan club for green leaf smoothies , lemon will be the other half of your smoothies! This is because this citrus fruit favors the absorption of iron from these vegetables. As you read, this citrus will make your sips even healthier. Still not a juice lover? Don't miss our tips.

3. The lemon peel? Better this way!

3. The lemon peel? Better this way!

When peeling the lemon, reserve its peel! It contains a large amount of limonoids that, as indicated by the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, could help prevent certain cancers. Add it to your teas or use its zest in all kinds of recipes (take a look at these cupcake lights). Warning: If you can, opt for organic lemons to avoid traces of pesticides, waxes, chemicals … If not, wash them thoroughly.

4. Cook it so that it does not lose properties

4. Cook it so that it does not lose properties

High temperatures destroy water-soluble vitamins such as C. To be more exact, according to a study published in The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry , a tomato - which is also rich in vitamin C - cooked for two minutes has 10% less vitamin C. Solution? To minimize the action of heat, cook the lemon whole or cut into large pieces.

5. Spice up your sips

5. Spice up your sips

To purify the body, the best thing is … drum roll … water! Although the amount you should eat is relative, try to comply with the recommendation of the European Food Safety Authority, which advises drinking about 2 liters a day. Are you one of those who say that "water is for fish"? Nutritionist Laura Jorge has the reply: "Add some lemon slices to your jar to add flavor."

6. Face it clockwise

6. Face it clockwise

Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which is an antioxidant. This means that it looks spectacularly good on your skin, hair and nails. In addition, it helps fight colds and strengthens the immune system, since vitamin C helps to synthesize white blood cells. Although this vitamin can also be found in other foods such as apple and watermelon.

7. A great ally to lose weight

7. A great ally to lose weight

Another of the benefits attributed to water with lemon is that it increases metabolism and promotes weight and fat loss, but there are no scientific studies to support this. What the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition has published is research that indicates that the polyphenols present in lemon peel can help prevent the slap on the scale.

8. The ideal dressing for all your salads

8. The ideal dressing for all your salads

Swap the sauces and dressings (which are often the favorite hideaway for fats and company) for the juice of a lemon. The possibilities of this citrus are innumerable, bring out the masterchef in you and do not be afraid to experiment. Psst, psst, if you are not very inspired or want to try a safe bet for your palate, here is a super light salad with a delicious honey and lemon vinaigrette.

9. DIY

9. DIY

If you walk through the supermarket, you will surely see packed lemonades of all kinds, resist filling the car with these! Prepare your own juices yourself, this way you will ensure that they have no preservatives or additives. Your health will appreciate it, and your pocket too!

10. The most powerful cleaner

10. The most powerful cleaner

The lemon should be an essential not only in your kitchen, but also in the cabinet of cleaning products! Dare to use this fruit beyond the stove, and we are talking about a great antiseptic disinfectant that can become the nightmare of bacteria in your bathroom.

Before joining the superfood craze and filling your fridge with avocados, ginger, açaí and mangosteen - among many other ingredients that you hardly know how to pronounce or where they come from - make sure you have lemons! The saying goes, lemon juice, blessing juice! And it is that the long list of benefits that are attributed to this fruit does not stop growing.

We put this citrus of oriental origin to the test and answer the million dollar question: is it that good how they paint it? Get ready to know the 'sour' truth.

  • The first topic to debate? The warm water with lemon! For many it is like a kind of magical concoction with an alkalizing effect that purifies by improving the balance of acids in the body, raise your hand if you have not heard hundreds of times that drinking a glass before breakfast is a saint's hand for health! ! However, what do the experts say? You will be surprised to know that it does not have so many pros (nor are these of such depth) … Do not miss the answer to this question in the gallery.
  • Suitable for all diets. This fruit is a mine of benefits and it is also low in calories, since it is made up mainly of water.
  • Beyond the stove. Take note and create your own chemical-free cleanser. Mix in a container with a vaporizer one part of water for every three of white vinegar (rich in acetic acid, which attacks lime stains) and the juice of one lemon.