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10 expert tricks to save on your electricity bill

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1. Hire the right power

1. Hire the right power

To know what power you need, it is advisable to read the instructions of the appliances to know how much they spend in operation. Take the calculator and add the consumption of the devices that you usually have on at the same time, add a margin for lighting and other low-power devices. The result is the real power you need. Is it close to the one you hire?

2. Use the rate with hourly discrimination

2. Use the rate with hourly discrimination

This type of rate establishes two periods of consumption, each with its own price: peak hours (from 12 noon to 10 at night in winter and from 1 in the afternoon to 11 at night in summer) and off-peak hours (the rest). It is in these off-peak hours when you can save approximately 47% compared to the base rate.

3. Check the electrical installation

3. Check the electrical installation

According to the Platform for the Rehabilitation of Electrical Installation (PRIE), keeping the domestic electrical system (switches, plugs, connections …) in good condition can save Spaniards an approximate total of 2.4 billion euros per year. Remember that in the case of a new home it is mandatory to do a review at least every 10 years; and if the house is more than 25 years old, every five.

4. Use LED bulbs

4. Use LED bulbs

According to the Acciona company, around 25% of the energy consumed in a home is used for lighting, and the use of this type of light bulbs can be very beneficial. Among their advantages we find that they last approximately 70,000 hours, which means they last much longer and achieve 100% of their performance from the moment you turn them on. Furthermore, the LEDs do not contain any toxic elements.

5. Adapt the decoration

5. Adapt the decoration

You can adapt the decoration to the temperature and thus reduce the use of heating and air conditioning. In winter, choose wool rugs and upholstery, thick curtains and skirting boards on the doors. In summer, opt for light cotton or chiffon fabrics.

6. Watch with the fridge

6. Watch with the fridge

The refrigerator is the appliance that consumes the most, but many times we look at its consumption behind closed doors and forget that the most it uses is when the door is open. It opens and closes quickly to avoid high consumption. Remember that if it is half full, it consumes more than if it is completely full, as already cooled food keeps the temperature low.

7. Disconnect appliances

7. Disconnect appliances

If you turn off the TV with the remote control, it can continue to consume, so it is important to completely disconnect the electrical appliances at the end of use to save on your bill. Having them in stand by mode spends. Less than a few years ago, yes, but it is an absurd expense after all.

8. Choose your appliances well

8. Choose your appliances well

It is important to choose those with the highest energy efficiency (A, A +, A ++), which consume an average of 55% less energy. Remember when you have to renew one and opt for the most efficient ones. They may be a bit more expensive at times, but they come out cheaper in the long run.

9. Save with air and heating

9. Save with air and heating

Moderate the temperature of the air conditioning and heating. For every degree above 20º, heating consumes between 5% and 7% more energy. In the case of air conditioning, each degree below 25º implies approximately 8% more energy.

10. Watch with the iron

10. Watch with the iron

Instead of ironing a few loose pieces at a time, iron as many as possible at one time, otherwise you are multiplying your electricity consumption. Start with clothes that require the least heat, and save those that need the most for last.

In recent years, electricity rates have reached such high values ​​that they have become a burden for most families. Although we do not have the ability to negotiate the price of electricity, there are little tricks that can help you. Here are 10 expert tips so that the electricity bill does not destroy your economy.

1. Hire the right power

When choosing the electricity rate, sometimes due to ignorance , a power higher than necessary is usually contracted, which entails a higher bill at the end of the month. To know what power you need, it is advisable to read the instructions of the appliances to know how much they spend in operation. Add up the consumption of the appliances that you usually have on at the same time, add a margin for lighting and other low-power appliances. The result is the real power you need. Is it close to the one you hire?

2. Use the rate with hourly discrimination

This type of rate establishes two periods of consumption, each with its own price: peak hours (from 12 noon to 10 at night in winter and from 1 in the afternoon to 11 at night in summer) and off-peak hours (the rest). It is in these off-peak hours when you can save approximately 47% compared to the base rate. You are especially interested if the heating and hot water in your home depend on electricity and if you are able to concentrate more than 35% of general consumption in off-peak hours.

3. Check the electrical installation

According to the Platform for the Rehabilitation of Electrical Installation (PRIE), keeping the domestic electrical system in good condition can save Spaniards an approximate total of 2.4 billion euros per year. Remember that in the case of a new home it is mandatory to do a review at least every 10 years and if the house is more than 25 years old, every five.

4. Use LED bulbs

According to the Acciona company, around 25% of the energy consumed in a home is used for lighting, and the use of this type of light bulbs can be very beneficial. Among their advantages we find that they last approximately 70,000 hours, which means they last much longer and achieve 100% of their performance from the moment you turn them on. Furthermore, the LEDs do not contain any toxic elements.

5. Adapt the decoration

Before, the houses had rooms that were used according to the season of the year: those in the south, in winter; and those of the north, in summer. These days it is more difficult to move rooms every six months, but you can adapt the decoration to the temperature and thus reduce the use of heating and air conditioning. In winter, choose wool rugs and upholstery, thick curtains and skirting boards on the doors. In summer, opt for light cotton or chiffon fabrics.

6. Watch with the fridge

The refrigerator is the appliance that consumes the most, but many times we look at its consumption behind closed doors and forget that the most it uses is when the door is open. It opens and closes quickly to avoid high consumption. Remember that if it is half full, it consumes more than if it is completely full, as already cooled food keeps the temperature low.

7. Disconnect appliances

If you turn off the TV with the remote control, it can continue to consume, so it is important to completely disconnect the electrical appliances at the end of use to save on your bill. Having them in stand by mode spends. Less than a few years ago, yes, but it is an absurd expense after all.

8. Choose your appliances well

It is important to choose those with the highest energy efficiency (A, A +, A ++), which consume an average of 55% less energy. Remember when it's your turn to renew one and opt for the most efficient ones. They may be a bit more expensive at times, but they come out cheaper in the long run.

9. Save with heating and air

Moderate the temperature of the heating and air conditioning. For every degree above 20º, heating consumes between 5% and 7% more energy. In the case of air conditioning, each degree below 25º implies approximately 8% more energy. Discover more tips to save on heating this winter.

10. Watch with the iron

Instead of ironing a few loose pieces at a time, iron as many as possible at once, otherwise you multiply your electricity consumption. Start with clothes that require the least heat, and save those that need the most for last.

If you want to know more, discover all our articles on how to save energy at home.