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10 Cleaning Tips That Help You Really Save Time

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Bet on minimalism

Bet on minimalism

Minimalism is one of the best friends of cleanliness and order, and one of the surefire cleaning tricks to really save time. The less stuff you have, the easier it is to keep everything clean and in place, and the less time you have to spend on it.

  • Less is more. To avoid the tendency we have to accumulate things, what I do at least a couple of times a year (for example, taking advantage of the fact that I change my wardrobe) is to get on the Marie Kondo plan, the guru of the bestseller The Magic of Order and reality show on Netflix, and get rid of everything I don't use.
  • Temporary decorations. And for a long time I have limited the decoration to a few elements, and the rest I keep and I play with them, combining them and changing them according to the time of year, the holidays … So I don't have to give up any of them and, at the same time, they neither visually burden me nor hinder me when cleaning.

Avoid obstacles

Avoid obstacles

It is not only about avoiding leaving things in the way such as the bicycle, the water bottle, the iron to cool it … You also have to apply it to how you place the furniture and decorative objects. It seems silly, but there is a huge difference in the time you spend cleaning an empty hallway or one full of things.

  • Free way. Put things in a corner or against the walls; so you don't have to dodge them.

Take advantage of furniture on wheels

Take advantage of furniture on wheels

Something as simple as having a coffee table, or even a sofa or bed, with wheels on the legs means that you can move them in a hurry when you have to clean and thus save time.

  • Multiple choices. If you resist because you fear that they will move too much, keep in mind that there are models with wheels only at one end of the furniture so they can only move when you lift them slightly on the other side. And another trick to easily move them is to put felt stickers on the legs or bases.

Keep everything in place

Save everything in its place

One of the basic principles to organize yourself better and have everything in order is to classify things at home by categories and allocate a specific place to store them.

  • All in order. In this way, it is easier for you to locate and use them, and rebound it does not cost you so much to have everything stored in its place and thus the space is kept clear and it is cleaned faster.

Don't let dirt and clutter build up

Don't let dirt and clutter build up

It seems obvious, but sometimes laziness can get us and to save ourselves a small momentary task, we end up giving ourselves a paunch to clean up afterwards. The three most typical cases are washing dishes, cleaning the stove and drying the shower screen, three tasks that are easily done when hot and in a flash, but when they are accumulated or left to cool they are much more expensive.

  • Tricks to minimize it. Let the dishes soak, put protectors on the stove and leave a squeegee next to the shower. And here are tricks to clean your oven, extractor hood and induction hob quickly and with little effort.

Save intermediate tasks

Save intermediate tasks

One of the most common order mistakes when you want to save time is multiplying tasks instead of reducing them. For example, how many people take clothes off the grocer and pile them before putting them away?

  • Don't pile up the clothes. If you are folding it at the same time as you take it out of the clothesline or dryer and put it away immediately, it will not only save time but it is also one of the things you can do to say goodbye to the iron once and for all.

Perform simultaneous tasks

Perform simultaneous tasks

Another of the cleaning tricks to really save time is to take advantage of the downtime between one task and another to get rid of others.

  • Two for one While you cook, for example, go drying the dishes or putting a little order in the pantry; or take advantage when you watch TV, to iron clothes or fold them.

Soften dirt

Soften dirt

Here's one of my favorite tricks: make sure the dirt doesn't resist you.

  • Soften and you will conquer. Something as simple as letting things soak or spraying surfaces makes cleaning easier and faster and also helps you avoid the # 1 mistake we ALL make when cleaning.

Use practical and functional utensils

Use practical and functional utensils

It is also essential to use cleaning utensils and tools that make your tasks easier, something that we do not always take into account.

  • No trace of dust. Better vacuum cleaner than broom, which does not quite remove the dirt at all and makes you have to review. And you can also use it to clean upholstery, keyboards …
  • Don't bend over. If you use a scooper, opt for one that has a stick instead of a handheld one, it makes the task easier and does not harm your postural health.
  • Lint free. Avoid rags, cloths and chamois that leave lint, especially if they are not for cleaning windows, drying dishes or polishing surfaces.
  • Big time. Whenever you can, opt for oversized rags to clean more surface in one go. I, for example, always use old towels to clean the shower screen or the tiles, it is one of my tricks to clean the bathroom in 5 minutes.

Simplify Everything - Including Cleaning Products

Simplify Everything - Including Cleaning Products

In the same way that simplifying tasks helps you save time when cleaning, reducing cleaning products too.

  • What do you need? A neutral cleaner, a disinfectant and a degreaser for the whole house is proven enough. And you also don't have to resort to harmful cleaning products. With mild soap, baking soda and the versatile white vinegar, three of the most effective household cleaning products, you have enough.