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10 Unique Qualities of Women

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We express ourselves more and better

We express ourselves more and better

Women speak 13,000 more words a day than men, which has a physiological explanation. According to a study by the University of Sydney (Australia), the areas of the brain associated with speech and language understanding are greater in women.

We externalize our emotions

We externalize our emotions

And as we use language more and better, we have a greater facility to express our feelings and emotions. Thanks to this, when we have a problem, we can share it to solve it or, at least, better cope with it. And that is very healthy !

We are empathetic

We are empathetic

We are empathic and this predisposes us to better understand and connect with others. The result is that sometimes we can have the feeling of being the cloth of tears of our friends. But our ability
to listen not only favors friendships, but also that they are deeper. And according to the University of Michigan (USA), having good social relationships helps us live longer and in better health.

Caring takes care of us

Caring takes care of us

Women spend up to 10 years more caring for others than men. This takes a lot of effort, but it also has its positive side. It has been shown that those who help notice more benefits in their health than those who receive help, because caring for others deactivates the body's stress responses.

We are super creative

We are super creative

Any action that involves creating something new loves the female brain. Whether it's painting a work of art or just inventing or decorating a recipe, stamping a t-shirt or coloring a mandala book. We are creative by nature and spending time in these creative processes brings us closer to happiness. It doesn't matter that you don't have much talent or that the result is not perfect; the important thing is the creative process.

We take care of ourselves more

We take care of ourselves more

The pressure that women feel to conform to aesthetic canons that are sometimes far from reality has undoubtedly its negative consequences. However, that same pressure has also pushed us to take better care of our diet and our health in general. This is shown by a study on the eating habits of the European Union, according to which European women eat better than men.

Multitaskers everywhere

Multitaskers everywhere

We have the ability (others do not have) to use our minds to multitask and still keep our empire safe. From work to family and from family to home, our minds change from one topic to another with ease, solving the enigmas that arise. Be careful with this, because it is not about carrying everything like a donkey. Ask for help, prioritize and set limits if you need it.

We laugh more!

We laugh more!

According to a study, men and women process funny situations differently: women activate more brain areas related to language processing and short-term memory, as well as areas related to reward, which makes us enjoy more of humour. And laughter makes us more sociable, helps reduce stress and increases life expectancy.

We are insatiable

We are insatiable

According to a study by the universities of Georgia and Columbia (USA), women learn more easily, since we have a better attitude to expand and broaden our minds. We are also more flexible and have more patience and the ability to be constant. This, in addition to providing us with new knowledge, enriches our life by increasing self-esteem, promoting social skills and making our mind more agile.

Who run the world? Girls!

Who run the world? Girls!

The pioneer in the field of radioactivity Marie Curie, the Mexican painter Frida Khalo , the missionary Teresa of Calcutta, the singer Edith Piaf, the writer Emilia Pardo Bazán, Juana de Arco, Coco Chanel … There is a long list of women who have made history and that, despite the difficulties they had because of their sex, they have had the courage and intelligence to push forward with their ideas. Something to be proud of!

International Working Women's Day, also called "International Women's Day", has been celebrated since 1909 when the first act called "Women's Day" took place in Chicago. On this day we celebrate the years of struggle that we carry behind our backs to achieve equality between men and women. And in Clara we celebrate it a lot, not in vain 90% of the team are women.

That is why today we want to encourage you to value yourself and make yourself respected, because many times we tend to be a little (too) critical of ourselves (or with those around us).


It is true that we like to take things to our ground and keep them under control. If they go our way, we have the day done! But it is also true that women have a point of patience and perseverance that distinguishes us and makes us more flexible. Also, according to a study in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, we are intuitively more altruistic than men.

Perhaps that explains the enthusiasm and ease with which we launch ourselves into organizing any type of event, be it a family meal or a birthday present for our friend. The fact that they give us something gives us joy, but giving it ourselves satisfies us even more since we secrete serotonin, the pleasure hormone.


Did you know that women laugh more than men? Various studies ensure that we take day-to-day situations differently from them, which makes us activate certain areas of the brain that make us enjoy humor more. We are also more independent than before, and less embarrassing!

Terms like " alpha woman " or " single mother " not many years ago did not fit in our language and today they move between our dialectic without us throwing our hands at our heads. And that is something that we have worked for generation after generation to be better. In addition to being more independent personally and financially, we worry about finding new ways to find happiness and we take better care of ourselves, both physically and emotionally.

Here are 6 reasons why you should pay tribute today, no matter how old you are, because in the end there is a common denominator that unites us all equally : being women!