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Why do fingers swell

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Bad circulation

Bad circulation

Circulatory problems that can be due to having high cholesterol, high or unbalanced blood pressure, or other reasons, make circulation worse, especially in the arms and legs, so you may notice swollen and edema hands.

Over weight

Over weight

We are not talking about being slightly overweight, but rather an obesity problem that really affects the lymphatic system and can cause the volume of the arms and legs and, consequently, the fingers of the hands to increase.

Is hot!

Is hot!

Increased temperatures and direct exposure to the sun have a vasodilator effect. The veins widen and it is easier for blood to reach the legs, however this blood can have trouble returning to the heart and become stagnant. If this heaviness in the legs can be accompanied by swelling in the hands and face, consult a doctor.

Be pregnant

Be pregnant

It is normal for a pregnant woman to notice swollen hands especially during the third trimester. But this swelling must be controlled throughout pregnancy, as it can also be a symptom of pre-eclampsia, high blood pressure that usually appears in the second half of pregnancy and that if not controlled can put the health of the mother and the baby at risk. .

Fluid retention

Fluid retention

Cells have a mechanism (the sodium-potassium pump) to maintain an adequate ratio of potassium inside the cell and sodium outside. If this balance is broken by consuming too much salt, we retain fluids and swell, and as a consequence the fingers of your hands become congested.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Working with a computer or performing repetitive actions such as cutting with a knife or scissors, etc … can cause the tissues that make up the carpal tunnel to swell and compress the median nerve, which is responsible for giving sensitivity and strength to part of the palm of the hand and all fingers except the little finger, with the consequent swelling.

Walk and run

Walk and run

When walking fast or running, the muscles of the legs “demand” more blood than it reaches the arms, which are not as powerful musculature. Therefore, you may notice a certain swelling in the hands that, anyway, disappears after a while.

An allergic reaction

An allergic reaction

When the body experiences an allergic reaction, it releases histamine into the blood to counteract it and this can lead to local or more general swelling.



After surgery in which lymph nodes and lymph vessels are removed due to cancer or after radiation therapy, there may be swelling of the hands and feet (and also of the arms and legs). This inflammatory reaction can occur even months or years after the operation or treatment.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis causes inflammation in the joints and the tissues around the bone. In addition to swelling, it is accompanied by pain, stiffness, and loss of mobility.

Do you have swollen fingers? How long does it last? What other symptoms do they have? The swelling of the fingers of the hand can have multiple causes, some inconsequential, such as going for a walk or running, and others much more serious, such as poor circulation, possible pre-eclampsia in pregnancy, etc.

Do not worry if

  • It happens when you walk or run. It is common for you to pass and it is because more blood reaches the legs than the hands. But the swelling goes away after a short time.
  • It's because of being pregnant. In the third trimester it is common for you to notice your hands (and feet) more swollen. But if the swelling appears earlier and you have pressure problems, consult your doctor because you could suffer from pre-eclampsia, a blood pressure disorder that carries danger for the mother and the baby.

Ask if …

  • Bad circulation. It is important that you remedy circulation problems that can lead to swelling of the fingers, such as having high cholesterol or blood pressure, for example. During the summer months, due to the heat, the swelling can be accentuated because the venous return worsens.
  • Fluid retention. If you eat a very salty food, the usual thing is that you feel a bit bloated and that your fingers reflect it slightly, but it is something that happens on time. On the other hand, if your diet is usually saltier than it should, this swelling in the fingers can be common and be symptoms of other problems, such as high blood pressure.
  • Over weight. Obesity leads to an increase in the size of the fingers of the hands. It is a serious problem because excess weight is related to cardiovascular diseases, cancer, etc …
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome. If you work doing repetitive movements with your fingers like typing on the computer or cutting in the kitchen, etc. You may have compressed the nerve in the hand that passes through the carpal tunnel and this is the cause of the swelling of the fingers.
  • Allergic reaction. When suffering from it, there may be local swelling or your entire body may swell. It is important that if the reaction is significant, you go to the doctor for antihistamines.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. When, in addition to swollen fingers, you notice pain, stiffness and loss of mobility, it is surely due to arthritis. It is important that the doctor controls this ailment so that it does not progress further and quality of life is not lost.
  • Lymphedema After cancer and lymph nodes and lymph vessels removal and / or radiotherapy treatment, swelling of the arms and / or legs may occur. Consult with the doctor how to approach it (usually special massages are given for people who have suffered this process).