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10 Summer Drinks Fit On A Diet Because They Have (Almost) No Calories

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Cold mineral water

Cold mineral water

Let's not fool ourselves. Whether we like it or not, mineral water is the calorie-free drink par excellence and, in addition, infallible to quench thirst … and also the feeling of hunger! And it is proven that, on many occasions, when we really want to eat what we are really thirsty. Also, since it has no calories, you can drink as much as you want without having to worry about the line. And it is proven that drinking water helps you lose weight because it keeps you hydrated and increases the feeling of having a full stomach.

  • Take it with ice or always keep it in the fridge. And if you have trouble drinking it, here are tricks to drink more water without realizing it, and then you have several options to make it more palatable without adding calories.

Fresh sparkling water

Fresh sparkling water

If mineral water seems too healthy or bland when, for example, you go out for a drink, asking for a sparkling water or a vichy is a good option to drink something more palatable, since gas gives it that spicy and effervescent point that makes it more interesting. But do not be confused with the soda, because this one does usually have sweeteners.

  • To make it cooler, add ice.

Water with lemon

Water with lemon

Another option to refresh yourself in summer is to ask or prepare water with natural lemon, which in addition to being very cleansing has multiple health benefits. You just have to add its juice or some slices to a glass of mineral or sparkling water that is very cool or with ice. But, yes, do not even think about adding sugar or other sweeteners because then it would no longer be a drink without calories.

  • If you find the lemon too acidic, you can do the same with lime, which is much softer and has a sweet touch, or orange.

Discover here all the tricks to get the most out of the benefits of lemon.

Flavored waters

Flavored waters

As with lemon, you can flavor the water with aromatic herbs, spices or infusions without adding sugar or sweeteners. You just have to infuse mint, ginger or cinnamon stick, for example, let it cool and put it in the fridge until it is very cold or serve with ice.

  • If you go to a bar or a terrace, you can ask for a normal infusion without sugar and ask that they bring you a separate glass with ice to add to it when it has already infused.

Tea with ice

Tea with ice

Among the nearly calorie-free summer drinks, iced tea is the most popular flavored water of all. But, so that you don't really go overboard, it has to be sugar-free and don't trust the commercial versions, since they may have other additives that are not recommended even though they are sold as light or without calories or sugar.

  • Ideally, make a tea yourself and then add ice and lemon if you feel like it. Or order a regular unsweetened tea and a glass of ice.

Black coffee with ice

Black coffee with ice

You can also have a black coffee with ice as a summer drink with almost no calories. In addition, consuming coffee in moderation can have health benefits due to its diuretic, antioxidant or stimulant properties, among others. However, nutritionists warn that for coffee to be truly healthy it must be naturally roasted and 100% Arabica (a milder, sweeter and lower calorie variety).

  • As in the case of other drinks, it has to be without sugar or sweeteners so that it does not make you lose the line.

Coconut water

Coconut water

In recent years, natural coconut water (the liquid that is inside the fruit when it has not yet ripened) has been introduced as a light summer drink because it does not have many calories, but it is much tastier than water thanks to the sweet taste of the fruit.

  • Keep in mind that, although not many, it does have calories. And be careful what they serve you. Natural coconut water is not the same as a coconut-based drink. Before taking it, ask or read the label carefully.

Natural tomato juice

Natural tomato juice

It is a classic of summer drinks with almost no calories. Both natural tomato juice and that of other fruits, just squeezed and without adding sugar, are a much lighter and healthier option than a commercial soft drink . However, don't forget that they do have calories (more or less depending on the type of fruit), and that, since there is more than one piece of fruit in a glass, you are actually putting more calories into your body than you think.

  • If you want to make the most of their benefits, make them at home and take them immediately, mix them with ice, so they do not oxidize or lose properties.

Alcohol-free beer

Alcohol-free beer

Beer is synonymous with summer, but also with alcohol and many calories (between 150 and 200 depending on the size). If you still can't resist it when looking for refreshing summer drinks, it better be non-alcoholic.

  • Although it is true that in some cases it still has some alcohol despite being labeled as 'without', it is true that it has fewer calories than normal.

Beer or wine with soda

Beer or wine with soda

As you have seen, beer is very caloric and so is wine (between 174 and 185 calories per glass depending on the variety you choose). Aside from opting for non-alcoholic beer, the only trick to lower your caloric intake a bit (but - don't kid yourself - not entirely) is to mix it with soda.

  • Soda is a slightly sweetened sparkling water, so it is not guilt-free either, but it has fewer calories than beer and wine and consequently if you fill half the glass or jug ​​with it, you are lightening them slightly. . In addition, it is a better option than mixing them with a lemon soda, which are usually loaded with sugar and additives.

Discover here the calories of alcoholic beverages.