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10 foods with zinc that will help you improve your defenses

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Do you know what function zinc has in your body?  Zinc is responsible for having a strong immune system - so you can fight colds - and keeping your hair, hair and nails healthy. It may sound less familiar to you than other nutrients, but a lack of zinc can be one of the causes of some of the ailments that you notice in your day to day If your hair and nails are more brittle or you're not hungry, you could be deficient in zinc.

What does zinc do in the body?

Good levels of this trace element help strengthen your immune system, among other factors. If you consume the recommended daily amount of zinc, 8 to 14 milligrams a day depending on weight and gender, your body will be better prepared to prevent illnesses caused by viruses and bacteria such as colds or the flu.

In addition, a study from the Benioff Children's Hospital Research Institute of the University of California-San Francisco (UCSF) shows that an extra 4 mg of zinc in the diet can have a positive impact on cellular health. And it is that zinc is also needed in many basic functions such as the regulation of the metabolism of nutrients or the absorption and transport of vitamin A.

We have grouped the foods that have more zinc content so that you can consume the recommended daily dose, between 8 to 14 milligrams a day. Read on and take note.

Do you know what function zinc has in your body?  Zinc is responsible for having a strong immune system - so you can fight colds - and keeping your hair, hair and nails healthy. It may sound less familiar to you than other nutrients, but a lack of zinc can be one of the causes of some of the ailments that you notice in your day to day If your hair and nails are more brittle or you're not hungry, you could be deficient in zinc.

What does zinc do in the body?

Good levels of this trace element help strengthen your immune system, among other factors. If you consume the recommended daily amount of zinc, 8 to 14 milligrams a day depending on weight and gender, your body will be better prepared to prevent illnesses caused by viruses and bacteria such as colds or the flu.

In addition, a study from the Benioff Children's Hospital Research Institute of the University of California-San Francisco (UCSF) shows that an extra 4 mg of zinc in the diet can have a positive impact on cellular health. And it is that zinc is also needed in many basic functions such as the regulation of the metabolism of nutrients or the absorption and transport of vitamin A.

We have grouped the foods that have more zinc content so that you can consume the recommended daily dose, between 8 to 14 milligrams a day. Read on and take note.



Do not panic. We start with an inexpensive product but it is that no other food comes close to oysters in zinc content. Its contribution is 22 mg per 100 grams. If your body needs it, and your pocket allows it, incorporate them even if only during a celebration or date.



Another of the few foods that reach two figures in milligrams. In this case, 100 grams of wheat germ provide our body with 17 mg of zinc. How to incorporate it into your dishes? It can accompany a yogurt for breakfast or complete a salad for a light dinner.



Its levels change depending on the animal it comes from. Thus, if the liver is beef, its contribution is 7.3 mg / 100 g, while that of pork has 6.5 mg. In addition to the zinc content, remember that it is a food very rich in protein and iron. If we talk about meats in general, lean beef also has a good contribution with 4.3 mg.



All seafood in general contains good zinc contributions but, as we have already seen with oysters, mollusks stand out. Clams can contain up to 7 mg per 100 g. Skipping a few spots on the list we found a crustacean like crab with 4.7 mg. This spaghetti with clams recipe comes loaded with zinc.



For every 100 grams consumed, our body can extract up to 6.5 mg of zinc. Although it is one of the nuts that rises the most in price, it has low sodium levels, so it is also good for hypertension. Looking for ideas to eat more nuts?



The contribution of this food in zinc is 6 mg / 100g. In addition, pumpkin seeds or seeds stand out for their content of unsaturated fatty acids. How can you eat them? Well, toasted or ground as a topping in your salads and stews.



The sea offers many ways to incorporate zinc into your diet. This seaweed extract is widely used in vegetarian cooking as an alternative to thickeners of animal origin. As far as zinc is concerned, it has an amount of 5.8 mg in every 100 grams.



Associated with the benefits for nails and hair, its secret ingredient for these effects is its zinc content. Specifically, 5 mg / 100 g. Among the multitude of uses it has in the kitchen, for example, you can incorporate it as a substitute for breadcrumbs in a batter.



The zinc contribution of cheese is around 4 mg per 100g. But depending on the variety, this figure can go up. Thus, for example, emmental leads with 4.6 mg followed by blue and gruyere with 4.1 mg. The semi-cured manchego, on the other hand, has 4 mg. Remember, yes, it is a highly caloric and salty food. Do not pass. Do you know how many calories your favorite cheeses have?



Flakes are the easiest way to consume oats, the cereal that provides the most protein. You know very well what fans we are in Clara. Well now we tell you that, in addition, they have a good contribution of zinc. 3.5 mg / 100 g. Give the porridge good.

Foods with a lot of zinc

  1. Oysters Although they are not suitable for all pockets, they are the queens of zinc with 22 milligrams per 100 grams. If you are low on zinc, do not hesitate.
  2. Wheat germ. Toasted to complete your breakfasts, it is another of the foods that has a very high zinc content, 17 milligrams.
  3. Liver. For many it is not the most appetizing dish, we know. But if you try the beef, your body can absorb up to 7.3 milligrams of zinc.
  4. Clams Without reaching the levels of oysters, this mollusk has 7 milligrams. You have the vermouth fixed.
  5. Pinion. In the kingdom of nuts, the pine nut wears the crown of the contribution of zinc with 6.5 milligrams. Others like almonds are close to it but with 4 mg.
  6. Pumpkin seeds. 6 milligrams of zinc is what 100 grams have. Get used to adding a handful to your dishes and you ensure a good contribution.
  7. Agar seaweed. In addition to being a good alternative to the usual thickeners, this algae is close to 6 milligrams of zinc contribution (5.8 mg).
  8. Beer yeast. In addition to the 5 milligrams of zinc, it helps regulate intestinal transit, and provides a lot of energy.
  9. Cheese. Its contribution varies a little depending on the type you choose. At the top, the emmental with almost 5 milligrams of zinc.
  10. Oatmeal. Do not stop eating them for breakfast, your body will receive 3.5 milligrams of this much-needed mineral.