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Celery juice: miracle drink or simple fad?

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Lately it is opening instagram and finding day in and day out a photo with the hashtag #celeryjuice, #zumodeapio, #jugodeapio or similar. And it is that celery juice has been placed, against all odds, in the top ten of the main food trends this year. But to what extent is it as miraculous how they want to sell us?

Celery juice: truths and lies

  • How did this eating trend originate? The main precursor of the craze for drinking celery juice is Anthony William, a healthy eating guru who calls himself a medical medium (despite not having any title that certifies him as a doctor or nutritionist), and who is followed on the networks by celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow or Robert de Niro. William published an article in which he defended the hypothetical miraculous benefits of drinking this green juice and it began to go viral.
  • What are the properties of celery juice, supposedly? According to William, drinking celery juice makes you lose weight, can heal skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis or acne, improves intestinal health, fights cancer, and eradicates bacteria and viruses, among other supposed powers. Experts, however, maintain that, although there is nothing wrong with taking celery juice, it is also not miraculous nor is it much healthier than other fruits or vegetables (indeed, in reference to some specific minerals, vitamins and nutrients, it is even poorer than others).
  • Is it advisable to drink celery juice? It depends. As the dietitian-nutritionist Aitor Sánchez points out in our post about whether smoothies, shakes and green juices are really so healthy and cleansing, "we can take green juices regularly, but never as a substitute for important meals." That is, if the diet is based exclusively on these juices (in this case, celery), it will be deficient in many of the nutrients we need. So it is only recommended if it is combined with a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Do you have any contraindications? Despite its virtues, celery is not always convenient. It should not be consumed in case of acute kidney problems, during pregnancy or if you suffer from disorders such as cystitis. Some people may also suffer allergic reactions in the form of itching on the palate, tongue and lips, rhinoconjunctivitis or cough.

Benefits and properties of celery

  • Diuretic power. It has an essential oil that, in addition to being responsible for its bitter taste, produces a vasodilator effect on the kidney, which helps prevent fluid retention. For that reason, it is beneficial in cases of rheumatism, gout, hypertension and retention problems.
  • Rich in potassium. Its vitamin content is negligible when compared to other vegetables. And in terms of minerals, the most abundant is potassium, although it also provides magnesium and small amounts of sodium, calcium, iron, and phosphorus.
  • Very light and satiating. Due to its insignificant caloric value and its high water content, it is advisable in weight loss diets. In addition, the firm and crunchy texture means that they have to be chewed well, which produces a satiating effect. It is often said that the calories it provides are not even enough to carry your metabolism. That is, it requires more energy to digest than it supplies.

How to make celery juice step by step

To do this, you will need six stems. When you go to the celery sticks, make sure they are in good shape: they are bright green, the stem is firm and crisp, and the leaves are not wilted or yellowish.

  1. Wash the celery. Clean and remove the leaves from the stem. If you want, you can save them to make a soup or broth.
  2. Cut the stem. Make it in medium pieces, neither too big nor too small. Take the opportunity to remove any bumps or stains you find.
  3. Blend and add water. With the help of a blender or a food processor, crush them, add a liter of water, mix and store the resulting juice in the fridge until you are going to drink it.
  4. Sweeten or add more flavor. You can sweeten it with sugar, saccharin or some syrup. Or mix it with natural apple juice, carrot or other fruits and vegetables.

If you want it to be finer, before cutting the stem into pieces, remove the strands with the help of a knife as in the image below these lines.