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Tricks to take more fiber if you don't like the whole thing

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Bet on non-whole fiber

Bet on non-whole fiber

There are many high-fiber foods that are not whole grains. In fact, there are two types of dietary fiber: insoluble, typical of whole grains, but also vegetables such as endive, lettuce, etc., which regulates intestinal transit and reduces constipation; and the soluble, which is found in oats, legumes and fruits such as avocado or apple.

  • Proportions It is advisable to consume three times more soluble fiber than insoluble fiber. So you don't have to gorge yourself on whole grains!

Eat breakfast without whole grains

Eat breakfast without whole grains

Substitute whole grains, bread or toast for yogurt with nuts and fruit. If you prefer white bread, add vegetables (lettuce, tomato slices, cucumber …) and it will have more fiber.

  • More ideas? Take advantage of the fruit and vegetable smoothies, to which you can add chia seeds, flax … You can also opt for a salty breakfast with an egg scramble, asparagus and mushrooms. They are some of our healthy or easy breakfasts.

Eating fruit with skin

Eating fruit with skin

Fruits are rich in fiber, especially pears, red fruits, kiwi or bananas. For higher fiber content, eat them if possible without peeling. In the case of pears, when peeling them, around 34% is lost, and in apples, 11%.

  • And those that are eaten without skin? In fruits that have to be peeled, such as oranges, the ideal is to remove just the skin to remove as little as possible of the white part that covers them, since it is very rich in fiber. But if you do not like the skin, nothing happens, it is better to eat peeled fruit than not.

Eat zoodles, vegetable spaghetti

Eat zoodles, vegetable spaghetti

These are vegetables such as carrot, zucchini, cucumber, beet or broccoli trunk cut into thin strips (in a spiral shape) simulating spaghetti or noodles. They are a way of taking fiber; also, with fewer calories than whole wheat pasta. And it helps you get to the two servings of greens that the experts recommend.

  • Other options. You can also try cauliflower couscous or pasta made from lentil flour, which is another option rich in fiber.

Have nuts as a snack

Have nuts as a snack

Nuts are a great source of fiber, protein and healthy fats, so they have great satiating power. You can have them as a snack between meals; yes, as they are quite caloric, do not exceed 30 g per day. Almonds provide 12.5 g of fiber per 100 g, and pistachios, 10.3 g, for example.

  • Eye to the data. Better to take them natural (without roasting, frying and / or salting) and with the skin, as this increases their fiber content.

Add seeds to dishes

Add seeds to dishes

Add seeds to everything: salads, soups, vegetable creams, yogurts, smoothies, etc. They are a very interesting plus since they contain soluble fiber. Those with the highest amount of fiber are chia, with 34.4 g of fiber per 100 g. But those of pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, poppy and flax are not far behind either.

  • Don't limit yourself to just a few. Combine them, because in addition to fiber they also provide other nutrients, such as omega 3, vitamins and minerals.

Using quinoa as a substitute

Using quinoa as a substitute

If you like its taste, you can substitute any whole grain for the quinoa. It contains 6 g of fiber per 100 g, is rich in iron and magnesium, and also has more complete proteins (almost double that of rice), making it even more satisfying.

  • How to take advantage of it. It is prepared like any cereal and admits the same combinations: in salads, soups and, even, you can make popcorn or use its flour in many preparations. Here are easy recipes with quinoa to prepare.

Have a green smoothie when you wake up

Have a green smoothie when you wake up

You can make a green smoothie with spinach, parsley, apple, celery, ginger, spirulina algae, and chia seeds. It is very purifying and has a large amount of fiber.

  • It will help you fight constipation and keep you full. Discover more detox shakes to cleanse and lose weight.

How to ensure the recommended fiber intake?

How to ensure the recommended fiber intake?

It is recommended to take between 30 and 40 g of fiber daily.

  • To achieve this, you can consume 3 pieces of fruit with skin on a daily basis; 2 servings of vegetables raw or cooked al dente; a handful (30 g) of dried fruit as a snack; and between 2 and 4 weekly servings of legumes.

And drink water

And drink water

According to experts, drinking enough water is essential for fiber to do its job, promoting intestinal transit.

  • Here are tricks to drink more water (without realizing it).