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Tricks to save when you like to splurge

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You at the end of the month

You at the end of the month

Do you feel identified with Kim, calling the bank in search of an explanation about so much spending on your account? And in the end the lord of your branch ends up reciting the entire list of movements executed to you and you have to hang in shame. It was you, who did not know how to save, and you knew it from the beginning. For this reason, we bring you the infallible tricks to learn how to save and make your card notice it (for good) . With the right sacrifice and with the account almost intact: this is how you will make it to the end of the month from now on.

Before you are, pay yourself first

Before you are, pay yourself first

We know that the day you get paid, the first thing you think about is all the outstanding debts you have from the previous month, but first, pay yourself. How? Create a savings account in a different bank and direct debit there an amount from your checking account, which is automatically transferred every month . Let's put around € 100/150 at the beginning of the month that, in reality, is not going to cost you as much as you think and you are going to save a lot. Of course, the savings account is sacred. Not even touching it except in an emergency of first necessity or the reason why you were saving.

Do not waste

Do not waste

Once your debts are paid and your "pay" added to your savings account, you may be tempted to spend a good amount of money "on something." Whether it's clothes, accessories, gadgets, movies, going out … Wait a week before spending money on these things and think about the things you really need and differentiate them from your whims . When you are in the store (physical or online) about to be tempted, ask yourself if you really need that or if it makes you happy. You will see that many times the answer is no …

Know your weaknesses

Know your weaknesses

For example: there are people who when stressed or bored tend to go shopping. If you know that this is one of your weaknesses, stay busy, make other plans, don't spend the day on … Check out one or more days a month to go shopping and don't go every two to three.

Take advantage of discounts

Take advantage of discounts

No need to spend the day in online stores to find out about discounts, offers, price reductions or mid-season sales . In fact, Mango tends to do it from time to time and it's time to take advantage of it. Just one tip: when you do, buy yourself basic wardrobe essentials. If you do things wisely, it will be an investment rather than a whim.

Set a motivating goal

Set a motivating goal

Consider that you want to take a trip with your friends or your partner, isn't that reason enough to save money? Take a cute jar and tune it like a piggy bank with the word 'travel' very clear . Go putting a fixed weekly amount there and you will see how you motivate yourself much more.

How do I save without sacrificing my social life?

How do I save without sacrificing my social life?

Very easy. It is proven that most of our money goes to social activities that involve food, that is, restaurants. Instead of doing that every week, you can propose to go for a drink (to drink) and eat before or after at home. Or you can do things outdoors where everyone brings their picnic, parties at home … Anyway, there are hundreds of much more economical alternatives than going to celebrate a birthday at the most expensive restaurant in the city.

Save yourself the postureo coffee

Save yourself the postureo coffee

What is café-postureo? The mocha latte with soy milk and nutmeg shavings that you order every day at Starbucks. It will seem like no, but we can assure you that a good coffee maker will be cheaper in the long run than what you are doing. Make your own coffee-posture at home and save money .

Save yourself the gym

Save yourself the gym

And with this we are not forbidding you to do sports but quite the opposite: do it but outdoors or at home. If you are a fan of nature, go for a run after a hard day at work. You can not imagine how good it will do you. There are even exercises to burn fat that you can do at home perfectly. One less silly expense.

Listen to the advice of a friend

Listen to the advice of a friend

Take your friend, the saver of the group, and ask her how she does it, how she organizes her expenses, what whims she has … Well, even ask her about the tool she uses because, today, there are applications that help you keep track your expenses, save and monitor your movements.

Our favorite method

Our favorite method

Surely you have hobbies that you can't even bear and want to end them. How about killing two birds with one stone and, for every time you kite it, add a coin to your savings jar ? With time, you may have shed your mania and have a little extra money for the whim that drives you crazy . And if you want to save up to € 300 a month, stop doing this … you'll see how easy!

The new month begins and of course that dress that has been waiting for you for a week is Mid-season or the new Zara you love so much that it is impossible to save. The same thing happens to many of us but this new Autumn / Winter 2018-2019 season we have proposed to save some money at the end of the month and for this we have selected the best tricks to achieve it. If you want to change your habits, keep reading because you will surely find ideas to save yourself.

Tricks to save that really work

  1. Create a savings account. Go to a different bank and open an account exclusively to save. Once you have it, establish a monthly transfer from your checking account to that, which will be sacred and untouchable. In a few months, even when you have forgotten that it exists, you will be happy to see such a compilation.
  2. Stop compulsively. If being bored or stressed makes you go shopping, you have to find other distractions. Go for a walk, watch Netflix like crazy, call a friend and have a glass of wine on a terrace … In short, cheaper alternatives than things you don't need.
  3. Take advantage of discounts. Are you the typical one that when you enter a store you go directly to the red signs with the discount symbol? You do well. Take advantage of momentary discounts, mid-season sales and highly anticipated ones. At that point, get all the basics that you know you will need and use. They will go from being a silly expense to being an investment.
  4. Come up with cheaper plans. Saving does not mean sacrificing your social life.
  5. Set yourself a motivating goal. A trip, an expensive bag … Set it to death, make accounts to establish savings quotas and in X months you will have it but without spending it all at once.
  6. Save yourself the gym. You can exercise at home by watching videos on YouTube or by following the step by step that we propose in the Clara Magazine section, The gym at home. We leave you a video below but click here to discover more videos of exercises with Eri Sakamoto.