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Rice timpani with salmon

Table of contents:


200 g of rice
500 g of salmon supreme
125 g carrots
125 g of zucchini
2 tbsp. of oil
Coarse salt
2 tbsp. white wine
1 tbsp. of sugar
1 tsp. mustard

If you fancy a tasty and colorful dish that doesn't hurt the line, try the salmon rice timpani. While it is true that there are no foods that make you lose weight by magic, there are those that stimulate the metabolism and help you lose fat more quickly.

Salmon is one of them. Its proteins and vitamin B12 accelerate metabolism causing you to consume more calories during digestion. And its richness in omega 3 fatty acid helps activate brown fat, which warms the body and burns calories.

How to do it step by step

  1. Season and marinate the salmon . Wash and dry the salmon and season it. In a bowl, mix the marinade ingredients well. Dip the salmon in the preparation and let it marinate for about 2 hours.
  2. Cook the rice and prepare the vegetables . On one side, boil the rice until cooked, drain it and spread it out on a flat plate. And on the other, clean the vegetables, cut them into sticks and sauté them for about 4 or 5 minutes or so. Reserve them. And preheat the oven to 200 °.
  3. Cut the fish and grill it . Once macerated, remove the salmon from the marinade, cut it into small slices and grill it on the oven for 5 or 6 minutes.
  4. Caramelize the marinade . Pour the marinade liquid into a saucepan and cook for 2 minutes until it has thickened a bit and caramelized, and set it aside.
  5. Assemble the timpani . With the help of a kitchen ring, alternate layers of rice and layers of vegetables, and a little chopped chives. Complete the timbale with the salmon slices on top.

So that it is juicy

The key so that the dish does not remain dry is to dress each layer with a little of the caramelized liquid from the marinade that you have reserved. And finish off the presentation of the plate with a few drops above and around the timpani.

Clara trick

The fat burning power of salmon

This fish is a great source of vitamin B12, a vitamin that stimulates metabolism and fat burning. It is only found in fish, meat, dairy, and eggs.

In addition, salmon is rich in omega 3, which helps activate brown fat. And according to a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, its consumption is directly related to a lower rate of obesity.