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Alopecia test: is my hair falling out a lot or is it normal?

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The main reasons why hair falls out

Autumn, when we think about how to repair our hair from the ravages of the sun or when we consider a change of look, is also the time when many of us realize that we are losing more hair than usual. And it is that hair loss is an increasingly frequent fact in today's society. Many people associate it with the season of the year or with hormonal changes, but they are not the only causes. In fact, 25% of women suffer from some type of alopecia according to scientific studies, although not in all cases it is alarming.

A loss of between 50 and 100 hairs per day is considered normal, especially in seasonal changes

Why does hair fall out?

We present some of the most frequent situations that cause alopecia. If you identify with any of them, we give you the keys to tackle the problem successfully.

Reason 1: Fall's fault

Hair is renewed more clearly twice a year, in the spring and autumn seasons.

  • The hair becomes "lethargic". Something similar to the shedding of hair or feathers of some animals occurs. Due to the heat and UV rays, hair grows faster during the summer. However, when autumn arrives, the roots stop their activity –that is, they stop making hair–, they enter the resting phase and the hair that has already formed is shed.
  • A passing phenomenon. The hair that falls out is old, but the capillary density does not decrease because there is a balance between the hair that falls and the one that grows. It is a process that takes 3 to 4 weeks. Afterwards, it stops spontaneously, the roots “wake up” and the hair comes out again.
  • A little push. In this case, the massive fall does not mean that there is a hair problem. Therefore, no action is necessary as it clears up on its own, after a month. Of course, only the elderly or people with little hair are those who should preferably follow a regenerative treatment (lotion or capsules) during the changes of season, in autumn and spring, as a prevention.
  • The active ingredients that work the best are the stimulants of microcirculation, such as caffeine, nettle, arnica, ginseng; vitamins, especially group B, E and biotin; minerals, such as iron, silicon, and zinc; and amino acids with sulfur (cystine, methionine).

Reason 2: Some habits favor the fall

Sometimes, what seems to be the fall of hair typical of autumn hides some disorder of the organism. If you notice that your hair suddenly begins to fall, in an exaggerated way - even strands - and affects the entire scalp, you are most likely suffering from reactional hair loss. The problem is that, since the hairs do not fall until the new ones begin to appear, the fall is appreciated after 1-3 months. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to identify the origin. The most common causes that can lead to alopecia are:

  • One-off or ongoing stress, and traumatic situations, such as the death of a family member.
  • Various diseases: anemia, hypo and hyperthyroidism, diabetes; prolonged fever and surgical interventions.
  • Some medications for depression, hypertension, cholesterol, and abrupt withdrawal of oral contraceptives, among others. If it is a reaction to a drug that is the problem, replace it with another with the same action.
  • The diets very restrictive, with lack of essential vitamins and minerals. As alopecia can last for several months, until the cause that causes it is solved, the best measure is to take a blood and / or hormonal test to check the iron and tyrosine levels. If necessary, the dermatologist will recommend the most appropriate treatment if there are abnormalities.

Reason 3: After pregnancy

Alopecia is sometimes due to a perfectly identified cause, such as the hormonal alteration that is suffered in the gestation period. And is that during pregnancy, estrogen levels increase, so the hair keeps growing for longer. After childbirth or breastfeeding, there is a hormonal readjustment and hair that had not shed during the months of pregnancy falls out. The fall can be moderate or abundant, depending on the case, and affects the entire scalp, although it is more noticeable on the front. The hair that falls out is thick and long. It appears 2 to 3 months after delivery or breastfeeding and usually stops after 2 to 3 weeks. To improve, in addition to applying hair products sold in pharmacies,It is advisable to take a nutricosmetic or nutritional supplement with especially nutritious substances (vitamins, minerals and amino acids) to reinforce the weakened state of the rest of the mane.

Reason 4: The passage of time favors the fall

Hair loss is very common to appear over time. It affects 30% of women over 50, during menopause. As we age, follicles lose the ability to make hair and hair grows slower. In addition, from menopause, female hormones (estrogens) decrease, while male hormones (androgens) remain. Hence, the amount of hair decreases and it is distributed according to a male pattern.

  • Finer hair. Alopecia is especially noticeable on the top of the head. The "entrances" are marked and the hairline on the forehead recedes. The hairs that fall are of different thickness and the capillary density decreases. On the other hand, curiously, on the chin, the mustache area and the cheeks the amount of hair increases.
  • Stimulates irrigation. This situation can be indefinite if a specific treatment is not followed to be able to counteract it. Minoxidil is one of the active ingredients that works best. This 2% principle (20 drops, 2 times a day) is a local vasodilator that activates capillary irrigation and stimulates the roots so that the hair grows stronger.
  • Cosmetics. Anti-aging hair shampoos and lotions that include nourishing ingredients, antioxidants, and hair softeners are an excellent supplement to minoxidil. It is advisable to use nourishing masks, which protect and soothe the skin, since the scalp is thinner and the hair appears dry and dehydrated due to hormonal changes.
  • The latest generation hair prostheses (partial or total) are very discreet. They are made with natural hair and are dyed in the desired color. It is a good option for those women with very severe alopecia and who do not want to resort to micrografts.

Reason 5: Excess Male Hormones

The loss in cases of androgenetic alopecia –also known as male baldness– is rare, but prolonged over time.

  • Family heritage. Although the fall can have the same symptoms as in menopause, alopecia can sometimes be caused by excess male hormones such as testosterone or by genetic predisposition. In these cases, it is usually accompanied by excess oil, tightness and pain in the scalp.
  • It delays its appearance. If you have a family history (father, mother, grandparents, siblings) with the same problem, it is best to start treatment from puberty to delay its onset.
  • eye! Avoid minerals and vitamins, because although they are good for other types of alopecia, in this case they accelerate hair cycles and they enter the loss phase.
  • The vegetable extracts of sabal, pumpkin, pine, rosemary and hops are the most suitable, because they stop the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, responsible for activating the hormone testosterone.
  • Antioxidants (resveratrol, green tea), sebum regulators (zinc) and sulfur amino acids are also suitable, because they increase the resistance of the hair that is being formed.
  • Lotions with antiandrogens or with a local vasodilator (minoxidil) are necessary when the alopecia is advanced.
  • Avoid obsessing over the problem. Although alopecia negatively affects self-esteem and causes anxiety, these conditions have been found to further aggravate hair loss.

Truths and lies about hair loss

  1. If you wash it daily, it falls more. False: people who wash their hair less for this reason only get it to come off when detangling, touching it, etc.
  2. Cutting it often falls little. False: hair falls from the root and the length of the hair shaft does not influence. but if the hair is short it seems that it falls less.
  3. Smoking makes alopecia worse. True: tobacco alters hormone levels, destroys hair follicles, and slows down microcirculation.
  4. Little sleep can cause it. True: hair grows at night and if the person suffers from insomnia it can alter this phase of hair renewal.