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Better sleep test: find out if you suffer from a sleep disorder

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Right now in Spain there are more people who suffer or have suffered insomnia than people who sleep like a dormouse. The 54% of the population knows what it is to spend a sleepless night . And here the "evil of many …" is not valid, because insomnia can seriously affect health and is responsible for more than half of traffic accidents and 52% of work accidents.

Discover with our test if yours is something specific or if you really have an insomnia problem. And if you want to improve the quality of your sleep, don't miss these 30 tricks to sleep like a baby. Because sleeping well is something so important that we cannot leave it in the hands of sheep accountants.


  • Enlarge the life. According to the magazine Sleep , sleeping less than 6 hours a day increases the risk of premature death by 12%.
  • Lower risk of obesity. Poor sleep causes an increase in ghrelin, the hormone that whets your appetite.
  • Protect memory. During the night you reorganize all the information of the day and your mind consolidates relevant data.
  • Reduce the risk of hypertension. Insomnia makes you secrete more cortisol, the stress hormone, and increases blood pressure.
  • Fight depression. Also, the higher your cortisol and the more stress you undergo, the higher your risk of depression.