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Test: how much are you going to gain this summer?

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Did you know that we Spaniards gain on average almost one kilo per week on vacation? The change in habits and the daily "rewards" are the main responsible. But don't throw in the towel, getting fat in summer is not inevitable. You can enjoy the holidays, the well-deserved rest and the good food without having to take on - yes or yes - two or three kilos. Impossible? No, with our advice. But before following them, take our test and find out if you are going to gain weight on vacation and how much.

How not to get fat on vacation

  1. Do not prohibit food. What do you think makes you fatter, eat that ice cream that you crave so much or have willpower and resist temptation? The anxiety generated by not eating something that you really want is always worse than eating it.
  2. Select and enjoy food. If you are going to fall into the delicious temptation of snacking, do it for something worthwhile and enjoy it fully. A caloric indulgence is well worth savoring calmly to indulge and indulge all your taste buds. Plus, there are plenty of healthy and delicious non-fattening treats.
  3. Do not sting daily. Taking several "permits" a day is an excess for weight and health. In addition, it does not allow you to enjoy as much as when you "wait" for that right moment.
  4. Compensate for excesses. It is the key to not gaining weight and even losing it.
  5. Be careful with the drinks. Sometimes we don't realize it and we drink more calories than we think. Many drinks have more calories than it seems.
  6. If you change your habits … do it for the better. If you have more time to have breakfast, take advantage and prepare a natural juice, a French omelette … If you have more leisure time, take advantage of it and take long walks, discover new places on foot, get oxygen in contact with nature.
  7. The 5 minute trick. If you don't want to "snack" today but feel anxious, let 5 minutes pass. If after that time you still "need" that whim, give it to yourself. Say out loud what you are going to drink and in what quantity and do it enjoying it to the fullest and without regrets.
  8. Sign up for "mattress" foods. Before a dinner, or a celebration, take a "mattress" food that prevents you from going hungrier than necessary. You can take a hard-boiled egg, which contains amino acids that keep you feeling full for a longer time, or a yogurt with satiating fibers, which will allow you to control yourself more easily.
  9. From 7pm onwards, avoid caloric whims, since from that time on the metabolism is much slower and we burn less energy.
  10. Choose well and get it right. Most of the time we eat more than necessary and worse without wanting to. It is because we have ever larger rations and a large assortment of hypercaloric foods within our reach. Try to always choose the healthiest and lightest options and you can enjoy the table without getting fat.

The main responsible for us to gain weight in summer

  1. The change of habits. With more free time we move less, rest more hours, take a nap … We also have snacks, tapas, ice creams … The ideal environment to gain weight, although we can avoid it with small changes.
  2. The "daily prizes". In summer we like to indulge ourselves: an aperitif before eating, an ice cream for dessert, a crepe for a snack; Today we dine out … Treating yourself once in a while is good, doing it every day and several times is the problem.
  3. The anxiety. Although it seems a paradox, summer generates stress. Some nerves that join those that we drag throughout the year. The experts assure that the real relaxation does not arrive until 15 days pass from the beginning of the vacation. Spaniards gain on average almost one kilo per week on vacation