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If you are over 45 years old and have trouble losing weight, this is your diet to lose weight

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Sometimes, when you already eat in a healthy and balanced way and exercise regularly, you can have trouble losing those 2 or 3 kilos that you may have gained. This is quite common when you reach 45-50 years with those good habits of life well established and you already begin to notice the effects of the hormonal change that accompanies menopause.

How can you lose that weight? Dr. Mª Isabel Beltrán Margarit, CLARA nutritionist, proposes doing one shock day a week within a diet that, as we say, is already healthy and balanced.


Throughout the day you can have homemade vegetable broth without salt. You can drink 1.5 liters a day and, if you need to hydrate more, take infusions. Ideally, the liquids you drink are warm, because this contributes to satiety.

This is what you should take on the "shock" day:

  • When you get up. A glass of warm vegetable broth.
  • Breakfast. 1 piece of seasonal fruit + 1 natural yogurt without sugar.
  • Midmorning. 1 piece of seasonal fruit
  • Food. 1 piece of seasonal fruit + 1 natural yogurt without sugar.
  • Snack. 1 natural yogurt without sugar or kefir (125 ml).
  • Dinner. A plate of vegetable cream (without cream, cheese or potato).
  • For the whole day. Vegetable broth and infusions without sugar.


In this article we will tell you how to make the cleansing broth that will help you lose weight, but if instead of making the broth at home you opt for it, choose a natural vegetable broth (they are colorings or preservatives) and reduce it with water. They are usually one-liter bricks and you can lower them with half a liter of water.


  • If you have trouble taking the vegetable broth, you can add a teaspoon of miso, that is, a fermented soybean paste. It is a probiotic rich in protein, which helps satiety and intestinal transit, and gives the broth an extra flavor that can help you consume it.
  • Take the broth as hot as you can, to force yourself to drink it little by little, in small sips, which helps to take away your hunger for longer.
  • Always choose seasonal fruit at its point of maturity and, if you can, take it with the skin.
  • Yogurt or kefir can be made from whole milk, they do not need to be skimmed, but they do need to be natural and unsweetened.
  • If you are away from home, take the broth in a thermos to keep it warm.
  • You can do sports, but that does not involve very intense work.
  • Although it is always recommended, on the day of shock it is even more important to try to sleep 7-8 hours. Even take a little nap at noon.
  • The creams that are taken during dinner should be only boiled vegetables. If you are going to make a sauce, make it very light (only 1 tablespoon of olive oil).
  • If you usually drink coffee, you can continue drinking - up to 2 cups - as long as it is a coffee without milk or sugar.


Ideally, you should eat a light and balanced diet. The typical menu would be the following:

  • Breakfast. 1 piece of seasonal fruit + 1 natural yogurt without sugar.
  • Midmorning. Mini wholemeal bread or cereal (60 g) with natural tuna, artisan cold cuts of turkey, Iberian ham, smoked salmon …
  • Food. Mixed salad of lettuce and vegetables + fish or meat or eggs or tofu … + fruit
  • Snack. Mini wholemeal bread or cereal (60 g) with natural tuna, artisan cold cuts of turkey, Iberian ham, smoked salmon …
  • Dinner. Vegetable cream (without cream, cheese or potato) + fish or meat or eggs or tofu … + 1 natural yogurt without sugar

You will see that in the downloadable menus we have set Monday as a shock day, however, you can do it any day of the week, to fit it as you like best.


You can follow it until you lose those 2-3 kilos that you have left over. You can also use the "shock" day to compensate if you have had some commitments in a row and have eaten more for a few days. It's a perfect wild card to compensate when you go over.