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If you put these 3 things in your breakfast, it will always be healthy

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It cannot be said that we Spaniards have a good breakfast. According to studies, Spanish breakfast provides 17% of daily energy (compared to 25% recommended) and is rich in sugar, saturated fat and low in fiber and quality proteins. So we have plenty of room for improvement when it comes to making healthy breakfasts.

It cannot be said that we Spaniards have a good breakfast. According to studies, Spanish breakfast provides 17% of daily energy (compared to 25% recommended) and is rich in sugar, saturated fat and low in fiber and quality proteins. So we have plenty of room for improvement when it comes to making healthy breakfasts.

What should a healthy breakfast include?

What should a healthy breakfast include?

Raquel Bernácer, dietician -nutritionist and author of the book "Learn to have breakfast", argues that the fundamental premise that we must follow is that the foods we eat are healthy and that if we respect this, any combination of foods can be valid. We cannot forget that the balance between the different food groups must be achieved globally in all the meals we eat in a day and not in just one. And the same goes for calories; Although the general recommendation is that between 400 and 450 calories be taken at breakfast, everything will depend on what we eat during the rest of the day and on the physical activity we do.

  • General recommendation. In any case, and despite the fact that there are no fixed rules, most experts recommend including foods from different groups, but without exceeding the quantities. If you want to make sure that you eat a healthy breakfast and taking into account our cultural habits in your breakfasts, the following ingredients cannot be missing.

Whole grains, they satisfy you and ward off hunger

Whole grains, they satisfy you and ward off hunger

Whole grains give you energy to face your daily obligations without problems. And thanks to their fiber content, they are very satiating and help you keep hunger away for several hours.

When it comes to breakfast cereals, it is important that you do not rely solely on the claims that may appear on the packaging and check the list of ingredients that they are really made with whole grains and not refined cereals. And by the way, note that they do not have added sugar, something that breakfast cereals usually carry in large quantities.

In this sense, without a doubt one of the healthiest cereals is oatmeal. In addition to fiber, oatmeal, considered the queen of cereals for its beneficial properties, provides more protein than other cereals, helps control blood sugar levels so it is beneficial for diabetics and contains a large amount of good fats ( omega 3 and linoleic acids).

  • Alternatives. Instead of breakfast cereals, you can also go for whole wheat bread. Make sure it is 100% comprehensive. You can also encourage yourself to make your own bread.

Foods rich in protein, fill and help you lose weight

Foods rich in protein, fill and help you lose weight

Foods rich in protein, such as eggs or yogurt, for example, are also highly recommended for breakfast. According to a study by the University of Missouri, including protein-rich foods at breakfast makes you feel more satisfied and helps you snack less until lunchtime. And in the long run, it is a factor that contributes to weight loss since it increases the feeling of fullness throughout the day and reduces the desire to take "fancy foods" (in general, rich in fat and sugar).

  • Beneficial bacteria. Natural yogurt is also a probiotic food that provides beneficial bacteria for the microbiota. You can mix it with fruit or nuts and thus obtain an extra dose of vitamins and healthy fats respectively.

Whole fruit, acceptable sugar

Whole fruit, acceptable sugar

It is very common for us to include a juice in breakfast, but if you want your breakfast to be really healthy, it is better to replace it with a piece of whole fruit. Even 100% natural juices are rich in free sugars, the consumption of which should be reduced to less than 10% of everything we eat each day. The whole fruit, on the other hand, contains intrinsic sugars that do not have negative effects on health.

  • Other benefits. The whole fruit, in addition, satisfies you more because you must chew it and because it has a high fiber content, which will also help you fight constipation. If you have doubts about the convenience or not of eating fruit, find out when and how to eat it.