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Clear challenge: skin care

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When we started #RetoClara , Nuria Soteras, from Backstage Bcn, was clear about it: "Laura needed to reduce belly fat and, although her skin is young, it was necessary to avoid the flaccidity that can appear with weight loss".

And how do we get it?

Even if you follow the nutritionist's instructions and lose weight at a healthy rate, your skin may suffer, so it is better to use firming lotions. Look for products that contain ingredients like collagen, cocoa butter, shea butter, and vitamins of group A, C, E and D.

The massage

Find 15 minutes in the morning and another 15 at night to give yourself a leisurely massage, making larger and larger circles on the skin in a clockwise direction, ensuring that the cream is completely absorbed. Finish it off with little pinches. And also in the rest of the body, with circles from bottom to top.

The reducer, on time

Ideally, apply the reducing cream between 6 and 8 in the morning. It is the moment when hormones "empty" fat cells to meet the body's energy needs. So take the opportunity to put it on after the shower.

What cream to choose?

If you have stubborn fat, the ideal is to choose a cream with caffeine and carnitine. If in addition to fat you have flaccidity, you need firming assets such as silicon, sparkle and retinol. And if fluid retention is added to localized fat, better creams with active ingredients that improve microcirculation, such as ginseng, and draining, such as horsetail and ivy.

Become friends with peeling

Once a week perform an exfoliation to oxygenate and purify your skin. You will eliminate cells and dead skin, favoring the absorption of your creams.

Aesthetic treatments

There are several very effective treatments to eliminate localized fat and retention, and make the skin firm, such as radiofrequency, vacuum therapy, icoone, wraps …

The importance of hydration

And we are not only talking about the daily use of a cream, but also about hydrating your body from the inside, so do not forget to drink water. If you have trouble remembering to do so, take note of our tricks that will help you drink more water almost without realizing it.

Do not forget that the success of a diet also lies in practicing sports and taking care of your diet. Do not miss the advice of the personal trainer who has helped Laura achieve her goal and consult the daily menus of #Clara Challenge.