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13 Antioxidant Foods That Will Make You Look Perfect Skin

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Rejuvenate by taking apple

Rejuvenate by taking apple

The phrase An apple a day keeps the doctor away , could not be more true. We should all eat at least one apple a day, since it is a fruit rich in vitamin C and, in addition, it contains flavonoids, antioxidant substances that can reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases, some types of cancer and other chronic disorders.

Refreshing watermelon

Refreshing watermelon

Super light (just 16 kcal per 100 g) and with very little sugar. 93% of its composition is water, so it will keep your skin hydrated. Furthermore, lycopene - the cause of its attractive red color - is an antioxidant substance that protects against some types of cancer. It contains vitamin A, powerful for its anti-aging and anti-cancer effect.

Less wrinkles with peach

Less wrinkles with peach

The peach is a treasure that houses a true antioxidant triad, which is made up of vitamins A, C and E. For this reason, it helps to protect us from aging, cardiovascular disorders and to prevent cancer. In addition, it has a lot of water - it represents 87% of its weight - and a low amount of fat, which makes its calorie content low (between 35 and 45 calories per 100 g).

Raspberry for tired skin

Raspberry for tired skin

A cup of raspberries provides almost 90% of the daily needs of vitamin C. But it is not the only one, because it also contains highly antioxidant phytochemicals, such as anthocyanins, quercetin, cyanidin, ellagitannins or ellagic acid. In addition to caring for the skin, it has a detoxifying and revitalizing effect, ideal for times of stress and exhaustion.

Satiating banana

Satiating banana

The banana provides vitamin A in the form of retinol, essential for the health and beauty of the skin. It also contains zinc which improves cell renewal and tones the skin. In addition, it is a very satiating fruit due to its high fiber content. In addition, it contains tryptophan, a precursor of serotonin, the "hormone of happiness", which also helps us relax and sleep better.

Get oxygen with white tea

Get oxygen with white tea

This infusion with a delicate aroma activates circulation and oxygenates the skin . It contains up to 3 times more polyphenols than green tea, which is why it has enormous antioxidant power , protects the skin and hair from environmental agents and helps us increase our body's defenses. And it not only protects the skin, but it also protects against cavities, thanks to fluoride.

Strengthen your defenses with cherries

Strengthen your defenses with cherries

Like other fruits, it contains vitamins and minerals and also provides a lot of vitamin C. But what makes cherries special is its enormous richness in anthocyanins. These pigments, responsible for its red color, help delay premature skin aging and protect against degenerative diseases and cancer, particularly colon cancer.

A natural tan thanks to carrots

A natural tan thanks to carrots

Its high composition in carotenes and provitamin A make carrots an effective and healthy natural tanner. Carotenes have the peculiarity of protecting the skin from the negative influence of the sun, keeping it hydrated and promoting a good natural tone. Of course, NEVER stop using sunscreen both in summer and winter.

Tomato, fountain of youth

Tomato, fountain of youth

The tomato contains lycopene, responsible for its bright red color. This substance is a powerful antioxidant that stops the negative action of free radicals and protects the skin. The tomato sauce, so typical of the Mediterranean diet, is a good way to get the body to better absorb this lycopene, due to the heat of cooking and the presence of olive oil.

Always dress with lemon

Always dress with lemon

It is a true mine of health, rich in vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus … It cares for and protects the skin, has antiseptic effects and defends us against bacteria and viruses. Dress salads, fish or meats with lemon and add it to your juices and infusions, you will enjoy younger skin while improving your immune system.

Anti-stretch mark chocolate

Anti-stretch mark chocolate

Chocolate is rich in copper, a trace element that helps prevent stretch marks and preserve the youth and elasticity of the skin. Copper fights free radicals and helps regenerate collagen. Among the foods rich in copper, in addition to chocolate, are vegetables, legumes, nuts, avocados, potatoes and cereals.

Sign up for green coffee

Sign up for green coffee

Green coffee is a great source of polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that counteract the action of free radicals and help combat premature aging of the skin and prevent some diseases. You have more polyphenols than roasting since it does not undergo roasting, a process that destroys part of them.

Mango, the power of vitamin E

Mango, the power of vitamin E

Mango - like peach - is a great source of vitamins A, C and E, to which it owes its great antioxidant power. Its vitamin E content stands out especially. If you do not usually eat it, start with small amounts since there are people who do not tolerate its high fiber content well, which can cause gas.

Do you want to show off a perfect and luminous skin, even if you have it oily, dry or combination? Do you have sensitive skin and you need to forget about itching and tightness? Or what you want is to "fight" against spots and wrinkles? Whatever your desire, you can achieve it with a diet full of antioxidants, which are nothing more than molecules that delay the oxidation of free radicals, other molecules responsible for the weakening or destruction of the collagen and elastin fibers of the skin.

In the creams and … on your plate

Surely your beauty creams already contain many antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, superfoods, polyphenols from grape seeds, green tea, coenzyme Q10 or pomegranate extract, among the more than 50 that are used in cosmetics . So why not include them in your dishes? To enjoy a 100% natural, 100% healthy and 100% delicious beauty, you only have to slightly modify your gastronomic habits and enhance in your menus those foods that contain more vitamins C, E and A, selenium, lycopene, lutein or beta-carotene.

As easy as eating apple

Don't be overwhelmed if these names sound like Chinese to you or if you don't know what foods include them, because in this gallery you will find the solution. And do not think that we are going to present you things that you have not heard in your life. Nothing is further from reality. You have all of them at your fingertips, because we are going to talk to you about apples, white tea, lemon, mango … They are the ones that contain the most antioxidants and they are the ones that you should take more into account to take them more often.

In your daily menus

Sure, many are already part of your daily meals, but it never hurts to know its many properties and benefits, right? And if there are some that aren't in your pantry yet, give them a shot. You will see how your skin thanks you!

And if you don't know what your skin type is, find out by doing our test.