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What can I take for digestive problems?

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Plants can help you

Plants can help you

To relieve digestive discomfort, there are many plants that can help you. And as Dr. Miguel Martín Almendros, member of the Board of Directors of the Center for Research on Phytotherapy (INFITO) points out, except in case of allergy or sensitization, anyone can resort to them.

In infusion or in tablet?

Infusion or tablet?

Dr. Martín Almendros recommends the tablets better than the infusions because it is easier to control the amount and the necessary dose.

Effective combination

Effective combination

If you opt for tablets to alleviate your discomfort, compounds with peppermint, chamomile, and fennel are a good option. They facilitate digestion, protect the stomach and prevent flatulence. Ask at your trusted pharmacy.

Avoid interactions

Avoid interactions

If you take any conventional medication, consult your doctor before taking any medicinal plant.



See if what you are going to take has them. Licorice, for example, is contraindicated in pregnant or breastfeeding.



Facilitates the expulsion of accumulated gases.

Green anise

Green anise

Relieves gastritis, gas and heavy digestion.



It tones the digestive system and is ideal after a large meal.



It is used for stomach pain, and it can even help stomach ulcers.



It favors digestion and is carminative. As well as it goes well for flatus.



It works in a similar way to omeprazole. But check before taking it.

Tricks to improve digestion

Tricks to improve digestion

And if, apart from medicinal plants, you want to know how to relieve heaviness, bloating, gas or other digestive discomfort with simple changes in habits, here are the best tips to improve digestion.

Eating fast, not chewing enough, nervous or spicy are some of the factors that influence good or bad digestion. But what can we do when the bloody digestive discomfort assails us? One of the possible ways to alleviate them is by taking herbs or medicinal plants, as pointed out by Dr. Miguel Martín Almendros, member of the Board of Directors of the Center for Research on Phytotherapy (INFITO).

Interactions and other conditions

However, it is necessary to take into account certain aspects such as not having any allergies or sensitivity to some of these plants. It is also necessary to ensure that there are no interactions with other medications that we are taking (to clear up doubts, it is best to consult a specialist before taking any of these plants). We must pay attention to the contraindications they may have (reading the leaflet, for example). And Dr. Miguel Martín Almendros says that it is better to take them in commitments than in infusion because that way it will be easier for you to graduate the amount you need.

The benefits of a change in habits

Also, do not forget that there are some simple tricks you can do to avoid poor digestion, such as taking food out of the fridge half an hour before eating, not going overboard with fiber, cooking food at the most done point. adequate, drink hot water on an empty stomach, follow anti-poor digestion cooking techniques …