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Very effective aesthetic treatments that are not noticeable

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There are many women who are reluctant to undergo cosmetic treatments because they think that the remedy may be worse than the disease. However, there are techniques that have shown excellent results without side effects.

Of course, you always have to put yourself in good hands and if you have any questions, turn to the Spanish Society of Cosmetic Medicine and Surgery (SEMCC) to find out which are the closest clinics or centers with the best guarantees, those that improve small aspects of our beauty without putting health at risk.

Here are 6 common aesthetic problems and the best technique in professional hands.

Angry face?

Botulinum toxin. Also popularly known as Botox® or Vistabel®, it consists of infiltrations of this substance to relax the muscles of the eyebrows, whose contraction causes wrinkles. The duration of the results is variable. It can last 3 months in those who always have an involuntary frown, and about 7 months in the mildest cases. The frown area alone costs approximately € 125 per session. An amount that increases depending on the area to be treated.

And if you are allergic to needles. Soon you will be able to resort to gel botox, which is applied directly to the skin without the need for injections. It should also be applied by professionals, but it is a very simple procedure that lasts half an hour and guarantees results in two or three days. The downside is that the results last less time than injected botox.

Droopy eyelids?

Many people will think that the only option is blepharoplasty (a surgical procedure that involves correcting excess skin and fat pockets on the upper or lower eyelids), but the good news is that it is not necessary to undergo surgery.

Thermage CPT. This radio frequency device is the only one approved by the American FDA - equivalent to our Ministry of Health - to work the eyelid area safely in a single session. Without the need for any type of incision, its operation consists of heating deeply and evenly the deep structures of the skin, "shrinking them" and immediately making the skin tighten.

The Thermage procedure is completely safe, as it can only be carried out in accredited medical centers. The effects are noticeable for the next 6 months and can last for years. Its approximate price: € 1,500.

Are the wrinkles starting to show too much?

If you want a smooth, firm and luminous complexion, the ideal is to combine non-invasive technologies in a single treatment that thoroughly work the skin, without having to resort to the scalpel.

Cyclone Premium Face Lift 3D. It is a machine that has ultrasound, bipolar radiofrequency, infrared radiation and massage. It generates small superficial microburns that tighten the skin (flash effect) while stimulating the formation of collagen. In a month it compacts the skin, reduces wrinkles and redefines the facial oval. The result is a non-invasive facelift that lasts for one year. 4 sessions are usually necessary and it costs about € 1,500.

Don't you smile because your teeth make you complex?

If what you want is not to correct the shape of the teeth, but rather their coloration, you are in luck. You do not have to balance your budget to get a treatment with dental veneers (thin cosmetic porcelain sheets that are placed on the tooth), you can resort to professional teeth whitening , which consists of the use of carbamide or hydrogen peroxide , which is activated by light.

Whitening with LED light. Returns the natural color to the tooth with a yellowish tone. The whitening agent (hydrogen peroxide) penetrates enamel and dentin and removes staining. Blue LED light accelerates whitening, enhancing up to 8 shades in 45 minutes. It is kept for 2 years and costs about € 450.

Sunken cheekbones?

With age, fatigue and stress, the cheeks sag and lose turgidity. They can be rejuvenated by "plumping them" and giving them a juicier appearance.

Cheek Push Up radiofrequency. It is one of the completely painless treatments offered by Venus Legacy appliances. It combines multipolar radiofrequency, magnetic pulses and suction to restore volume and mark healthy cheekbones. 1 to 3 sessions are required, although the results are visible from the first session. Each one lasts about 3 minutes and the price is around € 60.

Double chin or sagging neck?

To maximize results, the ideal is to add the effect of 2 techniques that combine perfectly.

Platelet rich plasma (PRP). It is obtained by centrifuging the patient's own blood. It contains growth factors or collagen activating proteins, which infiltrate the oval, neck and décolleté.

Oxygen therapy. The application of pure oxygen promotes hydration, microcirculation and increases the production of collagen.

3 sessions of both techniques are recommended: € 275 (PRP) + approximately € 20 (oxygen therapy) per session.

And at home…

Regardless of the treatment you choose, it is very important to do a maintenance at home with the right cosmetics to prolong the results.

Not without my firming cream. Use it morning and night and prioritize formulas based on retinol, hyaluronic acid and anti-free radicals such as resveratrol. They are the best ingredients to restore firmness to the skin.