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What is sugaring, the new hair removal technique that is succeeding

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We will tell you all about sugaring, the new hair removal technique that replaces traditional wax with a delicious caramel paste - do n't eat it, eh! - and that is sweeping beauty centers around the world, but It can also be successful at home.

What is sugaring?

Sugaring is the technique of hair removal with sugar . For this, a caramel paste composed of sugar, water and lemon is used, which is totally vegan and cruelty free, because beeswax is not used in its mixture and it is suitable for all types of skin, including the most sensitive.


Waxing with this paste is more beneficial for the skin than doing it with wax, since it is made up of natural ingredients. In addition, sugaring is a natural exfoliant and, by having lemon among its components, it becomes a natural astringent that weakens hair growth.

Sugaring recipe: dare to prepare it at home

You can try the sugaring technique in most beauty centers specialized in waxing, but if you usually wax yourself at home –and even more so now that we have our more limited outings–, we leave you here the recipe.

You need the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup of sugar (brown or white).
  • 1 splash of lemon juice.
  • 1/4 of a glass of water.
  • Optional: a few drops of rosehip oil (recommended if you have sensitive skin).

To create the mixture, you just have to heat all the ingredients in a saucepan until they become a thick paste and wait for the temperature to drop, but without letting it cool completely.

How to wax at home with this technique: step by step

  • Once you have verified that the paste has the correct temperature, make sure that your skin is completely clean.
  • Apply a little talcum powder on the area you want to wax and a thin layer of this sugar mixture . It is very important that you place it in the direction of the hair.
  • After this, it is time to start the mix, always against the grain . To do this, you can help yourself with strips of waxing paper or do it by hand.

If you see that you cannot do it at home, wait until we are in the appropriate confinement phase and make an appointment at your beauty center, so you can try sugaring!