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Vaginal itching: 8 possible causes and their solutions

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If you have vaginal itching you know how annoying it is. It is so unpleasant that it interferes with your normal life. When you notice it and it is persistent, you should visit the doctor because it can have a very varied origin and, among the various origins it has, there are some vaginal infections. We tell you what the causes of vaginal itching can be and how to prevent them.

If you have vaginal itching you know how annoying it is. It is so unpleasant that it interferes with your normal life. When you notice it and it is persistent, you should visit the doctor because it can have a very varied origin and, among the various origins it has, there are some vaginal infections. We tell you what the causes of vaginal itching can be and how to prevent them.



The most common cause of vaginal itching is a yeast infection called candidiasis. If you suffer from it, in addition to itching, you usually notice changes in your discharge, which is usually thicker and white and gives off a more intense smell than normal. If this is the cause of the itching, your doctor may recommend a treatment with vaginal ovules or creams, depending on the case. But if the itching is accompanied by painful urination, it could be another type of infection and affect the kidneys. That is why it is important that you pay attention to your symptoms and consult your doctor.

Vaginal dryness

Vaginal dryness

Vaginal dryness is another of the great causes of vaginal itching and it does not occur only in menopause as we usually think. Hormonal fluctuations affect us at many times in life, from monthly menstruation to pregnancy, breastfeeding and, yes, menopause. In these cases, an estrogen deficit can occur that leads to vaginal dryness and this lack of lubrication is what causes itching or itching. Depending on your case, the gynecologist may recommend the use of moisturizing creams or the local administration (through ovules or creams) of estrogens at low doses and, when having sex, also use lubricants.

Washing the vagina too much or not using the right soap

Washing the vagina too much or not using the right soap

Excess hygiene can be counterproductive and unprotect the vaginal area, making it vulnerable to infection. It is not advisable to cleanse with soap more than once a day (if you have to do it more times, do it only with water). In addition, it is recommended that you use a neutral pH soap because the pH of the vagina varies with age.

Irritating laundry detergents

Irritating laundry detergents

Both detergents and fabric softeners can be irritating and cause vaginal itching. Use detergents for sensitive skin and avoid fabric softeners.

Allergy to pads, tampons, condoms …

Allergy to pads, tampons, condoms …

An allergy to the material from which tampons or pads or even condoms or sex toys are made can also lead to vaginal itching. It is usually due to the use of pads or tampons made with plastic derivatives or chemically treated. In this case, the ideal is to change them for pads or tampons made with untreated cotton. In the case of condoms, it may be due to an allergy to latex, spermicides or lubricants with which the condom is accompanied. In this case, it is recommended to opt for hypoallergenic latex-free condoms.



Yes, stress is the cause of many of our problems and it can also be the cause of vaginal itching even if it does not seem like it. Nervousness causes the body to secrete more cortisol than is desirable (the so-called "stress hormone") and this unbalances hormonal production affecting vaginal lubrication and causing itching. In addition, sustained stress affects the defenses and makes us vulnerable to infections in general and, therefore, also to vaginal infections. This is why it is important that you learn how to manage your stress (even without meditating).

Sexually transmitted diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases can also be behind vaginal itching. The most frequent is caused by trichomes and in addition to itching it is characterized by a yellow-gray discharge and a very characteristic bad smell. Consult with the doctor because, surely, you will need treatment with antibiotics. And, by the way, these can also alter the vaginal flora, so ask the specialist to give you specific probiotics to protect it when you do the treatment.

Moisture from wet swimsuit or briefs that do not perspire

Moisture from wet swimsuit or briefs that do not perspire

It is another reason why the vaginal microbiota can be altered and that gives rise to itching. It is not just wearing the wet swimsuit for a long time in summer, it can also be due to underwear that does not perspire well (that is why it is recommended to always wear cotton) or because you do not frequently change your shopping bag or panty liner.