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How to get a firm and young breast

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How to have a nice chest

How to have a nice chest

Even if you think it is impossible, in the gallery you will find the 10 keys to showing off a younger, beautiful and firm chest. Say no to gravity and show off your cleavage!

1. Thorough hydration

1. Thorough hydration

Chest skin needs large doses of hydration to stay elastic, so nourish it every day. Try using an oil like borage, avocado, and wheat germ. To enhance their effect, put them on after the shower, giving yourself a circular massage from the areola, clockwise.

Alchemy Bust Firming Body Oil, € 99

2. Prevent stretch marks

2. Prevent stretch marks

They usually appear due to hormonal or weight changes. Avoid them by using an anti-stretch mark product and apply it every day after showering during pregnancy, breastfeeding or if you are on a diet. Once they appear, they cannot be removed, but they can be lessened with a laser. Discover 10 things that your chest reveals about your health.

Weleda anti-stretch mark massage oil, € 20.80

3. Tone and tighten

3. Tone and tighten

Let laziness not be with you and remember to apply creams with a firming and tightening effect in the morning and at night before your usual moisturizer. Many incorporate protein, amino acid, elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid hydrolysates, perfect for tightening and regaining lost elasticity.

Our favorites

Our favorites

Shiseido Body Creator Firming Breast Cream, € 58

Germinal Collagen and Elastin Deep Action Ampoules, € 32

4. Choose your bra well

4. Choose your bra well

A good bra is key to enhancing and taking care of the health of your breasts, but did you know that 70% of Spanish women wear the wrong size? Don't use it bigger or smaller. The numbers 85, 90, 95 … indicate the contour of the chest and the letters indicate the cup or volume (A is the smallest). If you do sports, use one that is special for exercising.

We tell you 5 things you did not know about the bra.

5. Stand tall

5. Stand tall

The forward shoulders favor the sagging of the chest, so keep your back straight, looking for the shoulder blades to touch and the head high, slightly back. Try not to sleep on your stomach at night.

6. Watch your diet

6. Watch your diet

Strengthen the skin by taking antioxidants through food (citrus, peppers, kiwis, strawberries, melon) or supplements (vitamin C), and omega fatty acids (oily fish, walnuts). Be careful with drastic diets, as you can lose part of the fat inside the breasts, causing sagging.

If you want to lose weight, do it right and find out which diet is best for you.

7. Muscle in place

7. Muscle in place

The breast is made up of three parts: the mammary gland, the adipose tissue, and the skin envelope. You can keep the set firm by exercising the pectoral muscle, which provides some support. For example, swimming is the most complete and beneficial sport to tone it up, so why not jump in the pool?

8. Avoid topless

8. Avoid topless

Direct exposure to UVA and UVB rays causes the destruction of collagen and elastin fibers and accelerates the sagging of the skin. Going topless is not advisable for the beauty of the chest. But if you do, don't forget the sunscreen (SPF + 50) and avoid the hours of maximum radiation (12-16 h).

9. Shot of collagen?

9. Shot of collagen?

In America, some women gather at tupperware-style parties and take shots of collagen. Here the drinkable collagen is given by the doctor to improve the condition of the joints, although it also has dermal benefits.

10. Go under the knife

10. Go under the knife

Mastopexy is done if the volume of the breast is harmonious but it looks sagging. Excess skin is removed and the areola and nipple are repositioned. There are also resorbable threads, it is a non-invasive lifting technique that manages to lift sagging breasts smaller than a size 90B.

Lifting for the bust

Lifting for the bust

Fermeté Firming Bust Lift by Yves Rocher, € 27.10

One of the parts that most reveal our age - with permission from the face - is undoubtedly the cleavage. If we do not take care of the skin in this area and, in addition, we neglect our chest, the only thing we will achieve is to put years on ourselves. And not only "facing the gallery", but when you look in the mirror, you may not like what you see. So that this does not happen and you can remedy gravity, you have 10 infallible tricks in the gallery with which you will regain the firmness of your chest and you will see it young again.

Well hydrated, toned and taut

Chest skin needs large doses of hydration to stay elastic, so don't forget to nourish it every day. You can try borage oil, avocado, and wheat germ. To enhance their effect, put them on after the shower, giving yourself a circular massage from the areola, clockwise.

If you prefer cream, choose it with a tightening and firming effect. They incorporate protein and amino acid hydrolysates. Some contain elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid. Put it on in the morning and at night, before you moisturize.

The hateful stretch marks

They usually appear due to hormonal or weight changes. Avoid them by using an anti-stretch mark product and applying it every day after showering during pregnancy, breastfeeding or if you are on a diet. Although once they appear they cannot be removed, they can be attenuated with lasers.

The bra, your size

The bra is key to enhance and take care of the health of your breasts, but today many women continue to wear the wrong size. Do not use it bigger or smaller, and above all, if you are thinking of doing sports, use a specific one for it, not just any will do.

Good posture goes a long way

The forward shoulders favor the sagging of the chest, so keep your back straight, looking for the shoulder blades to touch and the head high, slightly back. At night, try not to sleep on your stomach. The breast is made up of three parts: the mammary gland, the adipose tissue, and the skin envelope. You can keep the set firm by exercising the pectoral muscle. Practice, for example, swimming. It will help you tone it and, in addition, you will improve your posture.

And watch your diet

Strengthen the skin by taking antioxidants through food (citrus, peppers, kiwis, strawberries, melon) or supplements (vitamin C), and omega fatty acids (oily fish, walnuts). And be careful if you are thinking of going on a diet. If it is very drastic, the only thing you will achieve is to lose part of the inner fat of the breasts, causing sagging.

Although you will always have the option to undergo surgery if you wish, in the gallery you have some tricks to make your chest firmer and younger. It's up to you!