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Cod papillote with vegetables

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4 portions of fresh or desalted cod loin
2 carrots
300 g flat green beans
2 large potatoes
1 clove garlic
1 sprig of thyme
Olive oil
Salt and pepper

The papillote technique has endless advantages: it can be made with almost any food, it allows making preparations with the least fat possible, and it preserves the natural flavors of all the ingredients.

If you want, you can start by trying this cod papillote with vegetables that only has 235 calories per serving. In addition to being light and very healthy, it is an ultra-easy dish to make.

How to make cod papillote with vegetables

  1. Cut the carrots and beans. First, scrape and wash the carrots, and cut them into very thin, short sticks. Then, trim the beans and, if they have them, remove the strands. Wash and cut them in the same way as carrots.
  2. Prepare the potatoes. Peel the potatoes, wash them, and cut them into slices. Place three or four on top of each other, and cut them into small sticks the same size as those for the beans and carrots.
  3. Add the minced garlic. Arrange all the vegetables in a bowl, add the peeled and finely chopped garlic, salt and pepper, water it all with a tablespoon of oil, and stir.
  4. Wash the fish. Preheat the oven to 200 o . Meanwhile, wash the fish and pat it dry on one side. And on the other, cut 4 sheets of parchment paper about 40 cm on each side (one per person). Fold them in half as if you were making a book, and unfold again.
  5. Assemble the papillote. Brush the inside of the papers with oil, leaving a clean margin around it. Arrange the cut vegetables on them, the cod on top, and a sprig of washed thyme.
  6. Bake and serve. Seal the four foil by folding the ends inward several times. Bake them and serve immediately.

Clara trick

other fish

If you don't have cod, you can make the same preparation with hake or salmon.

Discover more fish recipes.