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Everything you need to know about Serrano ham

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Is Serrano ham good or bad? The truth is that we cannot give such a categorical answer since we have to take into account many “it depends” and its effect on our health will vary according to the amount we take and with what we accompany it. But don't worry, in this article we will tell you everything you need to know about Serrano ham . Find out what its benefits and contraindications are!

Is Serrano ham good or bad? The truth is that we cannot give such a categorical answer since we have to take into account many “it depends” and its effect on our health will vary according to the amount we take and with what we accompany it. But don't worry, in this article we will tell you everything you need to know about Serrano ham . Find out what its benefits and contraindications are!

Benefits and Contraindications

Serrano ham is one of the most typical foods of our gastronomy and a source of proteins of high biological value. It also provides B vitamins and minerals such as iron and zinc, with the advantage that these are in bioavailable form, that is, our body can easily absorb them. In addition to having a relatively low content of saturated fatty acids and a high content of healthy unsaturated fatty acids, especially monounsaturated ones.

But not everything is good. On the downside is its high salt content. With just a serving of about 50 g, 60% of the recommended daily salt is already covered. So if you have a tendency to retain fluids or suffer from hypertension you should take special care.

Does it cause cancer?

Apart from its salt content, one of the main shadows that has loomed over ham in recent years is the WHO alert that processed meats (yes, cured ham is also considered processed meat) increase the risk of cancer colon. However, neither should we be alarmed and simply eliminate ham from our diet.

As Dr. Ramón Estruch, from the Department of Internal Medicine of the Hospital Clinic and member of the CIBEROBN (Center for Biomedical Research in Network Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition) explains, it is true that there are studies that relate a high consumption of processed meat with an increased risk of developing a cardiovascular complication, diabetes, or some types of cancer, such as colon cancer.

However, this relationship varies depending on the type of processed meat it is, the frequency of consumption and also with what foods we accompany the meat. It is very different to consume cured ham than sausages or eat it accompanied with fried potatoes or with vegetables that provide a large amount of fiber.

Taking all this into account, the conclusion of Dr. Estruch is that there is no problem because ham is eaten, but as long as it is done without abuse.

How much can we eat?

We must be guided by the recommendation to limit the daily consumption of processed meat (including cured ham) to no more than 50 g per day , knowing that a slice of ham weighs about 30 g. Dr. Estruch also advises that we eat it accompanied by a food rich in dietary fiber such as whole wheat bread or vegetables and that we do not exceed four servings a week.

Is it good for cholesterol?

Several studies have shown that ham would help improve cardiovascular health. But it is not just any type of cured ham, but the Iberian ham. This comes from pigs that have been fed with acorn and this has a huge content of oleic acid (such as olive oil) that makes the Iberian ham have a higher content of this fat capable of reducing the levels of bad cholesterol and cholesterol. triglycerides.

In any case, Dr. Estruch maintains that although the type of fats that ham contains suggests in principle that its consumption should help protect the cardiovascular system, more studies are still needed in this regard.

In any case, the fact that the fat in the ham is rich in oleic acid does not mean that it is good to eat the visible fat (the white part) of the ham. It is best to reduce the saturated fat of animal origin that we ingest to less than 10% of our intake, so it is always advisable to remove visible fat.

Does ham make you fat?

It is true that cured ham is more fattening than cooked ham or turkey breast, but that does not mean that we have to give it up if we have to lose weight. As it is nutritious and satiating, it can be included in a weight loss diet, but as long as the amount taken is limited to 30 g at most. To make you feel more satisfied, instead of very thin slices, eat it in tacos that force you to chew.

Always remove visible fat and if possible, choose the leanest parts of ham. These aren't that juicy, but they do save you a handful of calories.