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How to get rid of cellulite: 8 causes of orange peel skin

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Do you use anti-cellulite creams, do some exercise, try to eat well and still the cellulite does not just leave your legs, your belly or your butt? It is very likely that some daily habits are harming you without you realizing it. Modifying them may be the best treatment to say goodbye to orange peel skin.


Badly done. If the body stops taking them, it will send a signal to the brain to retain them in anticipation of a deficiency. And where does your body like to "keep" them? On your legs and ass, in the form of cellulite.

How to eliminate cellulite. The good news is that you can take fat, but the good news. For example, a sandwich of Iberian ham in the middle of the morning, a handful of nuts in the afternoon or some delicious salmon canapes at the weekend are pleasures that you can afford and feel great on your body. Of course, try to limit "less good" fats, such as sausages, pastries or cured cheeses. In this post we give you many ideas to eat with less fat in a healthy way.

ERROR 2. Drink little water

All experts agree on the importance of drinking water, about 2 liters every day. However, a recent study carried out in Argentina showed that of the two liters of liquid a person consumes on average, only 21% comes from water. And soup, a glass of milk and, of course, coffee is not the same as plain water, in terms of fluid retention and fat drainage. Water contains less sodium and at the same time drags the retained in the body, so the benefit obtained is twofold.

The best? Spring water or low mineralized water. And keep in mind that infusions also count as water. Look for them draining and cleansing, such as horsetail or dandelion. If you have trouble drinking water, sign up for the tricks that we give in this post.

ERROR 3. Remembering cellulite in spring

It is true that 90% of women have cellulite and that the genetic component is key. But the lifestyle that we lead throughout the year is what will determine whether your appearance gets worse or better. It will be useless if you stop drinking sugary drinks or go for a run 3 days a week if you then abandon good habits once spring has passed.

Less chair and more slipper. Do a mental reset and try to "behave yourself" all 12 months. A 30 minute walk each day is an excellent start. Another good way to start eliminating cellulite is to bet on exercise with a fat burning effect, like the ones we propose in this post.

ERROR 4. Wearing tight clothing

There is a cause-and-effect relationship between blood circulation problems and cellulite. In fact, very tight pants and garments, in addition to hindering circulation, prevent proper elimination of excess toxins, which favors the appearance of cellulite.

How to eliminate cellulite. Dress fitted, but comfortable. Check your wardrobe, and even your underwear, and get rid of those clothes that leave marks on your skin. There is lingerie that fits like a glove but without pressing.

ERROR 5. Exercise, but only in the gym

Take advantage of any daily situation to get moving. You will burn calories and improve your circulation and your figure. Everything counts, from skipping the elevator and always going up the stairs to going out dancing or having intense sex.

ERROR 6. Do not look up from the computer

That means you don't move and your circulation stagnates, causing cellulite. Try to get up from your chair at least every 2 hours. Go or, if you are at home, go out to do some shopping or, simply, to take a walk. Above all, do not cross your legs. While sitting, keep them slightly elevated. Place a footrest or a bench with a cushion in front of the chair and you will promote return circulation.

ERROR 7. Use the anti-cellulite cream only when you remember

You apply the anti-cellulite a couple of days a week and then stop putting it on because you don't see results. This attitude, that of throwing in the towel, is a classic and a big mistake, since you have to wait several weeks and be constant to be able to evaluate the result of a product. If it is used only from time to time and, in addition, creams are continuously changed, we will hardly be able to verify the effects of the cosmetic. Discover the best treatments to end cellulite and choose your favorite.

ERROR 8. Thinking that with an aesthetic treatment it will disappear

It is one of the most frequent mistakes: to think that with a bonus of 10 sessions of a treatment against cellulite you no longer need to exercise. On the contrary, all the fat removed by professional anti-cellulite equipment has to be drained and expelled. To do it, especially if you don't have time, we recommend the vibrating platform. And use it at least after the session in the aesthetic center. Of course, the ideal is that you practice exercise and combine it with the aesthetic center.