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Miley cyrus will never have children with liam hemsworth and we know why


After the secret wedding of Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus, many wondered if the singer wanted to be a mother soon. But Miley has just revealed in an interview with Elle magazine that she will not have children and has explained what her reasons are for not wanting to become a mother.

" With so many natural disasters that we are suffering lately, you have no other option. You have to give up. Nature is feminine and when she gets angry, you better not touch her ovaries," he said.

The reason may surprise you but in reality, it is a very thoughtful decision. " We are doing to the Earth the same as we do to women. We simply take and take from it what we want and we hope that it continues to produce at the same rate. But it is exhausted and can no longer," said Miley and he has wanted to defend women who freely decide that they do not want to be mothers for whatever reason. "We are supposed to be responsible for keeping our planet populated. And when that does not enter into our plans, everyone judges you and gets angry with you. If you don't have children, people feel sorry for you. They see you as a cold woman without heart incapable of loving, "he added.

"We have reached a point where every day we turn this planet into a heap of garbage a little more. And I refuse to leave that inheritance to my children or to have them solve the problem in the future. I will not bring to another person to the world until I feel that my son can live on a planet with fish in the water, "concluded the singer.