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Eyebrow micropigmentation: nanoblading, microblading ... what's what?

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The treatments to return the eyebrows to a natural shape were the most demanded during 2018 and promise to be so again in 2019. And it is that we have all realized the enormous favor that thick and defined eyebrows do to our face, but well cared for . Words like micropigmentation or nanoblading are becoming more and more familiar to us, but if you are still not entirely clear on what they mean, we have prepared a quick guide with everything you need to know about it. Aim.


  • What does it consist of? It is a semi-permanent makeup technique that consists of depositing pigments with the help of a dermograph with one, three or five needles.
  • What effect is achieved? The micropigmentation of the eyebrows tries to imitate the natural appearance of the hair so it draws filaments that look like real hairs . In the case of triple or more pointed needles, what is achieved is that the eyebrows appear more dense.
  • Who is it suitable for? People with a low amount of hair on the eyebrows. It may be due to excessive hair removal or the follow-up of some medical treatment that has caused the loss of hair.
  • It hurt? No, because an anesthetic cream is used. In any case, as the needle only penetrates the most superficial layers of the skin it is not as annoying as a tattoo.
  • How long does it last? Its effect is very long-lasting, so before undergoing micropigmentation you have to be very sure. It is recommended to give a color touch-up once a year or every year and a half .
  • How much? About € 200.


  • What does it consist of? The goal of microblading is the same as that of micropigmentation: to get the eyebrows to regain their natural appearance. In this case, it is done with a metal pen into which very fine needles are inserted that make micro cuts in which the pigment is then deposited.
  • What effect is achieved? By using finer needles, the effect achieved is much more natural because it allows you to recreate finer hairs
  • Who is it suitable for? Exactly for the same people as micropigmentation but others are added: those who want to change the shape and color of their natural eyebrows .
  • It hurt? It depends on your degree of pain tolerance. However, an anesthetic cream can always be used.
  • How long does it last? More than micropigmentation, up to two years .
  • How much? It depends on the beauty center you choose, but about € 350 for the full service and € 190 for touch-ups after one year.


Nanoblading is the evolution of microblading. The only difference is that the needles are even thinner and more flexible, so the result is even more natural and precise. Of course, its price is higher, about € 500, although it does not require retouching.