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Mar saura on the cover of clara de Marzo magazine


Our most spring number is on the newsstand. And how could it be otherwise, Mar Saura becomes our ambassador, filling the magazine with color and good vibes.

Just arrived from Mexico, we have spoken with the actress, model and presenter to tell us about her projects and how she takes care of herself to be so beautiful and always wear a smile on her lips. She has become fond of yoga, has stopped smoking and is improving her diet, for example incorporating quinoa into her menus and preparing delicious smoothies with ginger, tomato, celery …

He takes life more calmly and confesses that "you have to listen to your body, because it is wise and sends you messages about what feels good to you and what doesn't."

There are three makeup essentials , take note: tinted moisturizer (before a makeup base), blush and mascara to achieve intense eyes.

“One of the rituals that I never skip and for me is the bible is to remove my makeup every night. I use a cleansing gel and then apply a toner. From there, I can start treatment. First the serum, then the moisturizer and the eye contour ”.

In addition, in the March magazine we tell you how to lose 8 kilos in 2 months with our #RetoClara (very proven!). We give you the keys to eat carbohydrates without gaining weight and we tell you 30 express cooking tricks to look like a queen. Discover the shoes and bags that are worth spending and how to fix your hair in half the time! And if you want to say goodbye to stress forever, you should go straight to page 16.

See you in the March issue!