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Makeup to be at home: dew osorno's easy beauty routine


@ rocio0sorno

Due to the alert situation for COVID-19, we have several weeks left without leaving home, teleworking and wearing pajamas as the star outfit.

Many influencers are sharing on Instagram comfortable and beautiful outfits to be at home and encourage their followers to overcome the quarantine with style: from Alexandra Pereira who has published the ideal 'comfy' look for days of confinement to all homemade and easy outfits copy of Natalia Cabezas. And it is that, although it seems very simple, this helps a lot to feel good.

We must see the positive side of the matter: it is the moment to take the opportunity to let the skin breathe and rest from the makeup that we usually use to go to the office. This is great, but it is true that seeing us beautiful improves the mood and that is why, we want to share with you this makeup tutorial by Rocío Osorno , an easy and quick make up, perfect for being at home, which helps us to have a good face and take care of the skin at the same time. Wonderful!

This beauty routine is very simple and aims to make us look a little better and take care of our skin without overloading it with products.

  • The first step is to mix the makeup base that you normally use in equal parts with moisturizer to 'lighten it' and thus less burden the skin. You can add an extra drop of fluid highlighter to brighten the skin.
  • Then mix until you get a homogeneous mixture and apply directly to the face. You can apply it directly with your fingers as if it were a moisturizer, because it will have a light texture.
  • The third step would be to apply a little concealer of dark circles, essential to combat the appearance of a tired face.
  • After this , apply a little light shadow in a matte tone to the eyelids, to improve the effect of sunken eyes.
  • Use bronzing powder to set your foundation a bit. It is important that you use a small amount so as not to clog the pores too much and that the result is natural.
  • For the eyes : make up the upper watery line, a little mascara and if you feel like it, add a discreet eyeliner.
  • For the cheeks , try using a blush in pink tones, which create a greater effect of healthy skin. You can also put a little bit on the nose.
  • For the lips : a nude shade with a little shine to hydrate. You can also use any lip balm and add a little color with any shadow or blush.