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What is oral candidiasis? symptoms, causes and treatment

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If you have white plaques on your tongue, including the roof of your mouth, the inside of your cheeks or your lips, and if you notice a dry mouth, you have bleeding from your teeth … you may have an infection from a fungus called Candida albicans.It is not dangerous, but it can be very annoying.

What is oral candidiasis?

Oral candidiasis is an oral infection caused by a fungus, Candida albicans, that also lives in the vagina, anus, or intestine. Normally, this fungus does not cause problems. Only sometimes, due to various factors, can this fungus multiply and this infection appear.


Normally, white lesions appear on the tongue that can spread to the palate, throat, cheeks and even the lips.

It does not give a fever and can be accompanied by discomfort when swallowing when it is already widespread, dry mouth and bleeding gums.

If you have a fever, then it is not yeast infection

If there are lesions in the mouth accompanied by fever, it is necessary to suspect herpes, that is, a viral infection and not a fungal one.

What are the causes of oral candidiasis

  • Take antibiotics. These medications alter the balance between the bacteria that live in our body and can cause the unusual development of Candida albicans. There are other medications that can also play a role, such as steroids.
  • Weakened immune system When your defenses are down, it is easier for you to suffer this type of infection.
  • Plus. There are factors that predispose to candidiasis, such as wearing dentures or having diabetes, since Candida albicans feeds on sugar and diabetes is an excess of sugar in the blood.

It is more common in children

It is quite common in infants and children under 6 years of age. It is believed that 5% of infants suffer from it. It is usually of no importance and goes away by itself. Only if it is very widespread or persistent may it require treatment.

It's dangerous?

No, this infection is not dangerous, it is only annoying.


It is usually treated with antifungals, either in the form of rinses, syrups or tablets that dissolve in the mouth.

Can it be prevented?

There are certain habits that can help prevent this infection from developing:

  • Oral hygiene. You have to wash yourself by brushing your teeth properly and also using dental floss or interdental brushes and mouthwash. Special attention must be paid to hygiene if dental prostheses are used.
  • Drinking water. Proper oral hydration helps prevent candidiasis.
  • Natural treatment. Make mouthwashes with warm salty water.


Candidiasis is not a sexually transmitted disease, however, it is best to take precautions when a person has it.