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Tricks of the stores that make you buy more

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We buy almost always on impulse

We buy almost always on impulse

Many times we go shopping with the idea of ​​acquiring a series of products but, when we leave the store, we carry many more. Promotions, special offers and other marketing techniques are the cause of this extra expense. Advice (especially in the supermarket), take a ready made list and stick strictly to it.

Strategically placed objects

Strategically placed objects

Nothing is casual in a store. The products are located in such a way that the presentation conditions our purchase impulse. For example, to get to the most basic product you have to go past fancy products. Or if they are very interested in greening you something, they will put it at eye level, since it is what will attract your attention the most.

The senses deceive

The senses deceive

The smells, the music, the light … All these elements are perfectly designed to make you more. Light is essential for products to look better and more attractive, music (especially fast music) speeds up the pace and also increases impulsiveness and, depending on the smells, stimulates our appetite for purchases.

Not so convenient offers

Not so convenient offers

Our brain is immediately attracted to the possibility of saving something. We want to take advantage of the offers and that drives us to more than necessary. The key is to buy products that you really consume, if not, getting a 3x2 of something that you don't usually use can cause it to expire later and you have wasted money instead of saving it.

The more products, the more you buy

The more products, the more you buy

It is an infallible technique and is very typical of supermarkets. The more products on display, the greater the purchase volume you will make. That is why we tend to more in large stores than in small supermarkets. The fact of being surrounded by many people who buy at the same time as us also enhances our momentum.

The danger of Maxi products

The danger of Maxi products

The maxi format has a deceptive effect. When this type of format exists, the medium one seems the right size, so your sales skyrocket immediately. Those of the small format, on the other hand, are reduced, even though this is perhaps the format that suits you best. This phenomenon usually occurs mainly with drinks or chips.

The popcorn tactic

The popcorn tactic

The largest size is not always the best. Large formats are only suitable if you use them a lot at home. When in doubt, compare the product to a bucket of popcorn. When you go to the cinema and buy a giant cube, you end up eating them all, but if you divide the content into six small cones, you will surely be fed up by the third. If the same thing can happen to you with that product, choose the small size.

Price dance to mislead

Price dance to mislead

It is a technique that aims to make the price of a product that the merchant is interested in selling more attractive. This product is placed surrounded by similar but more expensive ones, so that it will seem like an economical choice due to the price contrast.

Do not trust discount vouchers

Do not trust discount vouchers

More than anything because you will hardly use them. It is proven, if you use them they are a great advantage, but statistics say that only 3% and 5% of people use them, since most forget them when they go to.

Be very careful with the prices "hook"

Be very careful with the prices "hook"

This tactic consists of selling a product at a very cheap price but then making a profit with the consumables or accessories. A clear example of this strategy is seen in capsule coffee machines or printers. The same thing also happens with the installation: you can have a very cheap shower but then it costs a lot of money to install it.

Beware of temptations on the way out

Beware of temptations on the way out

Just before leaving the store, usually at the checkout, the offer of more expensive products is concentrated and that, at the same time, appeal to our capricious spirit. In addition, the exposure time to these products is longer, because you usually have to queue, making it more difficult not to end up falling into temptation. Keep it in mind and … don't even look at them!

This is how you will save the most when you go to

This is how you will save the most when you go to

If even being aware of all the techniques that companies use to make you buy in a more impulsive way, you are still not convinced, we recommend that you review the gallery with professional tricks to save as much as possible on the shopping list.

Maybe you don't know it, you don't even realize it, but when you go to a supermarket, a restaurant, a shopping center or even a movie theater, the spatial arrangement of the products is perfectly designed so that you buy as much as possible. Even if you go with the idea of ​​just going around, to go "just to look" or to a specific thing, companies have everything thought out so that your visit to their establishment is as profitable as possible.

The first thing to keep in mind is that companies rely on emotional shopping to incentivize your spending. There are many studies on how to get you to be more impulsive when you go to. This is what is known as neuromarketing. These are almost instinctive reactions in the brain, so they make you lose a bit of control over what you consume. The colors, the words, the space, the corridors … all this directly influences our way of working.


There are some words that have a direct effect on the brain when we see them in a shopping environment. Offer, or Free, are words that enter the brain's reward system. This system is activated in the face of an external stimulus and sends signals through neuronal connections so that the neurotransmitters responsible for pleasant sensations, such as dopamine, are released. This is why some people find it so difficult to resist shopping: it is a chemical issue.

Your own strategy:

  • Create a list of what you want and stick to it. If you go shopping and, especially, if you go to the supermarket, try to make a previous list of what you need. If you go into a supermarket with the idea of ​​choosing according to what you see, it is proven that you will spend much more than if you go with a list made from home.
  • Set yourself a time to be shopping. The pleasant atmosphere that is created when you are in a large area can cause you to spend more time in it. The music, the colors and the spatial arrangement are designed so that the more time you spend in the store the better. Try to set a shopping time to avoid a too long stay in which you are more tempted to buy.
  • Think a bit more before purchasing something. If you tend to be very impulsive, try to analyze for a moment if you really need it before selecting the product. This is especially important if you are in the supermarket. Ask yourself: Is it essential in the pantry? Did you think about it before leaving home? Is it well priced?
  • Do not go with your children. When you go to, it is more advisable that you do it alone. If you go with your children, they tend to make you fall more into temptation. The habit of many families of going all together to supermarkets is not very healthy for your pocket. Children and teenagers are more vulnerable to marketing techniques and can influence your decisions when it comes to.
  • After, analyze what you have acquired. A good way to start spending less when you go shopping is to be aware of your lack of control. If in the end you have spent more than you thought, review your purchase tickets and think carefully about where the money has escaped and why. In this way, little by little you can start to change your habits.