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18 Recommended books for book day 2019 (sant jordi)

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The truth of my lies

The truth of my lies

The queen of the romantic novel of our country returns with this novel that begins and ends with herself and is not part of her famous sagas, like Valeria's. The protagonist and "main liar" is Coco. Coco and her friends are going on a bachelorette party and the secrets and lies of each one of them make this trip explosive! You won't be able to drop it until the last page.

The truth of my lies, Elísabet Benavent
Ed. Sum, € 16.99

Silver road

Silver road

The lovers of the crime novel are in luck because a newcomer, Stina Jackson, is coming, who is called to be one of the great feathers of this specialty. Jackson signs a surprising and stimulating reformulation of the Scandinavian crime novel with touches of American Southern Gothic. It all starts with the disappearance of a girl at the foot of a road in the inhospitable north of Sweden. Since then, her father, Lelle, has been obsessively searching for her. Three years later, history seems to repeat itself …

Silver Road, Stina Jackson
Ed. RBA, € 18.05

Eat real food: A guide to transforming your diet and your health

Eat real food: A guide to transforming your diet and your health

The expert and collaborator of Clara Carlos Ríos has published this guide to remind us that “The Matrix”, the alter ego of the food industry, makes us believe that we eat food but that this is not real. Going back to real food will bring us back to health. If you follow her on social media and on Clara, you can't stop reading her book, where she extensively explains her Realfooding philosophy.

Eat real food: A guide to transform your diet and your health, Carlos Ríos
Ed. Paidós, € 16.15

I can with everything

I can with everything

Does your lifestyle satisfy you? Does it get you where you really want to go? If the answer is no, Patry Jordan proposes you to change the chip. She has a plan for you to gain energy, be happier, have more peace of mind, a more positive thinking … Yes, her plan is above all sports (and a bit nutritional), but through sports and good eating habits you can change other aspects of your life and achieve greater satisfaction. Spend 3 weeks on the Patry plan and reap the benefits.

I can handle everything, Patry Jordan
Ed. Planeta, € 18.90

Once in life

Once in life

Éugenie, Céline and Juliette, the protagonists of this story, represent three forms of love that, unfortunately, have not led to happiness but … perhaps between the three they give the formula. This novel is a publishing phenomenon in France, where it has sold more than 500,000 copies.

Once in a lifetime, Gilles Legardinier
Ed. Harper Collins, € 17.95

Rowley's Journal

Rowley's Journal

Following the best-selling Greg's Diary, Jeff Kinney now voices Greg's best friend Rowley. Convinced that Greg will become rich and famous all over the world, Rowley decides that he will take over as his biographer. Greg's fans, who are legion, will see his world with different eyes

Rowley's Diary: A Super Cool Boy , Jeff Kinney
Ed. RBA, € 15

The crystal puzzle

The crystal puzzle

The followers of Blue Jeans are counted by legion and surely they were looking forward to this second part of the trilogy of The invisible girl. After the explosion in the subway station neither Julia, nor Emilio nor Vanesa are the same. In this novel you will see how their lives and their relationship evolve.

The crystal puzzle, Blue Jeans
Ed. Planeta € 17.95

The last love letter

The last love letter

The author of Yo Before You returns with another unforgettable love story. What would happen if after a car accident you lost your memory and did not recognize your husband? This is what happens to the protagonist of this novel, Jennifer, who upon returning home after the incident finds a letter from her lover, with whom she intended to start a new life …

The Last Love Letter, Jojo Moyes
Ed Suma, € 17.94

A gin and tonic for mom: Diary of an overwhelmed mother

A gin and tonic for mom: Diary of an overwhelmed mother

This mom tries, but she doesn't want to be a mom with a sensible hairstyle and focused on her children, she likes wine, social networks and living in a kind of eternal youth, so this book is unusual and hilarious in parts equal. Quite a phenomenon in England.

A gin and tonic for mom: Diary of an overwhelmed mother, Gill Sims
Ed. Harper Collins, € 17

The last ship

The last ship

A highly anticipated third novel is here starring the inspector Leo Caldas. This time, Caldas has to unravel the mystery of the disappearance of the daughter of a famous doctor from Vigo. However, as always, the mystery is as important as Domingo Villar's description of manners of the lives of the characters that surround Caldas.

The last boat, Domingo Villar
Ed. Siruela Police, € 22.75

The stylite

The stylite

The greatest tourist attraction in the French village of Gyors de la Montagne is a column that supports the equestrian statue of Count Italo Rodari, a prominent man of the area. But a storm knocks down the statue and the town is left without its main source of income. Until a stranger climbs to the top of the statue, ready to stay in it …

The stylite, Uri Costak
Ed. Áncora & Delfin, € 14.72



Candela is a woman like there are many, with a certain tendency to loneliness. She works as a waitress in the family business and her life would develop smoothly if it weren't for a shadow that appears from her past… With this novel, Juan del Val has won the Spring Novel Prize 2019.

Candela, Juan del Val
Ed. Espasa, € 18.90

The smell of happy days

The smell of happy days

The search for her biological mother, who left her in the Barcelonan Casa de la Misericordia at the beginning of the 20th century, Anna Exposito follows a vital journey that will lead her to become one of the first women publicists thanks to her passion for the world of music. beauty.

The smell of happy days, Marta Gracia Pons
Ed. Maeva, € 19

The secrets of Youtube

The secrets of Youtube

Few young people (not to mention children) nowadays do not want to be youtubers. The Grefg, is a star of this platform with 6.5 million subscribers on its main channel, so it is the most recommended to answer whether or not it is easy to make a name on YouTube, how much you earn, how it changes you life make you famous …

The secrets of Youtube, The Grefg
Ed. Ediciones Martínez Roca, € 12.25

In the ogre's garden

In the ogre's garden

Adèle has the perfect husband, the perfect son, the perfect house, the perfect job, and a tremendous disappointment in life. Adèle seeks to fill her inner emptiness by practicing compulsive and illicit sex that drives her further and further into the abyss … A stark portrait of how destructive sex addiction can be.

In the ogre's garden, Leila Slimani
Ed. Cabaret Voltaire, € 18.95

Paper and ink

Paper and ink

Elisa Montero is a unique woman, from a humble family, she grew up in the world of the upper bourgeoisie and, instead of being a teacher or nurse, like the women of her time, Spain at the beginning of the 20th century, before the Second Republic. , is dedicated to journalism. Elisa breaks the mold. Let yourself be seduced by this heroine emerged from the pen of María Reig.

Paper and ink, María Reig
Ed. Suma, € 18.89

Tekendo team. We can do it!

Tekendo team. We can do it!

Tekendo does not stop recording every detail of the experiment that his team is about to carry out: Tekendo, to upload a video that will hit it on YouTube. But … suddenly, the experiment opens an interdimensional portal and swallows his sister Inés. No, he is not glad that he has suddenly become an only child, but instead launches a rescue operation with the rest of the team.

Tekendo team. We can do it !, Tekendo
Ed. Martínez Roca, € 12.25

Miriam's comets

Miriam's comets

That your parents feel unable to take care of you and put you up for adoption with cerebral palsy should mark you negatively forever. But this is not the case with Míriam Fernández, 12-year-old adapted swimming champion, winner of the second edition of Tú si que vales, and actress in Blanca Marsillach's company. Miriam gives us a life lesson in this inspiring book.

Míriam's comets, Míriam Fernández
Ed. Oberon, € 17.05

Without diet forever

Without diet forever

Uriarte is one of the best-known dieticians-nutritionists in the country and a promoter, like Carlos Ríos, of real food. More than dieting, you have to learn to eat for real. That is why she has brought out this book, which is a manual for everyday life, in which she explains how to read labels, choose foods and even presents some recipes for the menus she proposes. All very practical and easy to follow.

Without diet forever, Gabriela Uriarte Ed. Vergara, € 16.99

The day that dawned without colors

The day that dawned without colors

The title of this novel gives you clues to the plot. One day the world wakes up in black and white. Scientists have no explanation for the disappearance of the colors. People add to their despair, the economy is seriously affected … The world is about to collapse, but a unique trio, the worker of a crayon factory, his blind neighbor and her very special daughter …

The day that dawned without colors, Jean-Gabriel Causse
Ed, Grijalbo, € 16.99

Tesla: Inventor of Modernity

Tesla: Inventor of Modernity

Although today the name of Tesla refers us to the cars that Elon Musk makes, these cars would not exist without the real Tesla, the inventor Nikola Tesla, the father of alternating current, of radio (yes, of radio, he patented it before Marconi) and many other inventions that mark the beginning of modernity. Why this genius is so unknown is something that this biography of Richard Munson tries to unravel, who brings us closer to the complex personality of Tesla, who, despite his success, died alone in a New York hotel.

Tesla: Inventor of Modernity, Richard Munson
Ed. Urano, € 19.95

Cook in 2 hours for the whole week

Cook in 2 hours for the whole week

The title of the book seems like an answer to the prayers of many of us who hate having to cook every day. How practical that they have designed 16 complete weekly menus with their recipes, the shopping list and everything divided to take advantage of seasonal ingredients … No wonder this is the most successful batch cooking book.

Cook in 2 hours for the whole week, Caroline Pessin
Ed. Planeta, € 18.90

I want to sleep with everyone

I want to sleep with everyone

The subtitle of this novel already gives many clues as to where the plot is going to go: The Existential Crisis of the Middle Ages. From a certain age, there are people who seem to be hit by the gale of change and want to change everything, change partners, jobs, the city, and even bath soap …

I want to sleep with all of them, Mario Fernández Iglesias
Ed. Independently published, € 14.90

The mysteries of East Lynne

The mysteries of East Lynne

Ellen Wood was, in her time, even more famous than Charles Dickens. Why then her name is more unknown to us (could it be that she is a woman?). To rescue its name, Ático de Libros has recovered this novel, with which it scandalized Europe by portraying human passions in Victorian times through the life of Lady Isabel Vane and her crossed love affairs with Francis Levinson and Archibald Carlyle.

The mysteries of East Lynne, Ellen Wood
Ed. Attic of Books, € 30.87

Witches and Necromancers: Brotherhood

Witches and Necromancers: Brotherhood

Raquel Brune, better known as Raquel Bookish, one of the most popular booktubers in our country, has been waiting years for her letter to arrive to go to Hogwarts, but while it does not arrive, she has taken advantage of the time writing this novel starring Sabele, an apprentice of witch who will be involved in a war between witches and necromancers.

Witches and Necromancers: Hermandad, Raquel Brune
Ed. Hidra, € 14.20

The new Experiential Luxury, keys and protagonists

The new Experiential Luxury, keys and protagonists

Silvia Ortega Alcora, professor at the ISEM Fashion Business School, has published a book that explains in detail how to build a luxury brand and that, due to how well illustrated it is, is a luxury in itself, due to its beautiful binding and touch arty.

The new Experiential Luxury, keys and protagonists, Silvia Ortega Alcorta
€ 30

Are you looking for a book (or more than one) to celebrate Book Day (or Sant Jordi in Catalonia)? In our gallery you will find a selection of the best books of this 2019 (which can be yours with a single click). Whatever you are looking for: romantic, black, historical novels, cookbooks, personal growth, outreach… Help yourself and enjoy intense reading times.

  1. Silver Road, Stina Jackson (Ed. RBA)
  2. Candela, Juan del Val (Ed. Espasa)
  3. The last boat, Domingo Villar (Ed. Siruela Police)
  4. The truth of my lies, Elísabet Benavent (Ed. Suma)
  5. Eat real food: A guide to transform your diet and your health, Carlos Ríos (Ed. Paidós)
  6. The day that dawned without colors, Jean-Gabriel Causse (Ed. Grijalbo)
  7. I can with everything, Patry Jordan (Ed. Planeta)
  8. The crystal puzzle, Blue Jeans (Ed. Planeta)
  9. The Last Love Letter, Jojo Moyes (Ed Suma)
  10. Rowley's Diary: A Super Cool Boy, Jeff Kinney (Ed. RBA)
  11. Tekendo team. We can do it !, Tekendo (Ed. Martínez Roca)
  12. The stylist, Uri Costak (Ed. Áncora & Delfin)
  13. In the ogre's garden, Leila Slimani (Ed. Cabaret Voltaire)
  14. The smell of happy days, Marta Gracia Pons (Ed. Maeva)
  15. A Tinkerbell for Mom: Diary of an Overflowing Mother, Gill Sims Ed. Harper Collins
  16. The secrets of Youtube, The Grefg (Ed. Ediciones Martínez Roca)
  17. Paper and ink, María Reig (Ed. Suma)
  18. Once in a lifetime, Gilles Legardinier (Ed. Harper Collins)
  19. The comets of Míriam, Míriam Fernández (Ed. Oberon)
  20. Without diet forever, Gabriela Uriarte (Ed. Vergara)
  21. Witches and Necromancers: Brotherhood, Raquel Brune (Ed. Hydra)
  22. Cook in 2 hours for the whole week, Caroline Pessin (Ed. Planeta)
  23. The East Lynne Mysteries, Ellen Wood (Attic Book Ed.)
  24. Tesla, Inventor of Modernity, Richard Munson (Ed. Urano)
  25. I want to sleep with everyone, Mario Fernández Iglesias (Ed. Independently published)
  26. The new Experiential Luxury, keys and protagonists, Silvia Ortega Alcorta

And if you want a book of those that hook from the first to the last page, do not miss this article. Good reading!