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The 34 best crime novels of all time

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€ 19.85

Red Queen by Juan Gómez Jurado

Antonia Scott is unlike anyone you've ever met. Inspector Jon Gutiérrez is a good cop whose having too much heart leads him to put himself in a compromising situation. Together they will have to solve the kidnappings of the son of the president of the largest European bank and the daughter of the richest textile businessman in the world. And all under the protection of the Red Queen project, a super secret police force … We anticipate that when you reach the end you will have become an adrenaline junkie. The only good thing is that there is already another dose available. It is called Black Wolf and it is as addictive or more than the first.


€ 18.90

Carmen Mola's gypsy girlfriend

The pseudonym of Carmen Mola hides an @author @ who has managed to create a magnetic character, Elena Blanco, who heads the Case Analysis Brigade, a department that handles especially complex and gruesome crimes. At the same time, Elena endures her own personal tragedy, always living on the razor's edge … Elena is faced here with the macabre murder of a girl at her bachelorette party. The curious thing about the case is that his sister was murdered in the same circumstances seven years before … As we know that when you finish this book you will need a second dose, we already recommend The Purple Network, as fascinating or more than this.


€ 12.30

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

A girl with problems travels by train at the same time every day and is staring at the window deep in thought when she thinks she is witnessing a murder… Is it true? Have you imagined it? Are your personal-mental problems playing tricks on you? All these doubts will accompany you until the last page of this novel that gave such a bell in 2015 that two years later it already had a film version starring Emily Blunt.


€ 14.25

I'm Pilgrim from Terry Hayes

Four events apparently without any connection to each other can lead to one of the greatest tragedies experienced by humanity if Pilgrim does not avoid it. Pilgrim is a former agent of the United States secret services who all he wants is to disappear, but who will be forced to resume his old life to find one of the most fearsome terrorists of recent times. A super sales that will take your breath away.


€ 9.45

I know what you're thinking of John Verdon

With this novel, Verdon begins the series starring Dave Gurney. In this first story, an individual is dedicated to sending letters asking the recipients to think of a number. Later, he sends them another saying what number they have thought. But … this all ends in murder and this has to do with Gurney's past. Immersing yourself in the pages of this book is like doing it in the Dragon Khan, it is exciting, it takes you from turn to turn, you are willing to finish it but, when you do, you would like to ride again.


€ 9.45

Stieg Larsson's Men Who Didn't Love Women

This novel gave way to one of the great literary phenomena of the last decades. The success of Larsson's trilogy was such that its characters not only made it to the movies but also survived his death and, in the hands of another author, still starred in three more books. In all, the Millennium series has six books. And it all starts with this, when the journalist Mikael Blomkvist accepts the commission to write the biography of Henrik Vanger, former director of the Vanger Corporation, one of the most important companies in Sweden. Blomkvist accepts because the magnate promises to give him unpublished information about the mysterious disappearance in 1966 of Harriet Vanger, his niece. From here the events precipitate, Lisbeth Salander appears, a hacker as skilled as she is savage and everything becomes so complicated that you stay glued to the pages until the word "end".


€ 33.25

All Marlowe by Raymond Chandler

We can't keep just one Marlow novel. Chandler created such a powerful character that he has created school and we cannot single out one novel over another. Luckily RBA has brought them all together in one volume, so you can feast on the master of noir and his famous detective, who, for many, has the face of Humphrey Bogart. And it is that the actor played Marlow in The Eternal Dream, the compiler's first novel, in which the detective faces a blackmail case that is complicated by murder and that… we don't continue, right?


€ 28.36

The Baztán Trilogy by Dolores Redondo

If there is a recent literary phenomenon in the Spanish literary world it is, without a doubt, the Baztán Trilogy, which has given rise to its cinematographic equivalents and which already has the first prequel, La cara norte del corazón. And it all begins when they find the body of a teenage girl and Inspector Amaia Salamanca takes over the case …


€ 23.75

Philip Kerr's Berlin Trilogy

The Berlin Trilogy is made up of the novels Violets de Marzo, Pale criminal, and German Requiem. The protagonist of the trilogy is Bernie Gunther, a former agent of the Kripo, the feared criminal police of the Third Reich, who left the body after the electoral triumph of Hitler, whom he detests. In Violetas de Marzo, a wealthy businessman hires him to find a valuable necklace, which he stole led to the death of his daughter and son-in-law. But Gunther discovers that it is not just a robbery, but that the case has unexpected ramifications. As in the entire trilogy, history has a fundamental role and Nazi Germany is the protagonist in the shadows …


€ 9.45

Harlan Coben High Tension

Harlan Coben is an essential author on this list of best noir writers, as he is the only winner of the four most important crime novel awards in the world: the Edgar Award, the Shamus Award, the Anthony Award and the RBA Award for Novel Black Precisely, High Tension is precisely the novel that allowed him to win this latest award. Myron Bolitar must investigate the disappearance of the husband of a famous tennis player. Bolitar will be involved in a hectic search that will reveal secrets from the past …


€ 8.50

Domingo Villar's eyes of water

With this novel, Domingo Villar begins the series starring the inspector Leo Caldas, which has two more titles, La playa de los ahogados and The last boat. Villar seduces not only by the construction of the characters, starting with Caldas himself, a lonely man tormented by heartbreak, but also by the settings. And it is that Galicia is the great protagonist of these novels that are almost manners crimes. The first to be solved: the torture and murder of a young saxophonist.


€ 12.25

In Cold Blood by Truman Capote

A classic of the black novel that was the beginning of true crime. Capote investigated as a journalist the murder case of the Clutters, a family from a small town in Kansas. The murderers, Perry Smith and Richard Hickock, raided the family farm with the desire to rob, but, not finding the safe, they murdered the couple and their two children, in addition to raping the girl. Capote makes a dissection of the crime, the victims and their murderers that will not leave you indifferent.


€ 55.57

The Trilogy of the White City by Eva García Sáenz de Urturi

Vitoria is the scene in which Inspector Unai López de Ayala, the Kraken, one of the country's leading experts in criminal profiling, has to deal with crimes that are always related to Basque mythology. The first novel, The Silence of the White City , has already had its film version with Javier Rey and Belén Rueda.


€ 19

The Don Winslow Cartel

This novel won the prestigious 2015 RBA Black Novel Award and is a steely vision of the world of drug trafficking. It stars Art Keller, a former DEA agent who lives in retirement in Mexico, where he just wants to live in peace after almost thirty years of career fighting in the War on Drugs. A career that was crowned with success by stopping the leader of the most bloodthirsty cartel, Adán Barrera, but at the cost of seeing his partner die and suffer the disintegration of his family. But his desire to retire is ruined when Barrera put a price on his head …


€ 9.50

The Shape of Water by Andrea Camilleri

It is Camilleri's first novel starring curator Montalbano - named in honor of Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, whom the author considers his "teacher" - and who would become an emblematic character, which has led to a famous series Italian television. In this first story, Montalbano must investigate the death of a well-known Sicilian politician and businessman, who appears to have suffered a heart attack while having relationships in his car. But Montalbano, a great connoisseur of the Sicilian criminal underworld, suspects that behind this apparent natural death there is much more … Do not miss the opportunity to meet such a charismatic character and lover of gastronomy as our Carvalho.


€ 29.90

Knots and Crosses by Ian Rankin

Ian Rankin's many books can be highlighted, but we wanted to point out Knots and Crosses because it is the first in the series starring John Rebus, a traumatized, antisocial and alcoholic policeman, but with an undeniable magnetism. In this first contact with Rebus, the inspector has to deal with a serial killer of girls who, by making his third victim disappear, begins to send clues that only the veteran policeman can unravel. Before starting it, let us tell you that this novel is engaging and that you may be tempted to read all 22 that Rebus stars in one stroke.


€ 18.05

Chicago by David Mamet

After 20 years without publishing a novel, Mamet has returned to breastfeed with Chicago. The Oscar-winning screenwriter of The Untouchables of Eliot Ness and Pulitzer Prize Winner for Glengarry Glen Ross, returns with a novel set in Chicago in the 1920s, in which real characters like Al Capone are mixed with other fictional characters. The protagonist is a Chicago Tribune journalist, Mike Hodge, whose girlfriend is murdered while he investigates a mob murder. Finding out who killed his girl will become an obsession for him (and for you if you read it).


€ 12.25

James Ellroy's Black Dahlia

It is the first novel by the Los Angeles Quartet, in which Ellroy takes us into the B-side of the Hollywood world. Detectives Bucky Bleichert and Lee Blanchard have to investigate the murder of a 25-year-old girl who the press has dubbed The Black Dahlia. Despite the media uproar, political interests seem to make it impossible to solve the case. Ellroy was inspired by a real event and, at the same time, by the murder of her own mother, to create this novel.


€ 20.85

The end of the Graham Greene affair

Graham Greene was a British MI6 agent and also suffered from bipolar disorder. Both things permeate his work, since in addition to crime and mystery novels, his novels take into account the inner world of the characters. Despite the fact that there are works much more famous than this one - Our Man in Havana, The Human Factor, etc. - we have highlighted El final del affaire because it is the novel in which Greene reveals more of himself and because it is an analysis almost anatomical of romantic relationships.


€ 25.64

Series Bevilacqua and Chamorro by Lorenzo Silva

It is impossible not to get hooked on the cases –and the vital incidents– of this Civil Guard couple who have found their echo in the cinema with one of their stories, that of The Fog and the Maiden. With a Bevilacqua who is a free soul and a Chamorro who is law and efficiency in person. Now you can read them all in a row thanks to the compilation made by Editorial Destino. And if you end up with a monkey at the end, you should know that Silva has launched a new character, that of the homicide inspector Manuela Mauri, in the novel If this is a woman, written with Noemí Trujillo, which seems the beginning of a new Serie…


€ 9.45

A neighborhood novel by Francisco González Ledesma

More known by lovers of the genre than by the general public, Francisco González Ledesma is one of the great Spanish writers of crime fiction. With this novel, he won the First RBA International Noir Novel Award in 2007. His unorthodox Inspector Méndez once again takes the reins of an investigation straddling the past and the present. Méndez has to find out who has killed a criminal, who is suspected of killing a child after an armed robbery of a bank. Death's partner in misdeeds fears for his life and tells Méndez who he thinks the murderer may be, but … is it? You will have to read it to find out.


€ 11.35

Henning Mankell's Faceless Killers

Before Stieg Larsson sparked interest in the Swedish crime novel with the Millenium series, Henning Mankell was already a bestseller with his series on Inspector Wallander, which begins with this novel, Faceless Killers. Wallander faces gruesome murders, stories that erase our image of Sweden as a perfect society, as he deals with his personal problems and his tendency to drink too much …


€ 9.45

I'm not a monster by Carmen Chaparro

Yes, Carmen Chaparro is on TV, she is "famous", but that should not make you underestimate this noir with all the letters. You will fall in love with its characters, the story will hook you and it will be very very difficult for you to stop reading it. Because it is a book that hooks. Inspector Ana Arén has to face the disappearance of another child, like two years ago when little Nicolás disappeared. It seems that Slenderman has returned, but … in this novel nothing is what it seems.


€ 20.90

The truth about the Harry Quebert case by Joël Dicker

A fifteen-year-old girl disappears in the small New Hampshire town of Aurora in 1975 and is suspected of being murdered. Many years later her body was discovered in the home of Harry Quebert, a famous writers. One of her disciples and also acclaimed novelist, Marcus Goldman, decides to investigate the case to exonerate her mentor and… prepare for unexpected twists and a frenetic pace, typical of a film thriller.


€ 23.65

Camilla Läckberg's Ice Princess

Camilla Läckberg is the great female boom of Swedish noir and this novel is the first to feature her two iconic characters, true crime writer Erica Falck and police officer Patrik Hedström. In this book, Erica returns to Fjällbacka, the village of her childhood, after the death of her parents. She is trying to finish a biography for her publisher when a real crime crosses her path, that of her childhood friend, Alex Wijkner, who has apparently committed suicide by slitting her wrists in the bathtub but Erica has no doubt that they have killed … Since you're sure to devour the book to the very last page, you'll be reassured to know that the series has ten titles (and it doesn't seem to be over).


€ 18.05

Stolen Innocence from Arnaldur Indridason

Indridason won the Golden Dagger Award in 2005, establishing himself as one of the great pens of detective literature. Later, in 2013, she won the RBA Noir Novel Award. This Icelander has shown that the crime novel that comes from the cold does not happen only in Sweden, but that Iceland is also on the crime map. From his many books we have chosen Stolen Innocence because it is the one that starts the Inspector Erlendur series. In this first story, a teacher and his former student die almost at the same time after having reconnected. One death looks like a suicide and the other a murder. Inspector Erlendur will have to unravel who or what is behind these deaths.


€ 10.35

The Talent of Mr Ripely by Patricia Highsmith

Ripley is one of the most amoral characters that the crime novel has given. Highsmith surprised by making the murderer the protagonist, when in this genre detectives, policemen, even sometimes novelists, but almost always, "good guys" are. In this first case, Ripley must convince the son of a millionaire to return to his studies in the US, but … Ripley will have her own plans for him. If after this book you want to know more about the life of this fascinating character, you will find it in four more novels.


€ 9.45

The Man with the Blue Circles by Fred Vargas

With this novel, Frédérique Audoin-Rouzeau, that is to say, Fred Vargas, begins the series of one of the most iconic French detectives - with permission from Maigret - Commissioner Adamsberg, a policeman who breaks schemes, with a reasoning that borders on surrealism. In this first case, Paris sees how its sidewalks are strewn with blue circles with some abandoned object on them. But Adamsberg suspects that these circles that entertain the press and Parisians so much end in tragedy and… Adamsberg is always right.


€ 7.90

Red Mist by Patricia Cornwell

The forensic doctor Kay Scarpetta is the one who has given world fame to the writer Patricia Cornwell, one of the great ladies of the crime novel. With this novel starring Scarpetta, Cornwell won the prestigious RBA International Noir Novel Award in 2011. In Red Mist , Scarpetta is outside her laboratory and is involved, without looking for him, in a series of murders that are being committed in Savannah (Georgia) in which her niece Lucy will also be involved, who works for the FBI and the that she wants like a daughter …


€ 14.15

Ten Little Blacks by Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie is the great lady of the crime novel and surely the most successful of all time. Selecting any of its titles relegating others is still reckless. Why Ten Niggers and not Murder on the Orient Express or Murder on the Nile…? There is no reason, we cannot justify it, but… We love ten black boys. And we should not be the only ones because of all his works, he is the most sold. It is original and unexpected. Ten unknown people gather at the behest of a mysterious host on a remote island and, one by one, they are killed, as the novel says, "until there are none left."


€ 8.50

Petros Márkaris Evening News

Petros Márkaris portrays Greek society and its ins and outs using the crime novel. Kostas Jaritos, the character who has made him famous, has starred in a dozen novels, which begin with Noticias de la noche and which is a portrait of contemporary Greece. As the cases of Jaritos develop at the same time as the Greek history and the personal life of the protagonist, we have chosen this first book in case you want to get started in the universe created by Márkaris.


€ 8.50

The South Seas by Manuel Vázquez Montalbán

The most internationally recognized Spanish detective is undoubtedly Carvalho. Their stories reflect both bourgeois and scoundrel Barcelona and are framed within the history of the Spain of the Transition. Carvalho is supported by Biscuter, his assistant, Charo, his lover, and Bromuro, his confidant, a "dysfunctional" family that almost becomes the reader's "adoptive family". The first novel starring Carvalho is Yo Maté a Kennedy, from 1972, but we have selected Los mares del sur because it is the one that earned him the Planeta Prize and enshrined the character. In this novel, the detective must investigate the death of an important businessman whose corpse appears in a slum when he was supposed to be traveling to Polynesia.


€ 15.20

Maigret sets a trap by Georges Simenon

Georges Simenon is the "father" of the world's most famous French detective: Inspector Maigret. We have selected the first title of all the cases in which Maigret intervenes –78 novels and 28 short stories– because we have to start somewhere, but, as in the case of Agatha Christie, there is no story that is wasted. In Maigret he sets a trap, the inspector must catch a serial killer who has already killed five women in the Montmartre district.


€ 9.97

Dashiell Hammet's Maltese Falcon

Hammet is considered the "father" of the crime novel and, without a doubt, The Maltese Falcon is his most famous work, a classic that, if you have not read, you are already taking time to do so … The detective created by Hammet, Sam Spade has created a school. Spade and his partner are hired by a young woman who supposedly wants them to protect her sister from a suspicious guy. During the surveillance, Spade's partner and the suspect are killed and the detective must unravel who did it and the real reason they were hired.