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The easiest, healthiest and most effective weight loss diet

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Like Marta, you can find a thousand excuses to eat badly or not follow a diet: "it's my constitution", "totally, I can't do anything", "my metabolism is slow …" and you can also find a thousand stimuli to fight against them, Marta's own testimony, which we hope will encourage you to start taking care of yourself. In fact, if you are here reading this it is because somehow you are already wanting to take more care of yourself. And to help you, we want to give you the best possible tool: the easiest, healthiest and most effective weight loss diet.

  • Easy: This diet to lose weight is designed for real women, with complicated schedules, who do not have time to prepare 3 different menus a day and who want to find the ingredients in any supermarket. In addition, it is totally free, you just have to download the pdf or jpg document that you have below and follow the menus you will find in them.
  • Sana: The menus of the diet to lose weight have been designed by our nutritionist doctor, Dr. Beltrán. It is not a miracle diet, it is a plan to eat better and lose weight.
  • Effective: The menus contain ingredients to accelerate weight loss naturally, either by its satiating, diuretic or fat burning effect. With this diet to lose weight you will make your metabolism go like a motorcycle - without risking your health - so that you start burning from minute one.

The easiest and most effective weight loss diet

The menus are simple and complete and you can repeat them for up to 4 more weeks because they are very balanced and healthy.

  • Breakfasts: you have several proposals for you to select those that best suit your tastes.
  • Meals: complete and very satisfying with dishes designed so that you don't go hungry at all.
  • Between hours: we give you options for you to have a drink mid-morning and mid-afternoon if you feel like it.
  • Dinners: light and without sugars of fast absorption, so that your body rests better and accumulates less fat.

10 tricks to lose weight

  1. Eat, because starving makes you fat. If you consume less than 1,000 calories a day, your metabolism slows down and, if this is your usual way of eating, it will be more difficult for you to lose weight, whatever diet you do.
  2. Make recipes that are twice as full. For a diet to work, you have to eat less, but the "how" to do it is essential. If on your table there are appetizing dishes that enter your eyes, you will feel more satisfied. And if, in addition, they are prepared in half the time, you will be happy. For this reason, Dr. Beltrán has made sure that all the dishes that you will find in the downloadable menu are quick to prepare, filling and tasty.
  3. Eat foods that are spicy. Hot spices (chili, black pepper, cayenne, hot paprika, mustard seeds, ginger…) accelerate the rate of your metabolism because they have a thermogenic action. That is, they raise your body temperature, which causes you to burn more calories and more fat. Be careful, if you don't like spicy, you can also include other spices such as cinnamon. According to a study, consuming ¼ tablespoon of cinnamon a day speeds up metabolism.
  4. Take infusions and probiotics to avoid abdominal bloating. Normal diets usually include foods that increase abdominal bloating (fruit, lettuce, legumes). To counteract this, take anti-gas infusions for example, like the ones you'll find in our downloadable menu. In addition, Dr. Beltrán has also included foods and preparations that prevent this balloon effect, such as natural diuretics and probiotics.
  5. Includes more fish and better blue. Eating oily fish, which is rich in omega 3 fatty acids (sardines, salmon or tuna), improves your metabolism, in addition to reducing inflammation and protecting the heart. Omega-3 acids have also been seen to help reduce resistance to leptin, a hormone that facilitates weight loss by suppressing appetite. In addition to fish, nuts, avocado and chia or flax seeds are also rich in omega 3. That is why in the menu of the diet to lose weight that we propose you will find a lot of fish and nuts.
  6. Get iodine and give your thyroid a boost. An excuse to make an aperitif with prawns, anchovies or cockles is that fish and shellfish provide iodine, a very important mineral for the proper functioning of the thyroid, the gland that most influences metabolism. If the thyroid is insufficiently active, the metabolism slows down and we gain weight. But there are other foods rich in iodine, such as spinach, broccoli, garlic or onion, you will also find them in our diet to lose weight.
  7. Sign up for fat burning infusions. Such as the ginger pineapple infusion, which is prepared by infusing a slice of ginger root and then incorporating the juice of two pineapple slices. Besides speeding up the metabolism, the mixture is very cleansing and tastes delicious. Or try the chamomile cinnamon infusion sweetened with half a teaspoon of cinnamon, which helps regulate blood sugar metabolism, reducing cravings and helping to burn abdominal fat. We also propose these two infusions in our diet.
  8. Exercise because muscle consumes more fat. Exercise is the great ally of a diet to lose weight since it activates the metabolism, being able to make it up to 3 times more active. If not, look at these figures: with a sedentary life you burn 26 kcal per kilo of weight per day. If you get in shape you will burn 35-40 kcal per kilo of weight per day. This is because the muscle, to maintain itself, needs to consume more calories. In fact, even at rest, your muscles continue to burn calories. And what can you do to gain muscle? It combines cardiovascular exercise (walking, swimming, running) or exercise to burn fat with toning exercises, such as that practiced with weights or to strengthen parts of the body, such as the abdomen.
  9. Take a sauna a week. Taking a sauna revolutionizes your metabolism by forcing it to work harder to keep your body temperature stable, which contributes to burning more calories. But in addition, the sauna helps eliminate toxins, such as some of the chemicals that according to the British National Institute of Public Health cause overweight and that can affect the thyroid, the gland in charge of regulating metabolism.
  10. Sleep 1 hour more. According to a Swedish study, a night of little or interrupted sleep affects many hormones related to metabolism. For example, the levels of ghrelin, the hormone that sends hunger signals to the brain, increase and you end up eating more. In addition, sleeping more than 7-8 hours contributes to slowing down the metabolism, because the body at rest needs less energy to function.

Weight loss diet downloadable menu

These are the menus of the diet to lose weight created by Dr. Beltrán. You can download this weekly menu of the Diet to lose weight in jpg and pdf, ready to print.

Download the menu of the Diet to lose weight in pdf

Download the Diet menu to lose weight in jpg