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The Fast Weight Loss Diet That Really Works

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Gian Cescon

Summer is coming and we want to get rid of what we have been accumulating during the winter. On top of that, we wear less clothes and our roundness is more exposed, at least mine. I don't know if it happens to you too, but at this time of year I feel a little more insecure about my appearance and even annoyed. In this situation it is easy to fall into the miracle diet. But it would be a mistake for our figure and health. To avoid this, Dr. Beltrán has designed a very healthy and really effective diet to lose weight fast. It is also free and very, very easy to follow, you just have to download the jpg or pdf documents that you will find in this article. Keep reading!

Diet to lose weight fast without taking risks

We propose a very complete feeding program that is based on three phases:

  1. Debug. During the first week we will eliminate toxins and fluids with a cleansing diet and vitamin juices. You will find the downloadable menu below.
  2. Reduce. In the second week we will activate the body to burn more fat and reduce centimeters, with a hypocaloric diet.
  3. Consolidate. The goal is not to regain the lost weight. For this we will establish new habits easily and effectively.

Before you start: find your motivation!

Measure your waist before starting our program. Do it again at the end of the first phase and at the end of the second. Seeing how you reduce centimeters will help you follow this method, since you can quickly check the results. Now yes, do we start?

Phase 1: Eliminate fluids and toxins

The rest of cleansing diets are usually based on increasing fluids and reducing solid foods. That is why you can only continue for a few days, you go hungry and as soon as you return to the routine you regain the kilos. This diet to lose weight fast, on the other hand, takes into account that food also contains water and that is why it works.

To purify, you do not have to go hungry

The menus that we have devised for you, in this first phase, are full of diuretic foods, very rich in fiber and with a high water content. Thanks to this, you will not go hungry and you will feel satisfied without adding hardly any calories to your meals. In addition, the preparations are simple and very low in fat.

Improves digestion and intestinal transit

To purify the body correctly, not only do you have to eliminate fluids, you also have to reduce toxins and improve the health of the intestine. With a healthy intestine, nutrients are better assimilated, bloating is reduced and constipation is avoided. For this reason, we have included foods that strengthen the digestive system in the menus of the first week of this diet to lose weight fast.

Dessert infusions

We have chosen the most diuretic (horsetail, fucus, dandelion) since they promote the proper functioning of the liver. Taking them at the end of meals will help you improve digestion, give you an extra dose of liquid and help you avoid the temptation of sweet desserts.

Diet to lose weight fast: first week

You will love the menus of the first week because you will notice the results very quickly.

Clara tricks

how to drink more fluids

1. Add lemon to the water, it will be less tasteless
and will help you purify yourself.
2. Cold soups. Now that it's hot it's the best way to start a meal.
3. Carry a bottle of water in your bag. Small in size so it doesn't weigh. It is the best way to have it on hand.

Phase 2: Reduce fat and inches

To lose weight effectively you have to attack all fronts. Spending a fortnight or more on the same diet, besides being boring, is not effective. The body is wise and thrifty and tends to get used to it and to "compensate." When it notices that there is less food input, it goes into "store" mode and weight loss stalls.

We are going to activate your metabolism

The objective of this second phase of the diet to lose weight fast is to reactivate the weight loss. For this we have devised menus rich in proteins and good fats, which will kick start your body. We have also included foods with a thermogenic effect (yogurt, curry, black pepper, pineapple) that will help you burn more fat.

Fats removes-hunger

Most diets limit fat. Ours –on the contrary– will provide you with all the ones you need, giving priority to good fats. When your body receives the fat it needs, it releases leptin, a hormone that suppresses appetite. For this reason, in this second phase you will not go hungry either.

Anti-peck food

In addition, the menus are loaded with foods that reduce snacking and prevent hunger attacks:

  • Fish: its proteins are more filling, so we suggest you take it four times a week.
  • Chromium: It makes the diet more effective and reduces the craving for sweets.
  • Magnesium: helps reduce anxiety and control appetite.

Diet to lose weight fast: second week

With the menus of the second week you will not go hungry at all.

Phase 3: Consolidate the lost weight

Just as an extra piece of cake or a second beer can slowly lead you to overweight, there are small daily habits that can prevent it. Take note because they are easy to put into practice.

Kiwi in the morning

Kiwis are a real “bomb” of vitamin C and fiber, which gives them laxative properties. In addition, they only provide 45 kcal. They will help you eliminate fluids and avoid constipation and, therefore, to purify yourself.

Don't waste the water on vegetables

The water obtained after boiling vegetables is rich in minerals, since those contained in vegetables dissolve in it. Use it as an ingredient in soups or to prepare baked fish. It is a great way to eliminate toxins.

Recipe to compensate

When you want to make up for a binge, have a skimmed yogurt with strawberries and 2 walnuts for dinner. You will eliminate the excesses and the next day you will find yourself great.

For dessert, two slices of watermelon

You will see that it is an end of meals that we have repeated in the diet. And it is that two slices of watermelon are equivalent to a glass of water. In addition, it is very light (16 kcal per 100 g) and contains lycopene, an antioxidant that improves circulation and protects against some types of cancer.

Mid afternoon, pineapple

It is one of the lightest fruits, and thanks to its high mineral content it is also very cleansing. It is also very satisfying as it has a high fiber content. For all this, it is an excellent snack, which will help you get rid of toxins and calm your appetite until dinner time.

Get out, better in the end

We are not going to ask you to delete it entirely. What you can do is cook without salt and add it just before eating, so your taste buds will identify its flavor from the first bite.