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Instagram: the forceful response of dulceida to those who criticize her retouching


Dulceida could not take it anymore and has exploded on Instagram against those who criticize her without rhyme or reason and for the simple fact of dedicating herself to social networks. It is the great evil of influencers, the haters movement does not decline and negative comments appear in each and every one of the publications that reign on social networks, and many times without a reason or foundation.

Although Aida Domenech has already learned to live with this B-side, not so pretty, of her profession , she can boast of being one of the influencers who lives this reality with more normality and sincerity. And sometimes, as has happened this weekend, it ends up entering the 'discussion'. And it could not be clearer and more forceful.

"Self love. Love yourself, pamper yourself, perfect and imperfect, take care of yourself and do the same with the people you love ," Dulceida wrote in a publication in which she appeared in her underwear. A message full of positivity and very necessary for female empowerment that quickly had reactions, some very good and others not so much.

So a follower replied: "if you really love yourself, you don't need hyaluronic acid and botox …", in a clear criticism of the aesthetic touches that the influencer has been able to do. But Dulceida has not shut up and, free to do with her body whatever she wants and wants, she has replied : "I have dark circles and I don't want to have them, I take them off and I love myself just the same."